The Bestiality Twins – Part 1: The Puppy by barbielez

“Wow!” also gasped Candy when the birthday girls erupted into the dining room. The only difference was that her exclamation was not a result of the feast that stood atop the table; hers was due to her daughters’ skimpy outfits. She could not help but look the twins up and down, stunned at just how much they had grown. It felt like just yesterday that she was taking them to town for their first day of school. However, their breathtaking appearance made it clear they were no longer kids.

“Happy birthday, girls,” she said as she opened her arms. The twins ran over and dove into their parent’s embrace. After a quick three-way hug, Candy pulled away and deposited a birthday kiss upon each of her children’s lips. Although it was the first time their mother kissed them on the lips, the sisters were far too eager to dig into the feast before them to notice.

“Thanks, mom,” they said in unison as they literally dove into her ocean of food before them.

And that was the last thing Candy heard from her daughters. At least, until they had ingested so much food their stomachs had swollen to twice their usual size.

Groaning as they stood, the twins left what remained of the feast behind and shuffled into the living room. Dropping to the couch like ripe apples falling from the tree, they began their next birthday tradition. Unlike the first, this one would last most of the day.

It had all started thirteen years ago when they had received the very first installment in the seemingly never-ending series of animated Barbie movies. Since the main character wore the same name as them, they instantly fell in love with the movie. Because of this, each year on their birthday, the twins would receive that year’s new installments. Each time, they would start with the first movie in the series and work their way up to the newest additions to their ever-growing collection. Unfortunately, that was no longer possible as there now were over twenty-five installments in the series. As a result, they had been forced to make a compromise. For the past few years, the twins would begin their movie marathon with the most recent installments before moving on to their favorites.

So Barbie and Barby spent the rest of the day glued to the TV, stopping only for the occasional bathroom break. It was not until the time had come for their birthday dinner that the twins finally retreated from the living room. After ingesting surprising amounts of shepherd’s pie—also known as their favorite meal of all times—Barbie and Barby were presented with the customary birthday cake. Each year, Candy baked a special cake for the occasion. One half was covered in orange icing and the other in pink frosting. A total of thirty-six candles stood atop the cake, illuminating the living room like never before.

“Happy birthday!” said Candy as she set the cake before the giddily smiling birthday girls. After sharing a quick glance and nodding in agreement, they inhaled deeply and blew out the candles, officially putting an end to their eighteenth birthday. Well, almost. There was still one last birthday tradition to take care of.

After ingesting an impressive three pieces of cake each, the twins decided to retire for their room for the customary game of dare or dare. Had they not been so eager to complete the final tradition of their teenage years, the twins may have found it odd their mother had forgotten the birthday surprise she usually prepared for them.

However, Candy had not forgotten. But unlike the previous years, she had decided to wait a little before giving her beloved daughters the final present of the day. For you see, that year’s birthday surprise was the biggest one to date and Candy wanted to make sure the moment was perfect before unveiling it. As a result, she had decided to first let the twins complete their yearly game of dare or dare.

And that was exactly what the twins were getting ready to do. Upon reaching their room, they did not even bother closing the door before diving onto the bed. Still recovering the massive amounts of food they had only just ingested, they gave each other a few moments of rest before getting down to business.

“So, are you ready?” asked Barbie after a few minutes.

There was a brief moment of silence during which the twins sat up.

“I don’t know…” started Barby, but never finished.

Her sister was totally confused. They had not missed a game of dare or dare in years. Why start now?

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well… Aren’t we getting a little old for this?” wondered Barby.

Of course, Barbie knew exactly what her sister meant, but seeing how they had spent the entire day watching Barbie movies, she found her sibling’s sudden change of attitude rather curious. Fortunately, she soon came up with a solution.

“We could come up with a new, updated version,” she proposed. After all, they were now adults, so it made sense they come up with new traditions. Or at least put a new twist on old ones.

“All right,” immediately agreed Barby.

Within a few minutes, the twins had come up with a new version of dare or dare. Although quite similar the old one, a few minor details had been changed. Now, each twin had half an hour to dare their sister to do anything she pleased. However, she had to be careful or she would regret it once her half hour came to end. The only rule that now remained was that whoever was being dared had no choice but to complete the dare given to her. Satisfied, they flipped a coin to determine who would begin first.

Barby came out victor and started with a few innocent dares. There were prank calls, silly costumes and other such things. Unfortunately, Barbie made sure to repay her sister in kind my making fun of her childish dares. In an attempt to raise the bar, Barby dared her twin to eat an olive—Barbie absolutely detested olives—lick her feet and pretty much every other disgusting thing she could think of. Unfortunately, Barbie would not let her sibling see her squirm and continued pretending none of the things she was being forced to do bothered her in the least.

Desperate to find something truly disgusting for her victim to do, Barby glanced around the room. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. At least, not until she spotted the family puppy trot past their open bedroom door.

“Hornier,” she called out as she leapt off the bed and hurried out of the room. Although odd, the young canine’s name actually made perfect sense. For you see, his father had the annoying habit of humping everything in sight and thus wore the name of Horny. As a result, his son inherited the name Hornier.

Moments after vanishing from sight, Barby returned with the Doberman Pinscher puppy in her arms. Closing the bedroom door with her foot, she strolled up to the bed and dumped the animal onto it.

Barbie could not help but wonder why her sister had decided to incorporate the family puppy into their game, yet took a few moments to study the animal before her. Although massive, the six-month-old canine was only half the size of his father. Still, he stood at a foot and half in height and weighed a little over fifty pounds. Black and brown, he was identical to his father at that age, down to his rather irritating humping habits. However, the twins were about to discover humping is not always a bad thing…

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