Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Aarthi – Happy for you two.. Never thought I will be telling that to you people. We have suddenly started loving you as a couple

Bharath – Nice.. Will I get double shift per week during non-fertility period for compensation

Shruti – Whatever you wish, child. Anyway you won’t last more than a minute

Pandian – Can a slut like you stop this all of a sudden?

Shruti – That is none of your business. I will do everything I can to control myself

Pandian – Nice work, bitch

Santosh – Stop it Pandian

Pandian – You shut up. This bitch has acted like she had been blackmailed by you guys and forced into doing this. She has planned things well and had you people fuck her as she always wanted. Now she is putting an end to this as she always wanted. She just used you people. Don’t think she sees you as a friend. She has always used people for her personal needs. She has done that well

Shruti – I have done everything they have asked for. Don’t speak like this just because you didn’t have a chance to do it with me you jealous pig. If you want, come and take me tonight. Don’t talk bad things about our friendship

Pandian – I don’t want to fuck you. Don’t try to seduce me into this.

Shruti – Then what do you want?

Pandian – Will you do anything for your friends?

Shruti – Yes I will

Pandian – Will you sleep with our manager Vivek?

Shruti – What? Why would I do it?

Pandian – For the team. They are your friends right?

Shruti – Why does the team want me to sleep with him?

Pandian – Because, he may give bad reviews about our team in the performance review next week. That would mean, none of us will get proper salary increment

Shruti – That is not the case. He usually gives good reviews for me

Pandian – That is the point. You and Dilip always get good reviews. But not us. If you are really not selfish and you want to help us, you will sleep with him.

Shruti – Don’t talk yourselves for the rest of the team. They may not want it

Pandian – Actually, they do. We had a discussion about this and had a plan in place.

Shruti – Who do you mean by we?

Santosh – Stop this Pandian

Pandian – It was I, Santosh and Aarthi. We had a plan and thought of asking you to do this. Now that you told your child birth plans, they backed away.

Shruti – What exactly is the plan?

Pandian – The plan is to make you seduce him, have him try his hands on you and blackmail him with that video and force him to give everyone proper hike. You don’t even need to have sex with him. We can project it as a rape attempt. That will force him to fight for more budget to his higher authorities

Shruti – Is this true Aarthi?

Aarthi – Yes it is. But you don’t have to do it. You are planning for a childbirth

Shruti – Don’t worry about that. This is just a one day thing. We can do it during a non-fertile period. Above all, I need to just seduce him. I don’t even need to have sex with him.

Aarthi – Yes. It would be disgusting to have sex with such a guy

(Vivek is a short fat and black guy with a bald head. His age is 35. He is definitely not the kind of guy women would want to sleep with)

Shruti – Nothing is disgusting for me when it comes to sex and you know that. I am totally fine with this

Santosh – Are you sure?

Shruti – Anything for you guys. Just plan it within this week. My fertility window starts next monday. Pandian.. Does that answer your doubts on my friendship with you people? At least now, start saying bad things about me

Pandian just bowed his head in shame and didn’t reply

We had an awkward silence for the rest of the lunch time

At home, I asked Shruti if she was alright

Shruti – Yes, I am dear. Are you angry with me for agreeing to do it?

Me – No dear. What you did was correct? Establishing a strong friendship is the foundation for us to get out of this. Looks like you somehow managed to get Pandian eat his own words

Shruti – Yes. Hopefully he stops hating me now

Me – Ha ha.. Are you trying anything with him?

Shruti – No dear. Why would I do that against your wish? There is a reason why we need Pandian to our side. He also has my nude pictures and videos. He could use it to blackmail me for anything. It wont be long before he realizes that he has an upper hand over me. Before that, we should get him to our side and make friends with him.

Me – You are cunning and clever

Shruti – Yes I am

That is when we got a message in our Whatsapp group

Santosh – How about planning for a team outing this Friday? Vivek told he had budget for this quarter’s outing

Bharath – Yes. I am in.

Shruti – Is that when you are planning for the seduction thing?

Santosh – Yes.

Shruti – Ok. Can you tell the detailed plan?

Santosh – We are going to book a beach resort. We will have lunch, play volleyball for sometime in the beach. Then we will be going to the swimming pool in the evening. That is where you need to start your seduction. Our plan is to stay there overnight. In the evening we will have drinks. As everyone will be drunk, we are booking rooms to stay at night. In the drinks, we are planning to mix viagra tablets for Vivek. If you could seduce him properly, the tablets will definitely make him horny and he will lose control. We will place cameras in his room. Once his rape attempt is recorded, we can come and save you. We can use it to blackmail him.

Shruti – Wow. How do you guys come up with such plans?

Santosh – Thanks for the compliment. One more thing. Dilip should not come that day. If he is there, Vivek will not take any step towards you

Me – Sounds fair. I will say that I am not feeling well that day

Shruti – If this goes well, will Mr. Pandian accept me as a friend?

Pandian – I already have accepted you as a friend. Sorry for everything I said before

Chapter 21

The day finally arrived. I sent a mail to the team and manager from home saying that I am not coming as I had to go to my hometown. Shruti was dressed to kill that day. This is the first time she was wearing the mini-skirt in Chennai. She had gone to beauty parlor the previous day to wax her legs cleanly. She had bought a pair of high heels too. She wore the high heeled footwear and stood in front of me. Her sexy legs looked even hotter. Especially her calves. They were accentuated with the high heels. Her smooth knees and thighs looked just perfect with the mini-skirt. She wore sleeveless tops which showed her smooth arms and armpits. She wore a handbag, She told them that she would come to the resort directly. She didn’t want anyone from office see her in this dress.

She drove the car herself and left. I had some chores to do. I went out to do that and returned back at night. I felt restless. I called Shruti at around 11 PM to ask if things went fine. She didn’t pick up the call. I tried the number of other people. No one picked up. I thought they all fell asleep. After watching a movie for sometime, I also fell asleep

The next morning, I woke up hearing the bell sound. I opened the door to see Shruti in a completely messed up state. She was not injured. Her hair was dis-shelved. Her face looked so drowsy. She was too tired to walk. She just went to our bedroom and collapsed on the bed. There was a message from Santosh in our group “Sorry Shruti and Dilip. We didn’t expect it to go that way. Hope you didn’t mind :)”

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