The Bestiality Twins – Part 1: The Puppy by barbielez

“It’s my turn,” was Barbie’s answer. Although simple, it was enough to bring a shocked expression to her twin’s face.

“Uh-oh!” thought Barby as she realized she was now at her sister’s mercy. And given everything she had but Barbie through, there was no doubt in the virgin’s mind it would be sexual in nature. Watching her twin have sex with a dog was one thing, but performing bestial acts of her own was quite another. Unfortunately, Barby never got a chance to address her concerns. For you see, Barbie was now voicing her first dare.

“I dare you to…

To be continued in Part 2…


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. A new fantasy will be published each week, so make sure to check back every so often.

Have a horny day,

Barbie Lez

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