Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Santosh – That was quite a hard fucking session. Your wife is a really strong person dude

Me – How did she get it in till 8 inches?

Santosh – Pandian was right. Initially she was resisting it a lot. After you went out, she suddenly lifted her head and looked back at Pandian. She herself held her ass cheeks apart, loosened her body and commanded him “Now push” Pandian didn’t even wait a second and gave a hard push. I literally heard her asshole tearing. It went in till 7.5 inches I would say. I thought Shruti would have been dead at that time. But she just gave a groan and kept taking it from him

Me – I don’t know what is wrong with her. Why is she doing that for him?

Santosh – I think I know the reason

Me – What is that?

Santosh – Some women just don’t like it when some guy ignores them. Pandian has been ignoring her for a very long time that it got into her head. It was a psychological thing with her for a long time

Me – What am I supposed to do now?

Aarthi – Absolutely nothing. If you ask me, she is strong enough to endure

Me – But why? Why should she do that? Why is she stubborn about this?

Aarthi – This is a problem with many beautiful women. They would have been the centre of attention for all guys throughout their lives. If someone ignores them, they just cannot accept the fact. Shruti has been receiving so much attention in our office from everyone. But Pandian ignored her completely. Even worse, she was addicted to his manliness and muscular body. When she wanted him and he ignored her, she just couldn’t handle that. Now that she has got a chance she is trying her best to impress him

Me – I don’t know what to do now

Aarthi – If you try to stop this now, things will go bad. She is strong and can handle this. And this is only for 4 days. You are lucky that Pandian is leaving now. Just try to go through the motion these 4 days. Things will be fine after this. Don’t forget. She still loves you. What she does with Pandian is just something that grew out of her ego

Me – Thank you so much for the advice

Aarthi – Don’t mention it. It is time for us to leave. Call us if there is any problem

Aarthi, Santosh and Bharath left the house. I had so much thinking to do. I woke up Shruti, took her to the bathroom. She was walking slowly. She told she didn’t need my support. On the way, I saw that Pandian was having a deep sleep on the bed with some scattered rose petals. I washed her pussy and ass. I soaped her well so that all the traces of cum and blood are gone. While taking bath she told me “I heard what Aarthi said”

Me – Pardon me?

Shruti – I heard what Aarthi said

Me – Don’t mind it

Shruti – What she said is true. My addiction to Pandian is mostly because of his indifference towards me.

Me – I understand that. But you should know when to stop things

Shruti – Don’t worry about that, Dilip. It is all a matter of getting used to. You saw how easy it was for me to take his dick in the ass towards the end

Me – Yes. But you had to undergo hell before that

Shruti – Not anymore. I can take it easily here after. I could take 10 inch of his dick in my pussy and 8 inch in my ass

Me – This is just the first night. We don’t know the things he will try in the future

Shruti – Don’t worry dear. If I cannot handle it, I will definitely use the safe word. I am not that dumb.

Me – Then why didn’t you use it today

Shruti – What he did was so painful. But definitely not something for which I will give up. I thought I will be able to endure it.

Me – I never knew you had such a great endurance

Shruti – If it is worth enduring. I will endure. I feel that a guy like him is worth enduring.

Me – I am pretty sure I will never be able to satisfy you again. My dick won’t even feel your skin when I penetrate you

Shruti(giggling) – Ha ha ha.. Don’t worry. This is just for 4 days. If I stop having sex for a long time after he leaves, things will be back to normal

Me – I hope so

Shruti – Thank you so much hubby

Me – For what?

Shruti – For staying away from us and keeping up the promise

Me – I almost broke it

Shruti – Yes. I know. I know you were angry that I didn’t use the safe word. I feel I need something so hardcore like this to put an end to my sex addiction

Me – What do you mean?

Shruti – The thing what Aarthi told is partially right. The reason why I chose pandian was that. But the reason why I am allowing this rough treatment is different. If I just get the same usual kind of sex all days, it will be hard for me to stop it abruptly. I will still have the fantasies of rough sex. The only way to do that is to endure all this till I don’t have anything else to try, till I get tired of these things. I have been watching too much of porn lately. Mostly rough sex and bdsm stuff. Not a day goes by without thinking about them. If I could actually endure it, I could put those thoughts away from my mind.

Me – I don’t understand a single thing you are saying

Shruti – Ha ha. The bottom line is you just let me do things my way for these 4 days. By the end of it, I will completely come out of my sex addiction. I will become a proper wife and a good mother. This is a promise

Me – Promise?

Shruti – I swear on my life. This Sunday night, when Pandian leaves, I am officially putting a security gate for my body. Only you have the access to pass through it

Me – Ha ha. I love you dear

We had a light hearted conversation. I was surprised to find her back to normal so soon after what she endured. She still had some pain in her ass. But it was not bad as expected. She told she was having a burning sensation. Then we were walking back through the bedroom. Shruti told bye to me and moved into the bed with Pandian who was lying nude. Shruti hugged him, looked at me and whispered “Just 4 days dear”. I smiled and left

Chapter 32

Thursday. I woke up in the morning and wanted to use the bathroom. I passed through the bedroom to find that Shruti had her head on Pandian’s hairy chest and they were sleeping like husband and wife. Shruti was just with her mangalsutra, bangles and anklets. Her arms were on Pandian’s belly and her legs were on Pandian’s thighs. I envied Pandian for sometime. Though I acted to he like I was convinced me last night, I just couldn’t handle it. When other guys fucked her, it was more like she was using them for sex. With Pandian, my wife Shruti had surrendered herself to him. She was doing everything he said. That was too much for me to handle. Then I went to use the toilet. I brushed and took bath. When I came out of the bathroom, Pandian was trying to wake up Shruti. Shruti woke up. But she was so drowsy.

Pandian wanted to have an early morning sex session. But Shruti was feeling too sleepy. He held her head and looked like he was going to kiss Shruti. His lips were near her lips. But he moved his head back and gave her a hard slap on the cheeks. Shruti didn’t expect that. All her drowsiness wore off with that single slap. Her cheeks were a little bit red. She kept her palms on her cheeks. Pandian just put her legs apart and started fucking her madly. Shruti was not reacting initially. But later she became horny and started matching Pandian’s motion. I was surprised to find Shruti totally at ease with taking Pandian’s dick. Pandian was putting in only 8 inches of his dick. But Shruti was in pain even for 5 inches of his dick the previous day. This was a huge improvement. With more pressure, she was capable of taking 10 inches inside. Pandian kept slapping her on both cheeks while he was fucking her. This guy was definitely an animal. They were all very hard slaps. How was he getting the motivation to beat a beautiful woman like her? I wanted to stop him right there and beat the shit out of him. But I knew I was not capable of doing that.

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