Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Pandian – Fuck you two. I knew what kind of a bitch she was even before this incident. What surprised me was Dilip’s reaction to all this. Are you a cuckold Dilip?

I stayed silent bowing down my head

Bharath – What is a cuckold, bro?

Pandian – You are a kid. Get out of this room first

Bharath – Come on brother. Tell me.. I already watched lot of porn. So I can watch this also

Pandian – Cuckold is a wasteful shameless sissy guy who likes to watch his wife being fucked by other men

Bharath – Wow. Isn’t this just what Dilip proved to us in the video?

I remained silent

Pandian – Now I understood why he wanted to marry her even though he knew she was a bitch. The bitch even tried to seduce me multiple times. But I didn’t fall for her

Everyone looked at Shruti

Bharath – Yes Shruti. Now tell us the truth. Is it true that you were actually seeing Pandian with lust?

Shruti also bowed her head down like I did

Santhosh – Should I remind you that you need to answer every question we ask and do everything we ask you to do?

Shruti noded her head

Bharath – Does that mean a yes? Did you really have lust on him

Shruti noded again

Bharath – That is so crappy. How can anyone lust after an ugly beast like him. Yes he looks like a hunk. But look at the amount of hair coming out of his chest. He is like a bear

Aarthi – Shut up Bharath. Slutty women like her always want hunks like him. No matter how ugly they look. They just need strong bodies to which they can surrender

Bharath – Ha ha. I didn’t know that. So, cute girls like you will like men like me?

Aarthi – Good joke. You are a bit too short for girls’ expectations. Add your childish behavior to that, you always look like a little brother to everyone. No one will love you or lust you

Bharath – You hit me under my belt

Santosh – Guys. Let us stop this non sense and continue watching this epic fuck

He fast forwarded some of the scenes. They had played poker till midnight. Till that they were taking turns to go to the bedroom and fuck her. Shruti was so exhausted. Then they had given her a lot to eat and drink. Then they brought some mattresses to the room where they were playing poker. They joined all of them together so that all can sleep side by side. There were many mattresses. So, they didn’t have to struggle for space. Shruti was asked to sleep in a corner. Aarthi was next to her and Santosh after her. Others slept to the next of Santosh. Aarthi had her camera switched on and facing Shruti. Once the night started for them, Shruti fell asleep due to tiredness. But she was never allowed to sleep for more than half an hour continuously. Someone from the men went there, pulled down her bed sheet, spread her legs and fucked her. It was non stop fucking for her. Aarthi used the camera to focus on things whenever she woke up hearing the sound.

Shruti was allowed to sleep for 2 hours in the morning. Then she was woken up and taken to bathroom and placed in a bathtub. Everyone took bath with her and fucked her in the bath tub. Then she was forced to drink whiskey. That had increased her horniness. As a result, she was on fire the whole day pulling people to fuck her. She was fucked in almost every room in that house. Bharath stepped out from the room twice to go to restroom and masturbate. Pandian kept looking at Shruti and gave a smirk. The fact that Shruti accepted her lust for him was just a big boost for his ego. The bastard kept looking at her and me as though he pitied both of us. He came to Shruti and told “No matter how much you try. You can’t get me”

Shruti – I don’t want you. Yes, I had lust on you. That doesn’t mean I can’t live with out you

Pandian smiled and walked away saying “Let us see that”

Lunch was even more painful. Santhosh and Bharath sat on either side of Shruti. They made fun of both of us throughout. They kept their hands on Shruti freely. It is not like they didn’t do it before. But it was a friendly touch before. These touches were very different. Touching the shoulders is different from pressing the shoulders. A pat on the thighs is different from pressing the thighs continuously. Bharath was doing this pretty often. Shruti was clearly uncomfortable with all this and that was visible in her face.

The rest of the week was no different. Our manager was back from Tuesday. Bharath was acting like a brat ever since then. He often went to Shruti’s place, pressed her boobs and ran away. This was just irritating. Whenever we were having lunch or having tea, he made it a point to put hands on her shoulders, hips or thighs whenever possible. We didn’t know how long we can survive this. But Pandian was at his usual cool. Except the occasional verbal humiliation, he maintained that he hated her and never tried to take advantage of Shruti.

Chapter 15

It was Friday lunch time. We were talking about weekend plans.

Santosh – Shruti.. Come with us in our car today. You are spending tonight with me.

Shruti – What? I can’t do that

Santosh – You don’t have the right to refuse. Aarthi has allowed me to use you one day per week. As we will be busy on Saturday playing poker and Sunday shopping, Friday nights are the best bet. I want you to be with me every Friday night. That’s the deal.

Shruti – What happened that night, was a one-time thing. You people had enough fun. Be professional like Babu and his friends. They never disturbed me after that

Santosh – Because they didn’t have to watch their wives fucked in front of them. Yes, we had fun. But don’t say you didn’t have fun.

Bharath – Aaaaahhh. That’s a good point.. Shruti, remember the orgasm you had when one of the old men was fucking you. Your whole body was shaking like you were given an electric shock. I still remember the way you screamed that time. That was the loudest orgasm i have ever seen heard in porn. You sounded like a dinosaur in Jurassic park

Shruti punched on Bharath’s shoulders playfully and laughed. That left everyone in surprise. All these days, Shruti was angry and depressed with what was happening. But she took this joke in the right spirit and even laughed for it. I didn’t know how to react there. Everyone looked at each other but decided not to talk about it.

Santosh – So, I take it that you are coming with us today. From next week, call me Friday morning and ask me what to wear

Bharath – Wow. So, Shruti is moving on from being a hidden slut to a professional prostitute today

Pandian – She was never a hidden slut. Whole world knew she was a slut. Just that no body approached her except our Dilip here

Aarthi – There is one more thing for you guys.

Bharath – What is that?

Aarthi – Whoever wants to watch it can call us on Skype. We can put a conference video call. You can watch Shruti getting fucked by my husband live. It is mandatory for Dilip. He must call us and watch it on camera while it is optional for others. But who would miss the chance to watch it live? This will be a regular event from today. All Friday nights are going to be like this

Pandian – Wow. I would love to watch this bitch get fucked mercilessly. Show no mercy, Santosh

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