Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Shyam : Forgetting you is difficult. But it is good for all of us to stay away from you so that we don’t get the same thoughts again

Shruti : Rightly said.

They finished the food. It was getting darker. Shruti didn’t have anything to wear. She didn’t bring spare clothes as she was not planning to take bath. Her dress went with water. I jus gave her my t shirt. She just walked half-nude to the car. We started back. This time, Vinod was driving. The return journey was also the same as forward journey. They made her keep her ass outside the car window. Unlike morning, there was cold wind now. She told that it was an even better feeling to have cold wind run through her ass and pussy in the open. They also fucked her with her upper body outside the window. Once we reached home, we went to their apartment and brought Shyam’s pant for her as he was the only one as tall as Shruti. Vinod was fucking her inside the car with all windows raised as he was driving the car all time watching her getting fucked. We waited for him to come out and then we gave her the pant. She wore the pant and got out of the car. They all kissed each other and waved good bye to us while we took our car home

Shruti was looking out of the window smiling “That was the best day of my life”

Me – My life too

Shruti – You are the greatest husband in the world

Me – You are the greatest wife

She then silently thought about something for 2 minutes and asked me “Isn’t it time for us to put a break to all this and have a baby?”

Chapter 20

Shruti then silently thought about something for 2 minutes and asked me “Isn’t it time for us to put a break to all this and have a baby?”

I smiled

Shruti – What are you smiling for?

Me – I was about to ask you the exact same thing

Shruti – Wow.. I have been asking about having children for a long time. Now what made you ask it?

Me – Just looking at the way things are going for the past one month. It wont be long before we get caught doing something so stupid

Shruti – Even I feel the same. We are crossing limits pretty often. They are giving me a lot of pleasure. But I should stop it sometime

Me – Yes. Good that we cut the line here with Bharath’s friends

Shruti – Yes. They are genuinely good guys. But we had to do it. There is no way to put an end to our office connections I guess

Me – I don’t think they will blackmail us anymore. Now, they are friends with us. I think pregnancy will work with them. Once you get pregnant, convincing them wont be a big deal

Shruti – So, I never get to have a taste of Pandian? That is so sad

Me – Shut up

Shruti – Ha ha.. Again. You just saw me fucked by 7 guys on water falls. Still you are getting angry for me flirting with this one guy?

Me – Yes. Maybe because of the way he talks about you. How can you love someone as ugly as him? Also you have seen it yourself.. How badly he talks about you. He doesn’t have any respect for you at all

Shruti – Yes.. His face is ugly. But have you seen his body shape? That is the perfect shape any woman would expect from a man. Add the amount of hair on his body. He is the perfect alpha male. They are the kind of males whom women lust for deep inside their minds but wont tell that openly

Me – Ok.. Enough praising him. He is scolding you in the dirtiest way possible and you are praising him like this

Shruti – You don’t understand yet. He is the kind of guy women like to submit to. When I see him scolding me and treat me like shit, it only increases my love for him

Me – Love? What? Do you love him?

She stayed silent for sometime

Me – Don’t you love me then?

Shruti – Don’t ask such stupid questions. Of course I love you. There is no way I will turn my back on you. You are the best guy any woman could ever get. You love me and you look after me. Nobody can care for me like you. Nobody can understand me like you. What i have for him is infatuation. There is a part of me which wants to submit to him.

Me – What if he loves you?

Shruti – I could love him back

Me – Then you will leave me?

Shruti – Of course I won’t. You are my husband till the end of my life. I may love both of you. But if I am asked to choose between you two, it is always you

Me – That is too sweet of you. If you really want Pandian, you have to give a shot. I don’t want to be in the way of your dream

Shruti (with her hands on her cheeks) – Is that really my husband talking?

Me – Yes dear. As long as you love me, you are free to do anything you want

Shruti – Ha ha.. Don’t worry dear. We have anyway decided to try for a baby. I don’t want to bring Pandian into this and complicate things

Me – Wow.. Is this my wife talking?

She punched me on my shoulders

Shruti – Yes. Let us plan for a baby dear. My fertility window starts next week. We will reach a deal with our team saying that I won’t be available for them during the fertility window every month. Other weeks, we can spend it as usual. Once I get pregnant, we can put an end to this completely

Me – That sounds like a good plan. We will talk to the team about this tomorrow.

Shruti – Wow.. I won’t be having sex for around a year then. Looks scary to me

Me – Oh. You want to get back to your old ways after child birth?

Shruti – Of course. I will wait till my pregnancy scars heal. Once it is done and I am safe to have sex with men, you can count on me to start all over again. Maybe get Pandian fuck me. ha ha

Me – You will never give up on him. Will you?

Shruti – Ha ha.. I have heard that women’s sexual libido increases after child birth. It is better we do a vasectomy operation along with child birth.

Me – Whatever you wish dear

We reached home and slept till Sunday evening. We were way too tired to cook food. We ordered food for door delivery and had them. Monday morning, we went to the office. Bharath gave a friendly smile. We had decided to keep the involvement of his friends to ourselves and Bharath accepted. That day at lunch, I started the topic

Me – Guys. I have something to tell

Aarthi – What is it?

Shruti – We decided to have baby together

Santosh – That is a really great news. Happy for you two. Even Aarthi and I have already started trying for baby

Me – Yes. I know it will take some time. But meanwhile, we need some cooperation in this from you

Santosh – What? You want us to be the sperm donors..

Every one laughed

Me – No. I want the child to be mine. Shruti’s fertility window is next week. She won’t be available for you guys during that time. Every month, I want you to leave her with me during the fertility window alone. It may take 2 or 3 months to successfully get her conceived. Till then, you may have to give her up during the fertility window weeks. You can have her during the other weeks. But after pregnancy, I feel she should stop doing all these. It is bad for her health

Santosh – Yes.. I perfectly understand. We have had enough taste of her. But if Aarthi also gets pregnant at the same time, it might get difficult for me to control. But that is the right thing to do

Aarthi – Yes. He might have to go to prostitutes. He is an uncontrollable idiot

Me – Ha ha. Thanks Santosh

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