The ZOOphilia Chronicles – Part 1: The Cat by barbielez

Luckily, that was exactly what the young woman wanted to hear. Although she had come down from her sexual high and was now ashamed of what she had done, she was still determined to escape. And since vaginal licking had failed to work, she feared she would actually have to have actual intercourse with Pussy. Of course, the thought of pleasing the horny feline was far from enticing, but it was far better than the alternative. With that, she focused on the animated cat before her.

“What now?” she asked.

“How about a blowjob?” instantly replied Pussy as he rolled onto his back, revealing his rock-hard manhood.

“Wow!” silently gasped Barbie as she studied the prick. Although she had seen it before, it was not until now that she realized just how large it was. At least, in proportion to his body. Measuring three inches in length, it was bright red in color. Shaped half way between a cylinder and a cone, the manhood measured no more than half an inch at the base and was covered in dozens of barbs. Similar to the ones on the feline’s tongue, they were designed do rake the vaginal walls and help cause ovulation. Luckily, the young woman did not have to worry about ovulation, yet the thought of wrapping her lips around that prickly prick sent a shiver of disgust running down her spine.

“I think a simple handjob will suffice,” she said.

Of course, Pussy seemed disappointed, but he was not about to object. After all, a handjob was better than nothing. So he peppered up at Barbie with lust-filled eyes and waited for her to make her move. Luckily, he did not have to wait long.

“You can do this,” she told herself as she reached down with a cum-covered hand. After a moment of hesitation, she wrapped her fingers around the surprisingly rigid spear. Determined to get it over with as quickly as possible, she started jerking her hand up and down.

“Oh yes!” moaned Pussy. “Faster! FASTER!”

Unfortunately, his encouragement only served to make the teen even more aware of the perversity of her acts. In an attempt to remedy this, she did the only thing she was certain would shut Pussy up. Leaning forward, she thrust her tongue past the feline’s lips for another interspecies make out session. Although surprised, Pussy quickly got accustomed to the teen’s surprisingly eager tongue strokes and soon started reciprocating them.

Luckily for the teen, the perverse kiss helped distract her of what she was doing with her hand. So she focused on giving Pussy the best make out session of his life and almost forgot about the avid handjob she was giving him. That is, until she felt his cock start to jerk around in her hand.

Breaking the kiss, she focused on what was going on between the feline’s hind legs. But she did not have much time to do so because the talking cat soon climaxed.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” he bellowed as his first wave shot out of his convulsing spear. The surprisingly large wave of bright-pink semen flew high into the air. At least, it would have had it not first been stopped by Barbie’s face.

“Mmm?!” moaned the teen as she felt quite a lot of feline jizz enter her mouth. But the surprise came not from the unexpected turn of events, it came from the incredible sweetness of her lover’s orgasmilk. But there would be time for shock later; for now, Pussy was releasing wave after wave of sweet nectar and Barbie was determined to get her hands on as much of it as she could.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned as mouthful after mouthful was ingested. It took her a few moments to figure out, but she eventually realized the hot semen was doing wonders for her thirst and hunger. The more she ingested, the better she felt. Thrilled by this realization, she continued drinking every last drop she could get her hands on.

And that was what she continued to do for the entire length of her lover’s orgasm. By the time the final wave oozed out of Pussy’s cock, she felt fuller than she had in what felt like an eternity. Her thirst and hunger had been quenched and she now felt more invigorated than she had in days.

Unfortunately, she forgot all about that when she wiped the thick layer of cum the clung to her eyelids. One quick glance at her surroundings told her she was still inside the house.

“Why didn’t it work?” she asked. “Why am I still here?

It took Pussy a while to answer as he was still recovering from his orgasm. When he finally did, he peered up at Barbie with a shame-filled look.

“Oh no!” she gasped as she realized that could only mean one thing.

“I’m sorry,” apologized the cum-covered feline. “You’re just so hot. I couldn’t help myself!”

Barbie took a deep breath to keep from exploding.

“Are you telling me you made all this up just to have sex with me?” she inquired.

A frown appeared on the feline’s brow before he understood what Barbie was implying.

“Oh my god!” he gasped, “No!”

Barbie was confused. If he had not tricked her, that mean it was all true. But then why was she still there? Moments after thinking it, she put it into words.

“You were just so hot I couldn’t resist making things last as long as possible,” explained Pussy.

“So, just to clarify,” inquired Barbie, “If we have sex, actual sex, the light will take me away from this place. Right?”

Pussy nodded.

Barbie was not sure if she was relieved she still had a shot at getting out of here or if she was angry at Pussy for tricking her. But since her feline lover was the only one who could help her, it was in her best interest to keep him in a good mood. Plus, his deceit was sort of a compliment. Sort of.

“All right,” she agreed, “Let’s do this.”

“Really?” asked Pussy in a mixture of surprise and eagerness.

“Do I look like I’m kidding?” asked Barbie as she lay down on the cum-covered bed and spread her legs wide, giving her feline lover unrestricted access to her cunt.

Pussy did not answer. Instead, he got right down to business. Approaching his beautiful human lover, he soon found himself standing between her legs. Hopping up, he placed his two front paws onto her cum-covered stomach. He then started hopping forward until his fully-erect cock reached its destination. Barbie’s pussy.

“You’re sure you want to do this, right?” asked Pussy. It was not that he did not want to fuck her more than anything in the world, but he did not want to feel like her was forcing her to do something she did not want to do.

“Just do it,” instructed Barbie as she closed her eyes, as if that would somehow make a difference.

Now with an eager smile curling his lips, the horny feline hoped forward one final time. Now all that was left to do was jerk forward, which he did less than a second later.

“FUCK!” moaned Barbie in a forceful tone. But against all odds, the fear that filled her voice was not warranted. She had expected the penetration to be rather painful given the sharp-looking spikes that covered her lover’s spear. But when all three inches of feline manhood were forced past her labia, nothing happened. At least no pain. Arousal was quite another story.

“Oh fuck!” she moaned again as Pussy started jerking back and forth with surprising force given his small stature. Unlike her previous moan, this one had nothing to do with fear or pain. Instead, her exclamation was infused with arousal. A lot of arousal.

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