The Girl’s Dragon Part I by Drake Richards

“What are those?” he asked through the haze. Ytha gave him another one of her strange looks.

“You really, honestly, don’t know?”


“You’ve never seen them before?”

“There is only my waste-thing there,” he explained. “Where did these rods come from?”

In response, Ytha reached up and ran a finger across the length of one of the rods. A surge of pleasure shot up and down the Scale’s body, and he hissed low and quick. “What did you do?” he asked Ytha when the feeling had passed.

“This is your manhood, Hatib. It’s a tool in mating, usually. But this is so different-” Her hand went up again, and she stroked the other shaft, sending sparks flying through the Scale’s body and causing his legs to twitch beneath him. “But then, you’ve never really seen one.”

“Am I to stay like this forever?” The Scale asked frantically.

Ytha frowned and shifted back slightly. “I think that it just goes away after a while for most men.” She stared curiously at his rods as they pulsed heavily, secreting a clear ooze from their tips. “But I don’t know what will happen with you.”

“I cannot sleep like this!” the Scale huffed.

Enna frowned and bit her lower lip. “There is one thing we could try.” Slowly, she extended her arm towards the shafts. The back of her hand brushed against the leftmost rod, causing it to jump. “You came from the earth, not any woman, and so did all of your brothers.” Her delicate fingers wrapped themselves around the tip of one shaft. “You’re probably the first Scale in history to have felt this.” Ytha stroked her hand along the length of the swollen rod, and the Scale felt his knees buckle in response. A new sensation filled his mind as she worked. He panted heavily, feeling spasms of pleasure run up and down the shaft and along his back.

The Scale’s entire body suddenly tensed, his legs shaking uncontrollably. A stream of fluid shot out from both of the rods extending out of him, covering Ytha and filling the air with another new scent. The Scale’s mind burst with color, his body trembled with excitement, stars flew before his eyes, and he could feel himself rumbling and growling.

The Scale opened his eyes- he did not realize that he had closed them- and he looked up to see Ytha leaning over him. She was covered in long lines of some sort of white goo which contrasted sharply with her dark skin. She smelled like him, for some reason. He drew in a long breath. “What did you do?”

“Sorry, Hatib; I didn’t know that would happen. You climaxed, then just fell over. It’s completely normal, aside from the fainting. Are you okay?”

The Scale breathed in again, tasting the smell of Ytha mixed with his own scent. He flexed his body all over, feeling for any injury, but nothing obvious was out of place. He felt something twitch between his legs, and Ytha jumped.

“I guess that wasn’t enough,” Ytha said, turning behind her.

“What do you mean?”

Ytha lifted herself, straddling the Scale, and he saw the rods sticking straight up underneath her. He groaned. “Will they never go down again?” he lamented.

“They go down eventually,” Ytha said soothingly, “but I hear that if men don’t get a release, they can get hurt.”

“And how do I get this release?”

Ytha bit her lip and smiled at him in the moonlit room. “There is one more thing we could try.” She reached down and gripped the Scale gingerly, causing him to twitch slightly. Ytha began to lower herself, guiding one of the shafts to the slit between her legs.

“I don’t see how crushing it will help,” the Scale quipped.

Ytha hung there above him, then looked him in the eyes. He could feel her heartbeat thumping along with his own, their breaths drawing together. “Hatib?” she asked.

“What is it?”

Ytha leaned downward carefully, using one hand to steady herself on his chest. “Kiss me.” Her lips planted themselves upon the tip of his snout.


Ytha pushed herself up again and huffed. “Just stick your tongue in my mouth and follow your instincts.” She leaned forward again, opening her mouth over his own.

“I will do as you ask, Ytha.”

Hatib’s tongue flicked out over Ytha’s lips, then coiled into her mouth. She sucked on its rough surface, and twirled her own tongue about his. As he pondered Ytha’s sweetness, he felt a pressure against his rods, then an engulfing sensation, as if they were being squeezed tightly. Hatib hissed as the pressure moved downward, and he heard Ytha whimper against him. Slowly, inch by inch, the warm, wet sensation spread throughout his loins as Ytha took him inwards. She would stop for a time, catch her breath, then continue, until finally he felt her hips rest upon her own. She lay on his chest, sweating and panting. He felt his rods, one within Ytha who pulsed along its length, and one pressed between them.

“We are one now,” Ytha said huskily.

Hatib lay beneath her in ecstasy. His mind swirled with the new sensations, feeling his own members jerking with each movement Ytha made. Ytha began to move back upwards, slowly. He could feel a sucking sensation against his rod, and he could hear Ytha making low moaning sounds.

Hatib rolled his head in pleasure, only just noticing a red haze filling his vision. His body grew hot, and his heart began to race within his chest. He felt Ytha reach his tip, then begin to descend again. She is too slow, he thought. Hatib didn’t know where the thought had come from, but he growled low and sat up suddenly, grabbing Ytha by her waist.

“Hatib?” she yelped, but he ignored her. The Scale pushed her over, sprawling Ytha upon her back, and began to thrust rapidly in and out of her slit. Ytha screamed softly and began to pant as the Scale shoved all of his eight inches into her. He began to relish the loud squelching and sucking sounds which she made, and barely noticed when she convulsed underneath him and tightened about the shaft inside of her, continuing to pound in and out of her with unrelenting speed. Ytha was screaming freely now, but not in fear. At the edge of his hearing, the Scale could barely make out cries of “More!” and “Harder!”, which he graciously obliged.

A pressure began to build within him, at the base of his rods, and the Scale grunted savagely. With one final push, he stabbed into Ytha and felt hot fluid pour into Ytha’s stomach as more of the stuff spewed over her front out of his freely swinging shaft. She moaned, and he could feel her channel pulsing rapidly around him again.

As the flow of fluid subsided, Hatib felt his senses return to him. Ytha lay on the floor, covered in his juices, panting and moaning. Hatib pulled himself out of her, noticing his rods beginning to soften, and leaned over her. “Are you alright, Ytha?”

“I’m fine,” she gasped.

“I am sorry. I do not know what happened to me. I will leave now, that I may not hurt you again.” Hatib began to rise, but Ytha quickly reached up and grabbed onto his arm.

“No!” she exclaimed. “Please, stay.”

Hatib shook his head. “I cannot. What you have shown me made me lose control of my own self. I cannot let that happen again.”

“Hatib, I’m fine, really! You didn’t hurt me at all, see?” Ytha turned her side to him and pointed at her waist.

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