The Bestiality Cop by Lexi Lust

I don’t know how long it took me to recover. All I know is that one second I was panting heavily and the next I was struggling to sit up. Now that I had been allowed to climax, I had finally come down from my sexual high. But against all odds, I didn’t feel ashamed by what I had done. I didn’t know if it was because I had been blackmailed into doing it or because I truly enjoyed having sex with animals, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that my plan had worked.

When my eyes finally fluttered open, a large smile curled my lips.

“Why are you smiling?” asked The Bitch, clearly confused by my lack of shame.

I didn’t answer. I just kept smiling.

“Why the fuck are you smiling?” she growled.

My smile turned into laughter, which only angered The Bitch further. She started yelling, demanding to know why I was so happy. When that failed, she threatened to fail me unless I stopped laughing. I ignored her and kept chuckling.

By the time my giggles finally died down, she was hysterical. Her face had turned a bright shade of red and her eyes seemed about to pop. Almost feeling bad for her, I chose to finally reveal the cause for my laughter.

Standing up, I casually strolled toward the neatly folded pile of clothes. Ignoring the garments, I grabbed my purse and plunged my hand into it. Fumbling around for a few seconds, I found what I was looking for. Wrapping my fingers around it, I pulled my fist out and turned to face The Bitch.

“This,” I said, opening my hand to reveal the small device that lay within, “is why I was laughing.”

The Bitch’s eyes widened in a disbelief as she recognized the item. It was small, black and had a flashing red light. It was an audio recorder and it had recorded every single word spoken since my arrival.


I thought long and hard about the offer made to me by the bitch, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find a single reason why she had offered to let me retake the final examination. The only logical explanation was that she had something planned. Something designed to make me pay for humiliating her in front of the entire class. Something so horrific I would be scarred for the rest of my life.

I didn’t know what she had planned, but I knew it was most likely illegal. That was what inspired me to trick her into incriminating herself. There was no way to know what she would do, but it was my one and only chance as seeing my dreams come true. As an added bonus, if she said anything incriminating enough, I could use the recording to blackmail her into resigning from the police force.

Given everything she had just put me through, there was no doubt in my mind I now had complete power over her. As soon as her initial shock faded, The Bitch made a move for the recorder, but I pulled my hand back before she could even get near it. She took a threatening step forward me, but a quick punch to the stomach sent her tumbling to the ground. The Bitch was horribly out of shape and the odds of her winning a fist fight were slim to none. She seemed to be aware of this, because she didn’t try anything else.

“What do you want?” she snarled as soon as her breath had returned.

I wanted to enjoy this moment, but I simply didn’t have it in me to me that cruel. The Bitch may have been the worst kind of bully, but deep down, she was just a little girl afraid to admit to the world—and herself—that she was a lesbian. Still, she had done horrible things and it was my duty as a police officer to keep her from inflicting any more harm.

“I want you to resign,” I said. It was simple and to the point. No emotion involved.

The Bitch glared at me, but nodded nonetheless. She knew I could ruin her life by sending a simple email with a certain MP3 attachment.

“Is that all?” she asked. I could tell it was killing her, but I didn’t care. She deserved far worse than this.

“Actually, there is,” I said. “I want you to call the captain and tell him I passed.”

I felt a little guilty for using the situation for personal gain, but I knew I would have passed the final examination with flying colors had it not been for this pathetic woman’s unjustified hatred of me.

I could tell The Bitch hated being manipulated in such a way, but it was also obvious she had no choice but to agree to my condition. She nodded.

And just like that, everything was set right. The Bitch’s tyrannical reign of terror was finally over. As an added bonus, I now had a guarantee I would be accepted into the K-9 unit. If I wasn’t, I could always remind The Bitch what she risked to lose. But I could tell she wouldn’t risk public dishonor and possible jail time just to get back at me.

I took my time getting dressed, all the time keeping an eye on the former K-9 unit instructor. But she didn’t move once. Not even when I turned tail and strode toward the exit.

When I reached the door, I realized I had one last thing to tell her.

“By the way,” I said as I glanced back at her. “You’re a lesbian.”

The next day, I got an unexpected call. It was the captain, calling to personally let me know I had been accepted into the K-9 unit. He also informed me of The Bitch’s unexpected resignation. When asked if I knew anything about it, I lied and claimed it was the first I heard of it. Since he didn’t contradict me, I assumed The Bitch had kept her promise.

I soon realized that was not entirely true. Like I had asked, she had given me a passing grade on my final examination and handed in her resignation. But she had also spoken so highly of me—no doubt in an attempt to keep me from accusing her of sabotage—that the captain had picked me as her replacement.

I couldn’t believe it. Never before had a rookie to the K-9 unit been offered the job, let alone one who was fresh out of the academy. I was overwhelmed, but also incredibly flattered. At first I thought of turning it down, refusing to believe I was the best choice for the job. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Not only could I keep all future K-9 trainees from being mistreated, but I would be fulfilling my dream of combing my love of police work and my love of animals. It would keep me close to my mother while letting me spend every hour of the day with studly dogs who were just as starved for sex as I was. It was, in ever sense of the word, the perfect job for me.


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