Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Me – Dear

Shruti – Yes

Me – How do you feel about this whole thing?

Shruti – Which whole thing?

Me – Things happening at the office, the way Santosh and Aarthi are treating you

Shruti – Ya. They are abusing the video they have. We need to stop it soon

Me – Do you mean it?

Shruti – Mean what?

Me – Do you really want to stop all this? Tell it from your heart

Shruti – Why are you asking such questions, Dilip? I don’t want this to continue

Me – There is a part of me which says you are enjoying all of this

Shruti – No dear.. It is not like that.. Ohh.. Wait a minute. Are you liking this by any chance? I feel your cuckold instincts have taken over you. I even have a proof. You had cum when Babu was fucking me

Me – I have proof of your moans throughout the sex session. So don’t try to blame me alone

Shruti(smiling) – You know what? Let us be open. We both are actually enjoying this.

Me – Yes. But there is a part of me which says things are getting dangerous

Shruti – Yes. It should not go out of hand. Though I enjoy it, my brain says that it should stop. This is not the right thing to do. Especially when they are smooching me at office and opening me up at public places. Those things make me horny. But they are dangerous too

Me – Thank god, you understood it. I thought it would be difficult to get you out of it. I thought you may not want to

Shruti – Yes, I am a sex addict and I am enjoying it when they do things to me. But I am always aware that this is totally wrong and will definitely pull in so many problems for us.

Me – Yes. We should come up with a plan to somehow get out of this trap. There is one more thing I wanted to say. Hope you don’t get angry. You are getting dangerously close to Pandian which is against our agreement

Shruti – Come on. What is wrong with you? I have slept with guys older than your father. That doesn’t bother you. But flirting with Pandian does? You have some big problem in your head.

Me – For some reason, I just couldn’t entertain the thought of you and Pandian mingling with each other

Shruti – Whatever. It is good that we are having a open discussion now. What do we do next?

Me – We should get them together and set some ground rules so that we don’t get caught anywhere

Shruti – Yes. If any of our family members come to know about this, we are screwed

Me – Exactly. Let us talk to them this Monday and get them to an agreement

Shruti – What are you going to talk? As long as they have that video, there is no way they are going to leave us. They will have their say always

Me – Yes. I know that. There is no use begging them to stop or to be rude with them. We have to do something else

Shruti – Do you have something in mind?

Me – Yes. Friendship. We have to co-operate with them and let them know that we are enjoying all this. But before that, we should make them friends with us

Shruti – What are you talking about? How is that going to help us?

Me – We both know for a fact that they are never going to budge for our requests right now. There is no way to get the video from them. They definitely would have made multiple copies. The only way to be safe for us is to develop friendship with them

Shruti – Still, how are we supposed to get out of this?

Me – Once we become friends and start trusting each other, we can come up with some plan. Eventually, they will get tired of doing all this. If we are not their friends, so many things could go wrong. They could expose this information to their friends. They could misuse it and blackmail us forever. If we become friends, they will not try to harm us and also they will take care that this information doesn’t go out. Once they get tired of having their way with you, they will just leave us instead of coming up with new ways to exploit us

Shruti – That sounds like a good idea. Our friendship will save us from getting us exploited by them.

Me – I will try to talk them into it.

Shruti – Wow. You are the sweetest husband anybody could ever get.

She hugged me and rolled over me. We had crazy sex throughout that weekend. We hadn’t had sex from the poker day incident. Now that we have both opened up, we had non-stop sessions

It was Monday. We were having lunch. I started the conversation

Me – Guys. We need to talk about something

Santosh – About what

Me – About what has been happening for the past week.

Santosh – If you want everything to stop, it is not going to stop

Me – I am not asking you to stop. I know that there is no way you are going to stop this

Santosh – Then what else do you want?

Me – We need to set some ground rules. I know what we did to your wife after that poker game was unacceptable. We have suffered enough punishment from you already. We have learnt our lessons. Can we be friends at least from now on. Can you stop seeing us just as just victims of your blackmail?

Santosh – What exactly do you want? How can we see you as friends and still do what we are doing now?

Me – Ok. Let me put it this way. You guys know that Shruti actually is enjoying it when you are fucking her right?

Bharath – Ha ha.. Of course we know

Me – Similarly, I am also enjoying when you guys are doing it to her. Yes. As Pandian told that day, I am a cuckold

Everyone was shell-shocked. Though, everyone knew it, they never expected me to come out in the open like this.

Me – Now, if we all co-operate then we can make it enjoyable for all of us involved. We just have to make sure that certain limits are not breached.

Santosh – What limits?

Me – We should do everything possible to keep this within our circle. Within the 6 of us, anything should be fine. No one else should know what is happening here.

Santosh – Yes. That makes sense

Me – Yes. Remember if news go out and we get humiliated. Your names will also come out. It is bad for everyone

Bharath – Cool buddy. What else?

Me – Be careful with the photos and videos you take. We can upload it to one common server which is password protected and delete it from the source. There should not be a multiple copy.

Bharath – Simple thing. Is that it?

Me – Yes. That is pretty much it. And be careful while playing with us at public places like office or anywhere else. Though we actually enjoy that more than sex we need to be careful while doing that

Bharath – Now. Can I ask you something

Me – What is that?

Bharath – Can I have her one day per week like how Santosh has? Maybe Pandian also wants her one day per week

Pandian – Shut up. Did I ever ask you?

Bharath – Ok. Just for me then

Shruti – Ha ha. Really? You look like my little brother. What are you going to do with me?

Bharath – Don’t talk like that. I will not be soft with you like Santosh. I am a rough guy

Shruti laughed louder

Shruti – You would actually piss in your pants if you just see me nude. You are going to fuck me roughly?

Bharath – Give me a chance and you will know

Shruti – Ha ha.. How about Saturdays? Fridays with Santosh and Saturdays with Bharath

Bharath – I know why you chose Saturday. That way, you could rest well on Sunday. You know you wont even be able to walk on Sunday after I fuck you on Saturday.

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