Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Vivek took the hotel phone and made a call. He sat down wearing a towel. After 15 minutes. The bell rang. He went to the door and got something. It was some food and soft drinks. He woke Shruti up and asked her to eat them. Vivek just had one coke. Once Shruti was done with the food, he dragged her to the bed. Made her lie on the bed face down. Shruti was down flat. He then mounted her from behind. Shruti made some feeble attempts to push him away. But he held her tightly to the bed. This time, he fucked her ass.

I couldn’t watch it anymore. I forwarded it till the end. From the glimpses I saw, He had fucked her ass for another hour. Then he also collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. Shruti lay there on the bed with her asshole filled with cum. Around morning 4 AM, the door opened. It was Pandian and Santhosh. They had key to the room which they were supposed to use to save her. Both were concerned about Shruthi. They lifted her on her shoulders. Pandian took her dresses and they went out. The video didn’t have anything after that.

I finished watching it in my laptop and someone touched my shoulders. It was Shruti. She asked me “Will Pandian stop hating me now?”

Chapter 22

Shruti took rest throughout the Saturday. She ate well and slept. Sunday, she was a bit fresh. But she went to bed after having breakfast. We had a small conversation in our Whatsapp group

Santosh – Every thing is ready. We just have to show this video to Vivek and blackmail him to get the hike and promotions we need. Thanks to Shruti for the amazing sacrifice she made for us.

Bharath – I just saw the video. I am extremely sorry Shruti. I was totally drunk that night and fell asleep. If I were in proper senses, I would have definitely come to save you

Aarthi – I left the guys to save you and went to sleep. I don’t know what happened. As a woman, I know how you would have felt. Take care of yourselves. Rest throughout the weekend. We all love you so much. You are the best friend we could ever get. Take care dear

Shruti replied after 2 hours

Shruti – Thanks for all your kind words guys. I will do anything for you guys. Disappointing to see that the guy who actually doubted me and made me undergo this didn’t even care to ask me how I am.

Santosh – How did you know it was him?

Shruti – I knew that you guys actually cared for me. The only guy who could possibly be responsible for this is Pandian. And I was actually awake when you called Dilip yesterday morning.

Santosh – That was too bad of him

That was when the bell rang. I opened the door. It was Pandian. He was standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He saw me and apologized immediately “I am so sorry man. I hope she is not injured or anything”

Me – No injury as such. Just tired.

Pandian – Nice.. Where is she?

I pointed him to the bed room. He went in and gave her the bouquet. Shruti sat upright on her bed seeing him. He gave her the bouquet, said sorry and left.

I looked confused and asked Shruti “what happened to him?”

Shruti smiled and said “His ego wont let him to see me as a friend yet. But at least I am not his enemy anymore.”

Me – You are a good mind reader. By the way, your fertility window starts tomorrow right?

Shruti – Yes dear. That is why I am taking as much rest as possible. Hope you avoided masturbation for the past 3 days.. I want you to store all your sperm cells for me

Me – Almost leaked them out after seeing that video. But I controlled it at the last moment

Shruti – You sick bastard. You got horny seeing your wife being ravaged by that beast?

Me – I will get horny if I see you get fucked. Doesn’t matter who.

She kissed me and then fell asleep. We went to the office on Monday. Shruti was back to her normal self.

Once we reached office. Everyone in our team went to Shruti’s place one by one to check if she is fine. They were happy to see her smiling. Aarthi and Shruti had a long discussion. Aarthi told it was a good thing that Vivek had such a short dick. It would have been a big problem if his dick was very long. Pandian also came and asked if she was fine and went. Everyone smiled.

Vivek came to the office. He didn’t face any of us and went directly to the manager’s room. Managers in our office had a separate private room. Santosh followed him to his room. Then both of them went to a meeting room. Santosh waved us all to come inside the meeting room. We went in. Santhosh connected his laptop and started playing that video. Vivek asked him to stop it

Vivek – Was this a master plan to get me into this?

Santosh – That is none of your business. We could spoil both your personal and professional life with it. I could forward a part of the clip to the HR team and get you fired or to your wife and get you a divorce.

Vivek – What do you want?

Santosh – We want good ratings for all of the team members

Vivek – That is not possible now. I have already submitted the review

Santosh – That is a lie. You can modify the reviews till the end of the week

Vivek – How can I give good review to everyone? The management wont believe

Santosh – You can make it happen. You are the manager. Comparatively speaking, our team members get the lowest hike in the office. You are doing this so that you can get good name from your manager and get better salary. For this one year, shut up and sacrifice your hike and bonus for the team’s sake

Vivek – I shouldn’t have even come to the resort party

Santosh – That is your problem. Are you accepting the deal now?

Vivek – Do I have a choice?

Santosh – Not that I know of

Vivek – Ok.. I will get 20 percent hike for all of you. Is that fine?

Santosh – 20 percent? Are you kidding me? Whey are we going to do such a big thing to get 20 percent hike

Vivek – How much do you want?

Santosh – 40 percent

Vivek – Don’t joke. You know that it is totally impossible to get so much hike in our company. The maximum I could go is till 30 percent. Even that is not simple

Santosh – If 30 percent is possible, I want you to get that for us. We don’t care about how difficult it is

Vivek – It is hard to get 30 percent for everyone. I need to get lower hike for at least one person

Pandian – I have a plan for that. You don’t have to give me any hike at all

Vivek – Really? What else do you want then?

Pandian – Initiate VISA process for me. I want to work in Europe for a year

Vivek – I can initiate work visa processing anytime. But the Europe team manager must be willing to hire you

Pandian – I will take care of that

Vivek – Whatever.. I think I can do that

Pandian – Fine

Vivek – Shall I ask you something?

Santosh – Yes.. Go ahead.

Vivek – How long were you guys planning this?

Santosh – Ha ha. Good question. We planned this just one week back

Vivek – How did Shruti accept for such a horrible plan?

Santosh – That is a big story. You don’t have to know that

Vivek – Why did you do this Shruti? I have always been an encouraging manager for you. You have always received good salary hike from me. Then why did you do this against me

Shruti – Sorry, Vivek. To be frank, you were not giving the hike for my performance. If I really performed well, you would have given me promotion. You gave me hike because that way, no one else will know

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