The ZOOphilia Chronicles – Part 1: The Cat by barbielez

Barbie nodded wearily. She had barely slept over the last few days and was feeling exhausted. Of course, her dry throat and constantly rumbling stomach did not help either. So it was with a sigh of relief that she let herself fall backward onto the bed.

Moments later, Pussy hoped up onto her and positioned himself so his head hovered mere inches above hers. Barbie could feel the feline’s paws on her body and realized the implications of what she was about to do. She was about to lose her virginity to a cat! Unfortunately, it was the only course of action available to her, so she closed her eyes and puckered up.

“Mmmmm!” she could not help but moan blissfully as she felt Pussy’s tongue slide past her lips. But the moan had nothing to do with arousal. It was a result of the feline’s saliva being transferred to her mouth as a result of the interspecies kiss. It was the first time in over a day that her mouth was not completely dry. Encouraged by this notion, she wiggled her tongue around and started kissing her feline lover. It took a few seconds, but the increasingly passionate tongue dance eventually forced the teen’s salivary glands to start working again. Moments later, her mouth was lubricated and her tongue slipped and slid around alongside her lover’s.

“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie again as the interspecies kiss continued. But once her mouth was no longer dry as dust, she realized she was actually making out with a cat. Freaking out, she broke the kiss.

“I can’t do this,” she said.

Fortunately, Pussy was not about to let her off that easy.

“Don’t worry. I will take care of you,” he assured her.

“Are you sure?”

The feline nodded reassuringly.

“Just trust me.”

Barbie hesitated for a second, but finally nodded.

A smile appeared on the feline’s lips as he proceeded. Backing away until he stood on the teen’s stomach, the horny teen focused on her nipples. Not wasting a second, he picked one at random and, tongue outstretched, lowered his head.

“Mmmmm!” could not help but moan Barbie. To her utter surprise, the moan was not that of repulsion, but arousal. At least, she assumed it was arousal. After all, it was the first time she had sex with an animal and the feelings that now filled her were some she had never before felt. But she soon forgot all about that when she realized something she had previously omitted to take into consideration.

Like all felines, Pussy’s tongue was covered in dozens of small barbs. Although they were designed to help cats lap up water, it did wonders on the busty blonde’s nipples. Luckily, that helped the teen deal with the arousal that started to trickle into her bloodstream. But still she fought it. That is, until Pussy pulled away from her now rock-hard nipples and instead focused on her pussy.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned again. This time, there was no denying it, she was horny. Her first instinct was to fight it, but her view on the subject changed when she realized the arousal that continued to grow within her would help her bear through the repulsion she still felt as a result of performing her first bestial acts. So she gave in to the perversity of the situation and started moaning loudly.

“Oh yes!” she moaned as Pussy’s tongue darted back and forth across her engorged labia. She could feel her pussy growing wetter with every passing second and all this teasing soon became too much for her to handle. Reaching down, she slipped two fingers past her labia. Moments later, she was furiously finger fucking her pre-cum-filled pussy. Luckily, Pussy continued licking her labia, thus forcing her arousal level to constantly rise.

“Faster! FASTER!” she begged, now having fully given in to the perversity of bestiality. Luckily, Pussy was all too happy to increase the speed of his licks. However, it was the ferocious finger fucking session she performed upon herself that sent her tumbling over the edge.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she shrieked when she felt the powerful orgasm that had been growing within her explode. Her pussy started to shake and shiver. Moments later, her first wave of cum flew up her pussy. Gushing past her fingers, the sweet nectar squirted past her lower lips. Most of it was sent flying high into the air, but a small percentage found its way into the feline’s mouth.

“Mmmmm!” he moaned in that feminine voice of his as he ingested the sweet nectar. Although he had tasted over a dozen different orgasmilks, Barbie’s was by far the sweetest. So he did his best to ingest as much of the gooey liquid as possible as wave after wave of it was released.

But only a minimal amount of the cum found its way into his digestive system, the rest being sent flying high into the air. Splitting into tiny drops, the sweet nectar rained down upon the interspecies couple, covering them in an ever thickening layer of cum. Had Barbie not been so busy moaning at the top of her lungs, she would surely have been stunned at just how mush cum she was producing. Especially given how she had not eaten or drunk anything in the last three days.

It took the better part of a minute, but the teen’s final wave finally oozed out of her pussy. Her fingers slipped out and her arm fell limply at her side. She spent the next few minutes gasping for air like a dog on a hot day… or a young woman having just experienced the most powerful orgasm of her life.

Pussy spent his human lover’s recovery period licking the cum that clung to his fur. By the time the teen finally found the strength to sit, he was once more free of cum. Unfortunately, he was now faced with another problem; Barbie had now come down from her sexual high and was freaking out.

“Oh my god!” she gasped as she glanced around at her cum-covered surroundings. Had she not been so busy freaking out, she would surely have noticed the massive amounts of orgasmilk she had produced were bright pink. Of course, it was no stranger than a talking cat or a house floating in space. But all of that was irrelevant because the busty blonde was still busy overreacting.

“I can’t believe I just lost my virginity to a cat!” she gasped.

Of course, Pussy knew better than to take the remark personally. Still, the tone in which it was voiced made it hard for him to stay centered. Luckily, it was not his first rodeo and he managed to keep calm. In fact, he did more than that, he helped his human lover calm down.

“You didn’t lose your virginity,” he said.

Barbie frowned, trying to comprehend what the feline was talking about. It took her a few moments, but she eventually figured it out. After all, her orgasm had been more a result of her avid finger fucking than Pussy’s tongue strokes. So, although she had been aided by her feline lover, her orgasm was autoerotic in nature.

“I’m still a virgin!” she said aloud, as if to convince herself. Sure enough, had she lost her innocence, she would no longer be there as all the other women had vanished the moment they had lost their virginity. “But why?” she added upon realizing this.

“I don’t think it can be considered sex unless both partners cum,” he explained.

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