Titan – Like Father Like Son by Mered88

With my face buried in the rumbled, sweaty sheets, I raised my ass higher in submission, as Titan’s ardor increase, and I remember in a choked voice shouting to him, encouraging him to, “go deeper Titan . . . deeper.”

It was almost three o’clock in the morning before Titan, and I, satisfied and sated, finally welcomed sleep. The sun had been up for only a couple of hours when I felt Titan’s fully erect penis behind me, roughly probing for entry again. I smiled, thinking of Mark and the special day ahead, and I also thought about Titan, who was busy behind me. With a sudden quick thrust, he was inside me, and I happily let him do me again, while thoughts of my wedding being only a few hours away now seemed of less pressing importance.

How I Got What I Deserved by Haywood72

Unforgettable First Time by desiboy75

My Boys Ch. 01 by Tinman_1903

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