Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Aarthi – Pandian. How is the visa thing going on for you?

Pandian – I got approval for Visa. I will get it in a week. But there are other problems I need to worry about

Aarthi – What is that?

Pandian – The Europe team manager should hire me in his team. Only then I can go there

Santosh – You mean Jason?

Pandian – Yes. I talked to him last week. He told he will is not planning to hire overseas candidates for this year.

Santosh – He is visiting India next week right? Why don’t you try to convince him?

Pandian – He seems to be pretty stubborn with his stand. I don’t think I can do anything

Shruti – Jason is that black guy correct?

Santosh – Yes. The back Afro-American guy. Tall strong guy with shaved head

Aarthi – Why Shruti? You want to bed him too

Shruti – You are almost right. Pandian, here is the deal. If I somehow convince him to hire you, will I get to taste you in bed?

Pandian – Dilip. Look at your wife. See how slutty she is.

Shruti – I am talking to you. Reply to me

Pandian – There is no way you are going to convince him

Shruti – You know about my convincing skills

Pandian – Ok. If you somehow managed to do it, I will be available to you for the rest the time I stay in India

Shruti – That is it. Note it down guys. You are all eye-witnesses for his promise.

Bharath – Wow man. Shruti is totally obsessed with Pandian. What did you do Pandian?

Pandian – I didn’t do anything. She is a slut. That is why she is behaving like this

Shruti – She is soon to be your slut dear.

Everyone was surprised at the sudden change in attitude of Shruti towards Pandian. She was perfectly on track to seduce him. Usually, when someone from other countries visit our team we will take them to forest camping to get to mingle with them well. As usual, we had planned a 2 day forest camping trip with Jason. He reached Chennai on a Monday. He was busy till Thursday. Our plan was to go on the trip during Friday and Saturday. That was when Shruti decided to implement her plan

Chapter 26

We took a van to go to the forest at the outskirts of Chennai. Our full team including Vivek was traveling with us. Shruti sat next to Jason while travelling. She was wearing a white t-shirt and black track pant. We had a friendly chat with Jason while traveling.

Pandian – How was your experience during this India trip, Jason?

Jason – It is too hot. Otherwise, I love this place and the people are really good

Vivek – Did you get a chance to visit all places near Chennai

Jason – No. I have visited many nearby places during my last visit to Chennai. This time, I focussed on eating Indian food

Santosh – Wow. Did you get a chance to taste everything that is Indian

Jason – Not everything. Just food

(He giggled)

Santosh – Well. What else do you want to taste?

Jason – I love Indian women. But didn’t get anytime to go on date with some Indian girl. I also heard it is hard to take Indian girls out for dates

Aarthi – Yes. At least in south India, it is pretty much like that. People are so conservative

Jason – I have noticed that. People’s dresses also cover everything. Why are women wearing such dresses in this hot weather

Shruti – Women are willing to open up. But their families wont let us do that

Jason – That is too bad. It would be nice to see these hot women wear some fashionable glamorous clothing

Shruti – Don’t feel bad for that Jason. We will make sure that you have a lot of fun for the remaining two days you are here.

We reached the place at around 3 in the afternoon. Our idea was to go on a hike through a forest and reach a river which runs between the forest. We were planning to camp near the river at night and return back the next morning. Bharath was our guide here because his uncle was working in the forest department in the area and he had done this hike so many times. It was allowed for only one group at a time. They gave us tents and the camping equipments

It was a 3-hour hike through the forest which was so dense. As the weather was hot, we were sweating a lot. Jacob removed his shirt because of it. He was just in his sleeveless vest and shorts. He had a typical black guy’s body. Very athletic and smooth. Shruti kept stealing glances at him. I went near her and teased “Planning to switch our child’s father from Pandian to Jason?”

Shruti – I am ok with it. But what will our parents say if our child is pitch black like him?

Me – That is right. He is not the right option. Anyway you are not in your fertility window now.

Shruti – Yes. But one thing is true. I definitely want to ride him. Look at him. I want to taste every inch of him

Me – You look so restless. Don’t rape him

Shruti – Ha ha. You know what I am capable of. Except Pandian, I have had everyone I liked to have sex with

Me – Sorry madam. You carry on with your goal

We reached the river bank at around 6 PM. We had learned how to set up tents before going there. We put up the tents. We were totally 8 people. We built 4 tents as each tent could accommodate 2 people. The place was very beautiful. Out in the forest and a river flowing next to us. We setup a campfire in the middle of the tents. We had fun dancing and singing. Then Shruti told that she was planning to take a walk along the river and asked if anyone was willing to join. Jason said yes and everyone else understood Shruti’s plan and politely refused. Shruti and Jason walked along the river at night. The environment was so romantic. They moved far from our campsite taking a torch light with them. I didn’t get to see what happened after that. But Shruti narrated it to me later. I am narrating it here now

They walked along the river without talking for a couple of minutes. Shruti started the conversation.

Shruti – Still thinking about how to bed Indian girls?

Jason – Ha ha. Why am I going to think about other Indian girls? I have a beautiful Indian girl walking right next to me

Shruti – You are a liar

Jason – No, I am not. You know I am not lying. I know that you know you are hot

Shruti – Ok. Let us change the topic

Jason – No. Let us continue with the topic

Shruti(punching on his shoulders) – You are such a naughty guy

Jason – You are the naught one here. Don’t touch me like that. I may lose control anytime

Shruti – What will happen if you lose control?

Jason – I may rape you right here

Shruti – Technically, it won’t be a rape if you have my consent

Jason – Oh.. Why would a woman like you give consent to a black guy like me

Shruti – That depends on what you could offer me if I accept

Jason – What can I possibly give you? Money?

Shruti – Shut up. I am not a hooker

Jason – What else do you need?

Shruti – Leave it. There is nothing like that

Jason – Come on. I don’t want to miss out on this. If it is something I can give you, it would be awesome

Shruti – It will be a weird request. But I pretty sure that you can give it

Jason – What is it? Don’t worry. Just tell me

Shruti – Can you accept Pandian’s application for a job in your team in Europe and take him there?

Jason – What? Are you stupid? You are willing to have sex with me just to get him a job in Europe? This is insane. He is not even your husband. Are you in an illegitimate relationship with him?

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