The ZOOphilia Chronicles – Part 1: The Cat by barbielez

As usual, the busty animated blonde’s first reaction was to fight the perverse feelings she was dealing with. But for the first time since the interspecies intercourse had begun, she actually wanted to enjoy it. Not because it was a good alternative to spending her virginity-losing orgasm in shame and repulsion. Not even because the only way for her to leave this house was to commit bestiality. For the first time in her life, she actually wanted to have sex with an animal.

Taking full advantage of her recently discovered bestial attraction, she started moaning powerfully, encouraging her feline lover to…

“Fuck me!”

“Faster! Deeper!”


And fuck her he did. His prickly prick continued to dive in and out of her soaking-wet pussy, forcing a powerful orgasm to grow within both of them. But as horny as they both were, it took another few dozen pounds before they climaxed.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” they shrieked in unison.

Barbie felt her pussy start to convulse for the second time that day. But she was far too busy moaning at the top of her lungs to notice. Luckily, that did not keep her first wave from shooting up the entirety of her cock-filled poon.

Pussy’s dick also started to jerk around, which only served to increase the pleasure for both cat and woman. Of course, he was too busy moaning alongside his human lover to notice his first wave travel up the entirety of his prick and shoot out the tip.

The two sweet nectars instantly mixed, creating a delectable interspecies cum cocktail that was sent fling past the teen’s lips. The animated orgasmilk flew high into the air. After remaining suspended for a few moments, the gooey substance split into tiny drops and started raining down upon the moaning couple. But that was only the beginning.

More and more waves gushed out of them. More and more moans escaped them. Although the lovers were too busy to notice this, more and more cats were not gathering to watch the show. Almost a hundred of them now filled the room, their eyes glued to the interspecies pounding taking place upon the cum-covered bed.

Nonetheless, it was in total obliviousness that Barbie continued enjoying the most powerful orgasm of her life. However, it was not meant to last. About halfway through, her arousal level started to drop. As a result, her head started to clear and she realized she was in the process of losing her virginity to a cat.

“What am I doing?” she wondered, although what she actually said was, “Oh yes! YEESSS!!!!” Immediately, more shame than she even thought existed filled her. But the shame came not only from the perverse act she was involved in. It also came from the fact that she was actually enjoying it. A lot. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about it now. Plus, it was the only way she would ever make it out of this damn house. So it was with gritted teeth that she enjoyed the rest of her virginity-losing orgasm.

After the longest thirty seconds of her life, she felt the final wave ooze out of her. And with that, it was all over. At least for her. Pussy’s orgasm lasted a few more seconds and he continued squiring inside of her.

“I lost my virginity,” she realized. That meant it was only a matter of seconds before she was teleported back to the zoo. At least she hoped it was to the zoo. But that was as far as she got before she felt the same mysterious force as before grab hold of her. Her eyes flew open and she was blinded by a bright-pink light.

“Yes!” she cried out victoriously as her eyes slammed shut to keep from being blinded. That meant Pussy had told the truth. Losing her virginity would result in her finally leaving this cat-infested house. Speaking of Pussy, he was still pounding her fast and hard, wave after wave of hot canine semen filling the teen’s poon. But that was all the animated blonde had time to figure out before she was swallowed up by the light.

Barbie felt the mysterious force release her. But the young woman just stood there, too terrified to open her eyes. Unfortunately, she would have to take the plunge one day or the other. Taking a deep breath for courage, she opened her eyes.

No pink light. That was good. And even better was the fact that she was no longer trapped within the feline house. One quick glance at her surroundings told her she was back in the zoo.

“I never thought I would be so happy to see this creepy zoo,” thought the teen as she studied her surroundings. Like before, tall black walls stood all round and before her was none other than the door marked with a large “1”.

“Oh my god!” she gasped as she realized she was no longer animated. She was back to her normal, live-action self. For a second, she sort of missed her animated femme fatale body, but the feeling soon passed when she realized a few things. First of all, she was no longer naked. Her body was once again barely contained within the bright-pink, lace lingerie from before. That, combined with the sudden disappearance of the thick layer of cum that had up until recently covered every inch of her body brought a doubt to her mind.

“Was any of it real?” she asked aloud. Of course, she did not expect anyone to answer. And that was precisely why she was so surprised when someone did.

“Yes!” said an all-too-familiar voice.

Glancing around, Barbie finally noticed the black cat standing next to her. Although he was no longer animated, there was no doubt in the teen’s mind she was staring at Pussy. Sure enough…

“How did we get here? Where are we? Wh…” he started, but Barbie quickly cut him off.

“There will be time for questions later,” she said. Of course, she was relieved to not be totally insane, but most of all, she was thrilled she would no longer be trapped alone in this weird, apparently magical zoo. However, Pussy’s presence at her side also brought another realization to light.

“I’m no longer a virgin!” she silently gasped. But given everything she had just been through, it was not as devastating a realization as she would have thought. Instead, she felt sort of relieved the plunge had finally been taken. Of course, she was ashamed to have shared that special moment with a cat, but given her current situation, it could have been a lot worse. However, she would have been unable to say how.

“This world is weird,” said Pussy as he studied one of his paws.

Barbie chuckled, realizing the feline was used to living in an animated world.

“Actually, this is normal. That house was weird,” she explained. But that was all she said before she realized something; she was exhausted and desperate for a good night’s sleep. So she led Pussy to the bedroom she had initially awoken in. It was just the way she had left it. Bed unmade and a missing bowl of raspberries on the table.

“Good night,” was all she said as she dove onto the bed. Of course, Pussy had a million questions that needed answering, but he knew Barbie needed her rest. So he lay at the foot of the bed and curled up in a ball.

Although she was exhausted, Barbie struggled to find sleep. Everything she had just experienced kept running through her mind. And as if that was not bad enough, a million questions floated around her subconscious. Where was she? Would she ever get out? Who had kidnapped her?

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