Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Chapter 5:

The next weekend arrived. This time, we had to go to office both Saturday and Sunday. At the office, we were having lunch. I decided to have a go at her.

Me – It is boring ya. I am planning to pour this water on you.

Shruti – This time you will definitely get slapped.

Me – You are too short tempered

Shruti – You are a dumb fuck. I get angry whenever I do stupid things

Me – That was an accident

Shruti – Are you really planning to justify that? You deserved what you got. Now don’t make me do it again

Me – I know. I bought you something to cool you down

Shruti – What is that?

I took out a bag and gave it to her. She opened it to find the gift I bought her. It was one of the mini-skirts she tried the other day. She smiled at me and told “That is so cute. But how am I even going to wear this? My parents will kill me if they see me in this”

Me – Just have it in your bag. You can wear it on occasions and change back to a different dress when you go home

Shruti – Seriously. This is so sweet of you. I never knew you are such a good friend.

She got up, came near me, bent down and hugged me. One of the best moments in my life. That night I received a text from her “Good night, friend”

We went to office on Sunday. Now she started being a good friend to me. She started talking freely about her personal life and everything. But she stayed away from the topic of boyfriends. She talked about her family and childhood. She asked about my love life.

Me – Do I look like a guy who had girlfriends before?

Shruti – Ha ha. That is correct. You look like a big loser when it comes to women. You are too good a person for women to like you.

Me – Really? Women don’t like good guys

Shruti – Women like good guys. But women don’t like guys who are too good and naive. You seem to be too innocent. Just tell me this. If a girl falls for you, will you ever try to have sex with her?

Me – No. I will never have the guts to do that.

Shruti – This is the reason why women these days won’t like you. We won’t ask you for sex. We will say no when you ask for sex. But it is your job to convince us

Me – Hmmm. So, you tell me about you. How about your love life?

Shruti – Mine? I won’t talk about that. I will tell you when I feel like telling you

Me – This is unfair

Shruti – Ha ha. You could have refused to tell me when I asked you. Moreover, you didn’t have to tell me about your love life. I just had to look at you to find how your love-life would have been. See how innocent you are

Me – That is right.

Shruti – Ok. Let us go to work.

After that weekend, I was getting really close to Shruti. From what I saw, she did not have any guy much close to her. Meanwhile, Pandian and Bharath kept talking about her body and kept advising me on how bad a person she is.

One day, Pandian was playing with his bike keys and they fell down. Bharath took them and threw it to Shruti’s place. Shruti took the keys and kept them hidden somewhere. She was wearing tight t shirt and jeans. Pandian asked her for the keys. She acted like she didn’t know it. She had kept her own keys on her desk. Pandian saw that and took her keys and tried to run to his place. Shruti chased him to his place and tried to get her keys. Pandian turned the other side. Shruti hugged him from behind trying to reach the keys at his front. He was a pretty big guy and she couldn’t even reach the front. She was pushing him hard that her body was literally pasted on him. I, Bharath, Santosh and Aarthi were watching this. Pandian slipped and fell down. Still she rolled over him trying to get her keys. They were rolling like lovers. Shruti’s t shirt had gone up a litte showing her white smooth fleshy hips. She plucked the keys from his hand and tried to get up. But he pulled her down and rolled over her. They looked like having sex in missionary position just with the dresses on. Pandian between her legs lying on her. Shruti immediately gave Pandian his keys. He took them and let her away. I knew I will have a hard time during lunch that day.

Bharath started the topic during lunch

Bharath – Pandian. Looks like you wet your pant today.

Pandian – I told you I hate that bitch

Bharath – Then why did you roll on her like that. You almost fucked her in office itself

Pandian – She was the one who rolled over me like that. The bitch made it look like I did it

Bharath – You are so lucky. She definitely has a thing for you. But you are ignoring her always

Pandian – I hate such slutty woman dude

Me – Come on. Just because she fell on you, it doesn’t mean she is behind you and she is slutty. She just wanted her keys.

Pandian – Don’t get angry dude. Why are you supporting that bitch all of a sudden?

Me – Don’t call all women bitch. She is a good friend of me. So stop talking about her like that

Pandian – Cool dude. The slut has used her tricks on you and you fell for them. Don’t believe her.

Bharath – Yes dude. Better stay away from her. You just saw what she did with Pandian

I immediately got up and left the table. That evening they messaged me and apologized and told they won’t talk about her like this anymore.

Chapter 6:

The 6 of our team members were part of a Whatsapp group. We occasionally had some conversations there. Shruti replied rarely to the group. I used to be pretty active in that group. But after that day, I stopped responding to messages in the group. Even our lunch conversations were mostly silent. One day while chatting with Shruti during a weekend at office, she brought up this topic

Shruti – I see you are being weird these days

Me – What? Nothing like that

Shruti – Come on. You know you are bad at telling lies. Now tell what happened. You are not active in the whatsapp group chat. You are not getting along well with Pandian and Bharath. What is happening?

Me – Yes. We had a bad argument that day. Things are pretty weird from that day.

Shruti – What was the argument about?

Me – Leave it.

Shruti – Come on. I want to know how such close friends started fighting

Me – It was because of you

Shruti – Me?

Me – Yes it was you.

Shruti – How can I be a reason for a fight between you two?

Me – You don’t want to hear that

Shruti – Come on tell me. Or I will go and ask him directly

Me – Don’t do that. I will tell you. Pandian always talks bad things about you

Shruti – What kind of bad things?

Me – You wont like to hear that

Shruti – Tell me what it is

Me – He says you are a slutty woman and that you have had sex with some guys before. He also says that you are too arrogant. You make guys do most of your work and get accolades for that. Pandian and Bharath say that you are trying to seduce Pandian.

Shruti stayed silent looking at the floor for sometime

Shruti – Forget what they told. Why did you fight with them for that?

Me – They have been talking like this for a long time. But nowadays I am getting angry when someone talks like that about you. That day, when you were trying to get the keys from her, it looked bit too raunchy. Pandian says that you are doing such things with him to seduce him and that he hates slutty women like you.

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