Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Shruti was definitely offended after hearing all this. She asked it again “Still.. Why did you fight with them for me?”

Me – Because I love you. I want to marry you. I couldn’t accept if anyone talks about you like that.

There was a stunned silence for a long time. She went to her place. We didn’t talk to each other that day. We finished our work and went home. We came to office the next day also which was a Sunday. She came to my place and called me for lunch. We went to cafeteria and sat down for lunch. She started the conversation

Shruti – So.. How are you feeling now?

Me – What do you expect? You didn’t reply to me at all

Shruti – Come on dilip. It won’t work out between both of us.

Me – Why not? We have been good friends for long time. Why can’t we move to the next level?

Shruti – There are some complications

Me – What? You already have a boyfriend?

Shruti – No. You don’t know my true character.

Me – I know you are short tempered and like to do things your way. I am not worried about that.

Shruti – That is not it. There is another side to me which you should hear about. You got angry with Pandian for telling some things about me. But the point is most of it is true

Me – What are you saying?

Shruti – I think I have to tell you everything about me now. It is up to you to take a decision after that. If you still love me, we could try dating. That doesn’t mean that I accept to marry you. If not we can continue as friends as we are now. If you hate me after that, we can just part ways.

Me – Ok tell me what it is.

Shruti – First, the fact that I have had sex with guys is true. I think you should have guessed that after the conversation we had last week. I have had 3 boyfriends before. One in school and 2 in college. I have had sex with all of them. I am not in relationship with anyone right now. Guys find me hard to handle. I know that I can be authoritarian and bitchy at times. But that is the way I am. I am not going to change for anyone. That is the reason why we broke up

Me – That is fine with me. You should have seen by now that I can ok with that

Shruti – Yes I know that. But you need to know one more thing. I don’t know how to put it. But the truth I am really a sex addict to put it in a decent way. That is what Pandian calls “slutty”. Yes, I am sexually attracted to him. Not just him. Many other guys. It takes a huge effort from my side to actually control myself from jumping all over them. That day when we were fighting for keys, things went a bit out of hands. Right now, I am just satisfying myself with porn videos. I may not be the same all the time though

Me – Now that is heartbreaking for me. Why Pandian of all the people? He is an ugly beast

Shruti – There are certain things which are hard for you to understand. To conclude, everything they spoke about me is true. It is up to you to take a decision

Me – Yes. I definitely need to think about this

We went home. I stayed awake the whole night to think about this. On one side, she is definitely a very difficult person to handle and if my family comes to know any of these things, I am screwed. But I liked the way she was open upfront about her. I have never seen a woman who clearly knows who she is and what she wants. The only thing that bothered me was her lust towards Pandian. I decided to talk about it straight to her the next day. It was a Monday and I didn’t get any personal time with her. I sent her a Whatsapp message asking her to wait at the office gate in the evening. We met there and went to a nearby park.

Shruti – So you took your decision?

Me – Yes

Shruti – What is that? You hate me right?

Me – No. I still love you. I would like to start a relationship with you. But there is just one thing I would like to change about you. Will you able to do that?

Shruti – I have never changed myself for anyone. Tell me what it is. If it is a minor thing. I will try to change

Me – I am ok with the fact that you are a sex addict. You have lust on guys around. But please don’t do anything with Pandian. It gives me a bad feeling. They talk to me on a day to day basis and I feel bad when they talk bad things about you.

Shruti – As I have told. I don’t really have much control on that. I could do my best to avoid it. But I can’t be sure about it

Me – If you could take some effort, that is good enough for me

Shruti – That is it?

Me – Yes it is.

I smiled

Shruti – I never thought you would accept this. I thought you would run away from me after you heard everything. But I need to make myself clear here. We are just dating. It doesn’t mean I will marry you. Right now I don’t have any idea of marrying you. Is that fine?

Me – Yes it is fine.

Thus began our love story. She told that she doesn’t want to marry me. Maybe she wanted an alpha male to marry. That is definitely not me. But I was willing to try everything to marry her. After all, she was the best woman I could find for a submissive guy like me.

Chapter 7 :

My life was very pleasant after that. We started having lunch together at office. All my team mates knew what was happening and they decided to stay away from us. But whenever Shruti wore something sexy, they never missed a chance to ogle at her. I didn’t mind that. One new development was that Santosh and Aarthi started having lunch with Pandian and Bharath now a day. Shruti used to talk about other men we used to have hots for. I found that she had some kind of fetish for body builders who looked like bulls. It didn’t matter how ugly they looked. That explains her attraction towards Pandian. She somehow managed to stay away from him for sometime.

I and Shruti had dinner outside pretty often. We roamed around together during weekends. Many incidents like the beach one and the mall one happened again. She used to get angry with me often. I have to go behind her begging for forgiveness. She regularly scolded me using bad words. I never reacted for them. One day she found out what kind of person I am. We were at coffee day having snacks.

Shruti – I asked you to send a mail to the US team yesterday. Did you send that?

Me – Oh. Sorry Shruti. I totally forgot.

Shruti – Don’t give reasons. You are a good for nothing guy.

Me – I am sorry

Shruti – Shut up asshole. I am tired of hearing your excuses. Why did I even start a relationship with a worthless guy like you?

Me – I will send it tonight. Don’t worry

Shruti – It is already late. They were expecting the report yesterday. You are such a pussy.

Me – Why are you scolding me like this? I told you I am sorry

Shruti suddenly smiled at me and told “It is funny. I have treated you like shit all these days. But you never seemed to get angry about that. You seemed to enjoy that”

Me – So what are you coming to say?

Shruti – This is the very reason why guys usually hate me. I am ill tempered and I disrespect people. But you seem to enjoy these qualities of me.

Me – Yes. That means I am the perfect guy for you. Will you marry me?

Shruti – Ha ha. I won’t marry a pussy like you.

Me – Too baad. What do you want me to do?

Shruti – Ok. We have been in a relationship for long time. You never thought about seducing me to have sex?

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