The Bestiality Cop by Lexi Lust

“Get on all fours,” she commanded, the cause for her malevolent grin suddenly becoming clear.

I didn’t know how I felt. Part of me—the part that had enjoyed sucking the animal’s member and drinking his cum—couldn’t wait to let the studly canine mount me. Another part—the one that held my mother’s memories—was filled with doubt. My mother had always advocated lawfulness, integrity and, above all else, an unwavering belief in the laws that governed our society. Not only was bestiality technically illegal, but letting The Bitch blackmail me went against everything my mother had fought and died for.

But it was the only way.

I threw The Bitch a hateful glance, hoping it would be enough to help hide the love of bestiality I had only just discovered I possessed. It seemed to work, because her smile broadened at the sight of my angry gaze. Taking full advantage of this, I slowly got to my hands and knees.

No sooner was I in position that the studly animal was mounting me. His front legs squeezed my waist tightly. His hind ones forced his member forward. Only when the tip stood at the mouth of my slit did he stop. He had obviously done this many times. I was wondering how many other young women had been punished in such a manner when the dog finally jerked forward.

“Fuck!” The yelp shot past my lips with such force it made my heart skip a beat. But it quickly started beating again when inch after inch of the animal’s member slid into me.

I couldn’t believe how wet I was. I had not been so aroused in months, not since my boyfriend had left me. Come to think of it, I don’t think I was ever this turned on in my entire life. Perhaps it was the perversity of bestiality. Or maybe it had to do with the knowledge that my every move was being observed by The Bitch. Either way, I was about to lose my bestial virginity and I was determined to enjoy every second of it. I just hoped I could keep my tormentor from finding out just how much I enjoyed the punishment she had chosen for me.

The dog kept pushing until his entire member had been swallowed up. Only his knot remained unattended, and that was only because it was too massive to fit into my tight pussy. The spear remained trapped inside me for a few seconds before the animal finally got to work.

Another moan shot past my lips when he started pounding me like the savage beast he had now become. His cock drilled me mercilessly, forcing my arousal level to skyrocket and beads of sweat to appear across my entire body. Simply keeping my moans contained was a constant struggle. But I was determined to keep The Bitch from finding out just how much I enjoyed her punishment.

I kept my mouth shut for far longer than I had initially anticipated. But when a powerful orgasm started growing within me, I lost all control. Powerful moans began flowing past my lips, intercut by outbursts of dirty talk I had up until then remained unaware were within me. Each penetration brought me closer to climax, each retraction doing the same. It was only a matter of time before…

“Stop!” ordered The Bitch, interrupting my train of thought.

The dog froze, cutting me off less than a second before climax. I wanted to scream in anger, but I knew that would only make things worse. I clenched my jaw and waited to see what my tormentor would do next.

She didn’t speak. Instead, she grabbed the German Shepherd by the collar and forced him off of me. It took all the strength I had just to keep from groaning in disappointment. But I had regained control of my emotions and, now more than ever, I was determined to keep The Bitch from knowing how I truly felt about bestiality.

My resolve wavered as soon as my canine lover was allowed to mount me again. I felt the tip of his member bounce around for a while. It wasn’t until I felt something brush against my ass that I realized The Bitch had one of her chubby hands wrapped around the manhood. I wondered what she was up to until the tip of the cock pressed against one of my orifices.

It wasn’t my pussy.

My eyes widened in shock and my lips parted. Before I could say a single word, the studly animal jerked forward, sending his member flying deep into my ass. Deeper and deeper in travelled until every last inch had been swallowed up.

I remained frozen in place. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I had been with two men in my life, both of which had begged me to let them penetrate me from behind. But I had always refused. It had nothing to do with the taboo of anal. The fact was, I had always wanted to try it, yet the thought had always terrified me. For you see, my pussy was tight, but my asshole was even tighter. I had always been terrified that letting a lover penetrate my rectum would leave me in a constant state of pain. Nonetheless, I had always fantasized about it. Unfortunately, the decision had just been made for me.

The German Shepherd started pounding me, each one of his thrusts sending a shocked gasp flying past my lips. At first, I thought the cries were that of pain, but as the drilling intensified and the seconds ticked by, I realized they were actually infused with lust.

I was stunned. After all those years spent dreading this moment, I now realized it was something I should have tried long ago. But deep down, I was kind of happy my first animal lover was the one to take my anal virginity. It would make the experience that much more special and ensure I remembered it for the rest of my life.

I thought about trying to keep The Bitch from finding out just how much I enjoyed her punishment, but the arousal coursing through my veins made such a thing impossible. I started to moan, my lustful cries echoing throughout the gymnasium. I didn’t know how The Bitch would react and I didn’t care. All that mattered was the orgasm growing with me. All I could do was moan at the top of my lungs and hope my tormentor didn’t deny me climax yet again.

She didn’t. She just stood there, watching as the studly dog pounded me into the ground. But I held strong, refusing to be drilled into submission. I kept fighting until my orgasm finally reached its apex.

And just like that, I was coming. One second I was moaning at the top of my lungs as my canine lover rode me furiously. The next I was squirting all over the place, my cum streaking down my thighs in a frenzied race to the floor.

I had never come this hard. Perhaps it was the bestiality. Perhaps it was the anal. Or perhaps it was knowing that The Bitch’s punishment had failed. All I knew was that I had just discovered a new reason why I loved dogs above all other animals.

My orgasm raged on for what felt like an eternity. So did my lover’s. He continued to ride me, his cock convulsing inside of me and squirt after squirt shooting out of it. It felt incredible inside my overstuffed rectum. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced and I loved every second of it.

The animal eventually tired, his thrusts diminishing in intensity until his member finally popped out of me. Suddenly aware of how exhausted I was, I struggled to remain upright. I only lasted a few seconds before my limbs gave out and I crashed to the ground.


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