Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36

The room was snug and cosy and he felt no chill when he undressed.He helped the girl to her feet.Anke battled to keep her balance and leaned on him.Helmut laid her out on the thick mat near the fire.Anke moved her head from side to side,feeling so lightheaded.Squinting at the man she noted he was naked.For some strange reason instead of finding the spectacle frightning she thought it was rather funny and giggled loudly…………”Ha,ha,HA !”Helmut mimicked her laughter,he knelt down his cock dangling between his legs.

Helmut took one of her socked feet and held up her covered foot.He hastily stripped the sock,revealing a slender size four.He studied it intently…..”Beautiful !”He moaned and licked the heel.He lingered on her instep and bit at the ball of it.Taking her toes in his mouth he sucked hard.Anke struggled to free her appendage from the man’s suckling mouth.He held her easily and he roamed over her foot.

”Hey !What you doing !”she whispered as Helmut manouvered her body to the side and got the coat off.She saw his eyes misty with lust…….This was the moment then?She thought.Did God hate her so much?What had she done?.As he peeled the longjohns from her she felt selfpity and a tear flowed splashing on her bare shoulder.

Helmut stared in wonderment.Whistling through his teeth softly.He gulped so hard he felt a tinge of pain in his throat.She was so young,wholesome and fresh a artists masterpiece.Pale breasts,firm and perked,they didn’t even move when he tried to make them wobble.He took one in each hand and squeezed experimentally,pinching her rubberlike nipples.She groaned……”No,don’t touch me.I don’t want you to !”Helmut took in her taut tummy and little navel.He moaned in appreciation of what the 16yr old had to offer.Her pubes were light brown.A skintight hood leading down to a tightlipped fanny.He placed a hand on her warm upper thigh and traversed her leg down to her ankle……”Your legs reach right up to your ass”

Knowing it was inevitable,Anke murmured defeatedly …..”Just,don’t…..Okay”

Helmut slowly eased her legs apart his hands on her inner thighs.He groaned audibly and excitedly as his nose touched her labia.He breathed her in,musky with a hint of body soap.He lashed her with his tongue. The tip just managing to open her petals and taste her.He dug his mouth into her near the hood and took her clit between his tongue and top teeth.

”NAAAAAH !Hey…..NO ! the spreadeagled teen gasped.Anke beat her fists against the mat as the man devoured her and made her wet.Helmut rubbed his hands up her body and took her tits.Over and over she said it ……..”No,nooooo !” as he teased her between the legs.Against her will,Anke’s young pussy was responding to the sensation of his working mouth.A mixture of her juice and his saliva ran down and collected in her anus.

His face smeared with their fluids,Helmut took up position to fuck her.He placed a foot on each of his shoulders,opening her even wider.He felt her heels against his skin and the whole picture took him to dizzy heights of arousal.He placed his madly twitching dick spout against her wetness……”They will put you on a contraceptive before they make you their whore. However tonight you are going to take the spewing of an officer of the SS in your body !”

Anke squeeled as he entered her sodden puss and slid home.She raised her hands drunkedly and tried to push him off.Helmut Schneider buried his wick with a guttural groan.He tore her hymen asunder with ease and invaded her canal.Helmut kept his body dead still as the girl thrashed under him.He let her spasming moving inner walls milk him.Her face was animated and her eyes showed her pain of being raped by him.His power over her and her cunt made his cock expand inside her and burst forth his seed.It fairly blasted out of him and inundated the young womb with thick milky jism.

Anke kicked against his shoulders and scratched at the mat as she felt him hoseing her down.She felt every throb and spurt.

Helmut withdrew.His orgasm had been so overwhelming that he had a headache.Max had been patient panting as he watched.The dog charged forward when beckoned by his master.Humping a women was not new to Max.Helmut had partaken in animal sex before with one of the servant girls and found it invigorating and erotic.Helmut felt his heart drumming in his chest with excitement.Anke started screaming in unbridled terror as he got her on all fours.She sensed she was going to be the subject of some perverted outrage.She fought with all her strength but it didn’t take much effort for him to hold her.Helmut pushed her cunt up so that her ass was raised high.Max mounted her with his doggycock unsheathed and searching.She felt his cock thunder against her ass and thighs.The probeing member made her beg Helmut for mercy……….”Nooooooo.How can you?A dog dammit!”

Max found her wet box and yelped as he humped with vigour.Anke stiffened markedly when she felt herself being taken……..”OH SHIT ! Noooooo his fucking me…….”

Her squeals and racking sob made Helmut hard.He felt as if his cock was about to burst as he watched,absobed.’…..’Owwwwwww.Herr,heeeelp me it’s sore..OUCH!”She intoned in a helpless whimper as Max thrusted like only a horny dog can.Anke’s eyes rolled when he attacked her with his knot.She cried in absolute defeat when the red ball was forced into her by her ravisher.Swellling inside her and putting her vaginal walls under stretched pressure.

Max suddenly growled deeply from inside his throat.The beasts body shivered and jerked,withers rippling under his skin.The dogs hindlegs lifted off the mat and beat crazily at the air.His grip on Anke tightened and he orgasmed mightly.Max moaned and groaned when he saw the dogs jism drip from Anke’s puss where the two of them were connected.It rained down on the mat .Anke opened her mouth in a silent cry and froze as she felt her depths flooded.Fountaining inside her and rocketing against her canal.The girls ass strained as Max withdrew.Helmut reached out his hand and placed it under her drenched fanny.Collecting some of the jism that streamed from her.He noticed her pubic hair was matted and glistened with droplets.Helmut smeared it all over her puckered and winking anus and then climbed aboard.The more the girl struggled below him the more rabid became his desire to fuck her butt.

Sheer bliss as he entered her rearend,feeling her cunt still dripping against his legs.Helmut punished Anke’s rectum.Anke thought she must surely pass out,she had never felt such a gut wrenching fiery pain……”Oh…..You hurting me inside !”

Helmut dominated her as she wept.Ignoring her intensefying pleas for respite from the pain.Using her degradingly to get his rocks off.He untangled from her and forced the traumatised girl to take him in her mouth.Making her swallow the gory mess down.

End of Part 1

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