The ZOOphilia Chronicles – Part 1: The Cat by barbielez

But the situation still remained dire. Maybe she had not been raped, but she was still being held captive in this weird zoo and there was no telling what her kidnapper wanted. But she was not about to stick around and find out. Dropping the now empty bowl of raspberries, she headed for the first door she came across. A large “7” could be seen shining bright upon it, but Barbie was more interested in the handle.

“Dammit!” she swore. It was locked. But she was not about to give up. She spent the next few minutes going from door to door. Unfortunately, they were all locked. To make things worse, she soon discovered the zoo entrance had been sealed up by a tall black wall. It was identical to the walls that now fenced the habitats, with the only difference that it stood at twice their height. And as if that was not bad enough, it ran the entire perimeter of the zoo, thus trapping Barbie inside.

Growing more and more desperate with every passing second, Barbie continued trying the different doors. But they were all locked. All except one.

It was not until she finally reached the door marked with a large “1” that hope returned to her. A wide smile curled her lips when the handle turned in her hand. But the grin faded the second she pulled the door open.

“Oh my god!” she gasped as a blinding, bright-pink light emanated from within the habitat. It was so powerful Barbie has to shield her eyes to keep from being blinded. But that was of little use as the mysterious light grew brighter and brighter. Before long, it got so intense she was forced to close her eyes. Unfortunately, the light was only the first in a series of impossible events.

Now blind, Barbie fumbled around in the hopes of closing the door. Unfortunately, she never got that far. All she had time to do war outstretch her arms before she felt some supernatural force grab hold of her. Barbie was not quite sure what was happening, but one thing was certain; she was being dragged into the habitat by whatever power had seized her. She struggled for a few seconds, but it was useless. She was being dragged forward and nothing she did would change that. Fortunately, it was not meant to last.

“Thank god!” she gasped when she heard the door slam behind her. Immediately, whatever had grabbed hold of her let go.

Barbie stood there, trembling in fear for a few seconds before working up the courage to open her eyes. Fortunately, the blinding light was gone. Unfortunately, her surroundings had once again changed. But not because she had been dragged into the habitat by a mysterious force, it was because she had not.

Barbie’s heart beat madly in her chest as she glanced around, only to realize she was standing on the staircase of what appeared to be an old house. Sure enough, the rough, grainy planks that made up the walls and the ancient fixtures made it clear this house belonged to another century. But that was not the weirdest part. All around her, be it on the staircase, on the upper floor or on the lower one, stood cats. And not just a few. Hundreds. Thousands!

Oddly, Barbie was not frightened by this. But that was only because there was something about her current surroundings that felt off. It took her a few moments, but she eventually figured it out. It was not until she glanced down at herself that it all fell into place.

“Oh my god!” she gasped, stunned that she even had the strength to say anything at all. That was how freaky her realization was. But she refused to believe any of it was true until she could prove it. Glancing around, she soon located a large mirror hanging from one of the downstairs walls. Hurrying down the stairs, she ran up to it.

“Oh no!” she gasped as she peered at her reflection. But her exclamation had nothing to do with the fact that she was now naked from head to toe. For you seen, what she saw proved her worst fears. She was not going crazy; both she and the world around her was animated. And not the crappy, 2D animation only five-year-old like, but photorealistic, computer-generated 3D animation!

But as impossible as this all was, it was not the oddest part. Although she knew it had to be her, the image that peered back at her from within the mirror was not the one she was used to seeing. It was still her, but everything about her had been augmented. She used to be hot, but now she was the hottest woman in the world. Or wherever she now was.

Her naturally blonde hair had been turned platinum blonde and a few bright-pink highlights had been added. Her lips were fleshier, her nose thinner and her eyes were now such a bright shade of blue they almost seemed to glow. What little fat she used to have had been replaced by muscle, giving her the physique of a gymnast. At least when it came to her now surprisingly thin waist. But her firm, D-Cup boobs and equally taut, bouncy ass seemed to belong more to a porn star. The only thing that seemed unchanged was her tight, virgin pussy. Of course, the peach fuzz that used to cover it was gone, leaving it smooth as a baby’s behind. But all of this paled in comparison to the final detail. Seemingly hovering between her pussy and navel now stood a large, bright-pink tattoo. Shaped like the lesbian symbol, it fit the lesbian virgin’s personality with utter perfection.

“What is going on?” wondered Barbie aloud as she tore her gaze away from the mirror and once more studied her surroundings, her animated surroundings. Had she been forced to describe the experience, the young woman would have said it felt like being inside the most realistic video game in the world. Unfortunately, it was not a game. Just in case, she tried pinching herself a few more times, but, as expected, nothing happened.

The next step was to try and find a way out. Glancing around, she soon spotted the front door standing at the far end of the hall she now found herself in. Hurrying over to it, she yanked it open, only to find…


“What the fuck?” wondered Barbie as she realized the house she found herself in was floating space. Okay, perhaps not actual space, but definitely a vast emptiness. But as bizarre as this was, it only slightly surprised the now busty blonde. After everything she had just been through, nothing could surprise her anymore. Or so she thought…

“Who are you?” asked a voice behind her.

Jumping a foot into the air, Barbie was almost sent flying out into the infinite darkness. When her feet once again made contact with the floor, she quickly closed the door and turned around to find…

Once again, there was nothing in sight. That is, unless you take into account the dozens of cats that filled the corridor before the naked, animated teen. But if there were only cats, where had the voice come from?

“Who are you?” asked the voice again. The tone was surprisingly soft and obviously belonged to a woman. And even more bizarre, it sounded familiar. Almost as if she had heard it before. Of course, she knew that was impossible. Then again, a voice had just come out of thin air, so who was she to say what was weird and what was not? Still, a voice without a body was quite odd.

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