The ZOOphilia Chronicles – Part 1: The Cat by barbielez

“Unless…” thought Barbie as she focused on the cats before her. Sure enough, the closest one suddenly peered up at her.

“Who are you?” asked the cat for the third time.

Barbie’s jaw dropped open and her eyes widened in surprise. In fact, it was a veritable miracle she did not pass out. Luckily, she remained conscious and just stared at the talking cat, jaw dropped and wide eyed.

“Can you please blink?” asked the cat after almost a minute. “It’s kind of creepy.”

Barbie realized she had not moved a muscle since figuring out the cat could talk. Shaking herself out of her shocked state, she blinked a few times before focusing on the feline before her. He was black from head to toe and rather large for a cat. But besides that, he looked like every other cat there. The only thing setting him apparent was his ability to speak.

“Wh… what are you?” asked Barbie.

The cat hissed.

“What?” he asked, obviously insulted. “What do you take me for? An animal?”

All Barbie found to do was nod.

The cat seemed to calm down when he realized he had perhaps overreacted just a tad. After all, he was an animal. Gathering his composure, he answered the teen’s question. Sort of.

“I don’t have a name, but you can call me Pussy if you like. I’m a talking cat and I’m here to help you,” said the cat.

Barbie took a few seconds to digest all the information.

“Help me with what?” she eventually asked.

Pussy chuckled.

“Help you get out of here. Duh!”

Barbie felt an eager smile curl her lips. Unfortunately, it soon vanished when she discovered just how Pussy was planning on helping her escape this animated world.

“Let’s have sex,” said the cat, matter-of-factly.

“What?” almost yelled Barbie. Although surprised by the unexpected proposition, it was not the reason for her surprise. Even if she decided to accept her new acquaintance’s offer, not that she was planning on doing this any time soon, she wondered how such a thing would be possible. After all, the black feline standing before her had the voice of a woman and a name that was in no way masculine in origin. Unfortunately, Pussy was not pleased by the young woman’s assumptions.

“I’m a male!” he almost yelled moments after Barbie had brought her confusion to his attention. “See?” he added as he lifted up one of his hind legs to reveal a surprisingly large and seemingly fully-erect manhood.

“Sorry!” apologized Barbie upon realizing her mistake.

Fortunately, Pussy was quite driven and would not let such an insult keep him from doing his job.

“So, now that we’re on the same page, can we have sex?”

Of course, the teen’s answer was a resounding, “No!”

Pussy seemed confused for a second. But then remembered Barbie was not up to date on the rules of the game she was playing.

“Follow me,” said the feline as he trotted off. Barbie was so overwhelmed by the increasingly bizarre situation that she did not question the order. The animated cat led the young woman up the stairs and the two of them soon entered one of the upstairs bedrooms. There they found an old-fashioned bed and matching couch. Pussy hopped up onto the bed and Barbie joined him moments later.

“So,” began Pussy, “What do you know about what is happening?”

“Nothing,” was the teen’s first response. But an eye roll from Pussy told her she had to be more specific. So she told him everything she had just been through.

“All right,” said the talking feline once the teen had finished her tale, “I see you have much to learn.” And with that, he began explaining just what was happening to the young woman.

Unfortunately, he knew nothing about the zoo where the busty blonde’s weird adventures had begun. Fortunately, he was an expert on everything related to the house she now found herself in. He had spent his entire life in this house. He did not remember his parents and did not even know if he had any. All he knew was that from time to time, a young woman would appear seemingly out of nowhere. The first time it had happened, he was terrified to meet another living being with the ability to speak. However, it did not take long before they became friends. Eventually, friendship turned into something else. But, moments after they had sex, the young woman was swallowed up by a bright-pink light, never to be seen again. Obviously, he had no way to prove this, but Pussy was convinced she had been sent back to the zoo she had spoken of when first they had met.

Because of the traumatic experience, Pussy had tried to keep his animalistic urges in check the next time a young woman was sent to the house. But after a week or so, she could no longer bear the starvation and begged Pussy to free her. Like the first, she vanished moments after they were done having sex. And so did the dozen other women the followed.

Of course, Barbie’s first reaction was repulsion at the through of all those young woman having sex with an animal. But she could not really blame Pussy; he was just doing what he thought was best.

“So, want to have sex now?” he asked, interrupting her reflection.

“Hell no!” was her obvious reply.

“Why not?”

Of course, Barbie had half a dozen reasons to pick from, but she chose the most personal one.

“I’m still a virgin,” she explained. At least she hoped she was.

“So?” asked Pussy with a shrug, “They all were.”

Barbie’s first reaction was relief. If her predecessors were all virgins, it went to reason that she too was still innocent. Her second thought was that over a dozen young women being forced to lose their virginities to a talking cat was most definitely not a coincidence. Unfortunately, she had no idea what any of it meant. So, instead of wasting time on such things, she decided to summarize the situation.

“So, my only options are to stay here and starve to death or have sex with you and get sent god knows where. Right?”

Pussy nodded.

Unfortunately, that was not the answer she had been hoping for. But it was the only answer she got and she would have to live with it. And live with it she did for the next few days.

Categorically refusing to do anything sexual with Pussy, the young woman spent her days getting to know her new friend. The feline had led a rather unusual life and the busty blonde was happy to listen to him for hours on end. But as the hours turned into days, hunger and thirst became an issue.

It was not until the third day that she finally realized something. If she wanted to survive, she would have to have sex with Pussy. As repulsed as she was at the thought of losing her virginity to an animal, the concept of dying in this house was more terrifying.

“All right!” she finally agreed. She had just returned from her daily walk and found Pussy lying on the bed.

“You mean you want to…” he started as he jumped up, an eager expression plastered across his face.

“Yes,” nodded Barbie. She could not help but cringe before adding, “Let’s have sex.” With that, she took a seat on the bed next to her lover-to-be.

Unfortunately, she soon realized she had no idea how to proceed.

“What now?” she asked.

“Kissing is always a good place to start,” offered the obviously horny feline.

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