Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

(I didn’t tell them about the bike journey or the beach visit)

Pandian – Whatever it is. I warn you. Be careful with that bitch. Don’t fall for her antics. That is all I can say.

Me – Don’t worry about that.

Bharat – Leave that aside. Did you see her dressing today. Even normal dresses look too hot on her. At hindsight, she looks slim. But when you see her in such dresses, you notice that she does have a lot of flesh. Especially around her ass and thighs. Pretty different from other modern girls, but way too hotter than them

Pandian – That is typical Brahmin structure dude

(I was feeling uncomfortable. But I didn’t want to show it to them)

Bharat – There are many girls who touch me when I speak. I never get any feelings for them. But if Shruti does that, I get an immediate erection. Isn’t that right Pandian?

Pandian – Ha ha. Yes. She looks hot. No doubt about that. But for some reason, I don’t get horny for arrogant and dominant women like her. My fantasies are always about homely calm women

Bharat – Yes. You are a beast. Don’t know which lady is going to be your victim and suffer at your hands

Pandian – Yes that is true. All these days, I have never shagged even once thinking about Shruti

Bharat – I do it daily

Pandian – Then go and marry her. You can do her for real daily

Bharat – That I wont do. She is 3 years older than me. And as you told, she is arrogant and dominant. Not someone who you can think of as wife. Maybe just a friend with benefits

Pandian – Add that to the list of guys she had sex with before. Imagine the state of the idiot who ends up marrying her.

Bharat – She should find someone outside the country only to marry her. Anyone who knows her will never let their friends marry her.

Pandian – Looking at how silent Dilip is, it looks like he will be that person

Me – Shut up. You know I don’t talk bad about any women. That is why I am silent

They all had a good laugh at me. That conversation confused me even more. All the things they told made me hesitate about proceeding further. But then, there was a part of me which kept telling me that she was the right person for me.

Chapter 4:

Next weekend came. But we didn’t have to go to office that day. I messaged her in whatsapp just to start a conversation

Me : Hey Shruti

Shruti – Hey Dilip

Me : Is there any work to do today?

Shruti : Nope. We can enjoy the weekend

Me : Oh ok

Shruti : What are your plans?

Me : Nothing. Just being at home and sleeping

Shruti : Wanna go to the beach again? ;P

Me : Why? To drag me into the sea again?

Shruti : Come on. Don’t whine like a kid.

Me : I am not a kid

Shruti : You behaved like a kid that day

Me : (Angry smiley)

Shruti : Ok. Shall we go for some mall today then

Me : Ok with me. As long as you won’t push me from the escalator

Shruti : Don’t worry. I will push you from first floor only. It won’t be much painful 😛

This time I went to the mall directly. She came in her two-wheeler.

We first went to a fashion store. She saw so many dresses. She tried them one by one. Initially she was just trying-on the jeans and t shirts. She took them to the dressing room. She tried each pair and came out of the room. I was giving comments. She eventually chose one. There was one section with mini skirts. She looked at them. But did not try them.

Me : They look good. Why don’t you try them?

Shruti : Ha ha. I don’t wear such slutty dresses

Me : Come on. I thought you are a modern girl. You consider these dresses slutty.

Shruti : Just kidding. My parents won’t allow such dresses. I am allowed to wear salwar, kameez, full skirts, t shirt jeans.. But mini skirt is a strict no

Me : At least you can just try and see. Nothing wrong with that

Shruti : That sounds like a good idea. But you come near the dressing room. I don’t want anyone else to see me try them

She took a bunch of mini skirts. She went in and came out wearing a blue color skirt covering 3-4th of her thighs. I was stunned at what I saw. The previous week, I had seen her sexy legs. Now I saw her fleshy thighs and her knees. Unlike the knees of other women, her knee was smooth shining and flawless. Her thighs were fleshy and solid. I stood there without reacting to her questions because I couldn’t hear anything that she spoke. She came near me, punched my chest and told “Asshole. Why are you seeing my legs like that?”

Me – Nothing. Just checking your skirt

Shruti – Ok. How is it?

Me – It is awesome. You should take a photo on this.

Shruti – My mobile is in my handbag. Can you take it in your mobile and send it to me?

I wanted this to happen. I took multiple snaps. Some focussing on her legs. She tried more skirts and we repeated the same thing. In the end, she just came out buying the t shirt and jean. Then we went to the food court and had some food. She bought a veg burger and a pepsi. I bought a chicken burger and a soft drink. It was in a tray. She took her drink and started drinking first. I took my burger and moved the tray. The tray hit her pepsi which spilled on her dress. Her face turned red and she shouted “You stupid. Don’t you have common sense. Can’t you see the drink was on the table? My favorite dress is totally spoilt now. You brainless bastard.”

I was totally shocked. People around were all looking at us. She immediately stood up, went to the washroom, cleaned up and left home without even looking at me. I went home totally disturbed. I thought she will message me and ask sorry to me. But she didn’t. The next Monday, at the office, she was her usual self. Though I was sitting there depressed. She was smiling around making jokes with people. But she just didn’t talk to me anything other than work related stuff. I couldn’t bear being ignored by her. I then went home and couldn’t get a proper sleep. I rolled around the bed. I knew she was too arrogant and she will never accept her mistake. I knew that it would be wrong if I go and talk to her after what she did. But I just couldn’t control myself. I sent a message.

Me – Sorry

Shruti – What made you take so long to ask sorry?

Me – I was afraid you will scold me again

Shruti – Just make sure that you don’t do it again. I am feeling sleepy now. Good night

I didn’t know what to make out of that conversation. I didn’t sleep well that night. The next day at office. She started speaking with me normally again. It was like such a thing never happened. I messaged her in the evening.

Me – Still angry with me?

Shruti – Of course not. You asked sorry right? As long as you accept your mistake and apologize with me, everything is fine

Me – Hmmm. Looks like you got very angry that day.

Shruti – Yes. Felt like slapping you. You should be happy that I left with just a scolding

After a small chat, we both went to sleep. Things were getting complicated day by day. It was my mistake of spilling the drinks on her body. But the way she reacted was way over the limits. I asked sorry for what I did. But she didn’t even feel a little bit bad about the way she shouted. But still I am going behind her like a servant for her. I should not like her after what she did. But I still do. I like her even more than before. What is happening to me? I immediately took my laptop and browsed the internet about such feelings. That is when I found out that I am a submissive man. A man who likes to get dominated and ill-treated by others. It means to yield to the authority of others. In this case, she was the authority. And I was in love with her.

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