Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Pandian – No one can beat your sense of humor. I give you that

Shruti – Remember I got hold of your dick in the swimming pool in the resort? I could never stop thinking about it after that

Pandian – Please stop this. You are being so immature here

Shruti – I am just trying to get what I like. What is so immature about it?

Pandian – Listen. From what I see, you have two motives here. One is that you want to get pregnant with my child. That is not going to happen even in your dreams. My life could get complicated because of that. The second motive is that you seem to have totally addicted to this idea of getting fucked by me after seeing my dick. It is as easy as it looks like

Shruti – Let us begin with your first question. We promise that we will not tell our kid the name of his/her actual father. Moreover, you are going abroad. We can manage to stay away from you. Even if you are coming back, tell us first itself. We will stay away from you

Pandian – That is all fine. Still I cannot digest the idea of a bitch like you giving birth to my child

Shruti – Ok. We can talk about the pregnancy thing later. What did you mean by saying handling you is not easy as it looks like?

Pandian – You won’t understand. I am a whole different person on bed

Shruti – Different in what way?

Pandian – First thing, you have seen my dick. You know that it is too big. To be accurate, it is 11 inch long when erect and it is also thicker than the dicks you have seen before. When you see that, you could think it may be a great idea to have that inside you. But believe me, it is better to just dream about it. Having it in any of your holes will be more painful than you think and you will repent for taking this decision later

Shruti – That is ok. You can insert it as much as it goes in

Pandian -That brings me to the second point. Once I get horny and start having sex with a woman, I become an uncontrollable animal. I wont stop even if the woman begs me to stop. I will get too rough. I will slap you hard, spit on you and fuck you hard and fast as no one has ever had fucked you.

Shruti – So you are a rough fucker?

Pandian – Not just a decent rough fucker. One of the roughest fuckers you have ever seen. I will treat you like shit. I might even beat you in the process. I have had sex with 3 prostitutes so far. No one was able to get my dick completely in.

Shruti – That is ok. I still want to give a try

Pandian – Let me complete. All the 3 prostitutes ran away crying in the middle of the sex session. They complained to the brokers who were managing them and those brokers never brought women to me

Shruti – These things only make me more horny for you

(Shruti put her hand on his crotch. He gently pushed her hand away)

Pandian – Ok. You are just out of your mind. You will learn about it only when you feel it. You have to promise me something if you to have sex with me

Shruti – What is that?

Pandian – You have to do whatever I say till I leave to Europe

Shruti – I dont have problem with that

Pandian – While having sex, I could do extreme and bizarre things. You should not stop me. No matter what. Remember NO MATTER WHAT. You should not stop me. If you stop me, you will never get me

Shruti – Why such a condition?

Pandian – I am tired of having incomplete sex sessions. I want my sex sessions to be complete with you

Shruti – That sounds scary, but fair. Anything else?

Pandian – Right from this moment, I want you to stop having sex with anyone else. Even Dilip. I want you at least a little bit fresh for me. Once I get official offer letter, I will come to your house. You apply leave till I leave to Europe. You will be my bitch all those days. I will stay at your house.

Shruti – Mmmmmm.. I am seriously looking forward to it

Pandian – That is it for now. Let us go back to work.

The rest of the day was quite busy. I asked Shruti about their conversation during our car journey back. She explained everything. I couldn’t believe she accepted such conditions.

Me – Are you out of your mind?

Shruti – What? I could get him to bed only if I accepted everything

Me – But do you understand what he told? He could actually hurt you. I want you to be safe

Shruti – Yes I understand that. If things go overboard, I can stop him. I want to see how far I can handle him.

Me – I hope you are careful about this

Shruti – Don’t worry honey. I know it is a risk. But I want to take it. You are the one who advised me that we should always try hard to realize our fantasies. You told that our lives will be wasteful if we don’t try to realize our dreams

Me – Yes. But is it worth the risk? He told clearly that he is not interested in having a child with you

Shruti – I know that. But I want to give it a shot

Me – Seriously? Why do you have to go this far to get impregnated by him?

Shruti (in a loud voice) – Because I lust after him and I want a child as his remembrance. I want our sex to be unforgettable. A child will always remind me of the sex session I had with him

I was silenced for a moment

Shruti – Sorry dear. I still love you. If you were capable of giving me a child, I wouldn’t have thought about it. Now that I started thinking about it, I can’t get it out of my mind. Do you hate me?

Me – I don’t hate you. I love you. That is the reason why I am worrying about your safety.

Shruti – I am so sorry Dilip. I know I am being so hard to handle for you. But I promise you. Once all this ordeal is done and we go to some other place, we can get back to normal life. I will be a faithful wife to you. I will do everything as per your wish. I just want to have my way till I bear a child. I will not get my youth again. I don’t even know if I will be this much interested in sex after child birth. I want to enjoy life to the fullest before that. Just grant me this wish, please.

I couldn’t say no to that. I have never seen her ask for permission to me like this before. She literally begged me. She was not the kind of person who usually asks for permission like that. This meant how much she wanted it. That also meant how much she loved me. I just couldn’t say no. I nodded my head and smiled. She hugged me

Chapter 30

Tuesday. Jason had sent the offer letter. Pandian contacted everyone to make his departure as early as possible. He was busy throughout the day. At night, we got a message from him in our group “Tickets confirmed. Leaving this Sunday night. I will come to office tomorrow.”

Everyone replied with “All the best” and “We will miss you” messages. Then he sent a video with caption “Shruti. Be ready for something even worse than this”

The video was a rough sex scene with pornstar Nacho Vidal. He was slapping, beating and fucking a woman so roughly with his feet on her face. He looked like a psycho and the woman was clearly not enjoying this. Shruti watched the video and winked at me

Me – Are you still going to do this?

Shruti – Do you really expect me to change my decision?

Me- Of course not.

Shruti – The great thing is that this week falls exactly during my fertility period

Me – Yes. But that means nothing if you couldn’t make him cum inside your pussy

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