The dog was cleaning himself and started to walk around the room sniffing this and that. He would walk up to the woman and put his nose to her pussy and give a few licks. then walked over to where the man was getting the woman’s clothes ready. He had released her legs after untying and removing the clamps that kept her pussy open. He was kneeling down and slipping on the woman’s knee highs over her legs when he froze … letting the dog lick his ass. Tasting the remains of his cum leaking from the other bitch’s pussy, he started to lap away at the mans ass again. Hislarge cock growing from his sheath.
After a few moments, the man submitted to the dog again mounted him. The man waited, allowing his cock to become hard again and as the knot messaged his prostate, he felt himself ready to cum again.
In 20 minutes the man was able to stand and went about his business as if nothing happened.
Dog cum leaking from his ass, the man continued to dress the woman. She began to stir and he put the cloth with chloriform over her mouth and nose and waited till she stopped. He was quick about getting her arms free and fixed her blouse. He fixed her hair the best he could got himself dressed and carried her gently back to her car. He drove her to the parking lot of the office building he had taken her from and left her there. Going back to his ‘lab’ he gathered the ropes, cleaned the mess from the floor.
While kneeling on the floor scrubbing the cum clean so it wouldn’t be sticky next weekend, the dog would come and inspect his ass. Again the man would freeze and wait to see if he would need to get undressed. But it wasn’t needed. The dog was satisfied.
He would have to make a full report, it was morning and he was tired. But his gut fluttered as he thought what his mistress would make him do to the next girl. She said next time she would direct him to a barn. Barns are in the country.
Horses are in the country.
The End