Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Me – Aaaahhh.. I want to be a slave to you forever

He dropped me on the ground abruptly and went to take the bag of condoms. He asked me to put two condoms on his dick. Once done, he lifted me up. I pinned my body to him by putting my legs around his hips and hands around his neck. I hugged him so tightly. The hotness of the situation was too much for me to handle. I was going mad and didn’t know what to do. I was nervous about the way, things were going to happen. Something was going to happen and Pandian didn’t know it. He put his dick in my pussy and told me “Isn’t this your favorite position?”

Me – Yes dear. This is my favorite position and you are my favorite fucker

Pandian – Wow.. That is the best compliment I have ever received

Telling that he lifted me up and down madly for sometime. But the speed was not enough for him. He put his hands on my ass and tilted me a little bit so that my legs were now over his shoulders and hands around his neck. Now he didn’t have to lift me up and down. He just had to push my ass front and back. It was easier for him and he was able to fuck me faster. My pussy was dripping wet from my juices and the rain water. I heard sound of frogs and other insects around. He fucked me 8 inches deep. I felt it. I kissed him while he was fucking me. He started getting slower. I told him “Come on. Put me down and fuck me as fast as possible”

He threw me on the muddy ground and mounted me. I put my legs around his hips and locked him. He fucked me so hard. This time my pussy was so wet with juices and I was so horny that I moved towards him while he pumped me. He reached the 10 inch mark that he reached the previous night. I told him “Come on. Give it all. I want your entire dick inside. That one inch disturbs me. I want your balls to strike my ass while you are fucking my pussy”

This made him even more mad. He fucked me like an animal for sometime, paused for a moment and gave it his all. Another half an inch went inside. I screamed in pain. But the scream vanished in the sound of the thunder. I told “Come on. You are the man. You can do it. Just a little bit more“

I already felt like he crossed my cervix. He paused for 2 minutes, took lot of breath and gave one ultimate push. I quivered in pain. But that was when I felt his balls hit my ass. That was the moment. I looked at him with my eyes wide open. He told “You are the first woman to take it completely. You are really the queen of my dick. I love you”

Me – Show me how much you love me. Fuck me fast

He pumped me hard and fast. He made sure that his dick is completely in for every push. It stopped before going in completely sometimes. But he pushed it again till it entered completely. He did it for 2 minutes when he looked at the sky and screamed. His dick was completely in. I locked my legs around his hips tightly. I hugged him tightly and made sure he couldn’t take his dick out. I had my reasons for that. I felt his dick shivering inside my body. He was lost in a different world. I felt his cum. Yes I felt his cum entering my body. I felt like someone put a water pipe inside my vagina and opened it. I felt liters of his sperm hit my tissues inside my body. It took him a long time to realize it. I felt like a complete woman that evening. His face changed from ecstatic to shocked. He looked at me with a horror in his face. He took his dick out. Both the condoms had their top opened like canned drinks. The condoms were circularly cut around the front. But not completely removed.

Remember he asked me to take the bag of condoms and went to have lunch when we were at our home? I used the time to do something. I took a pin and the condom box which he opened last. I took all the condoms from that box. I pierced holes very close by by the pin. I pierced hole to form a circle around the surface of the condoms. I just made sure that I didn’t complete the circle. I was afraid that the top of condoms may go inside my pussy and get locked. I didn’t want the top of condoms to tear off completely. I was afraid it might lead to more complications. That worked. The condoms tore off but the top of the condoms did not get detached completely. It was still sticking to the condoms. But the part whichever was torn was good enough to make sure all the cum leaked out. His huge dick and ability to cum so much worked in my favor. Now I had to wait and see his reaction.

Pandian looked at me with rage and slapped me so hard. He sat by my side and was thinking hard while staring angrily at me. He stood up and wore his dresses. He then lifted me on his shoulders like a sack of rice. He walked down the hill. I told him “I am sorry. I don’t know how the condoms broke” He replied “Shut up bitch. If a condom breaks, it tears in some random direction. It won’t tear up circularly. Don’t think I am a stupid. You are going to pay for this”

Me – Please leave me

Pandian – Just because I was affectionate with you, you took advantage of that. This is why I am never affectionate with women

Me – Please. Let me explain

Pandian – Shut up bitch. I don’t want to hear another word from you

He opened the trunk of the car this time and threw me in. I heard the car start. I didn’t know where it was going. I didn’t know what plans he had for me

Shruti’s narration ends ————————————

Chapter 36

Now, back to what happened that night from my perspective.

Dilip’s narration —————————

Pandian was smiling at the camera and pointed it somewhere. It looked like a local gym. Not the usual high class air conditioned gym. But a local gym with old rusty instruments and dirty building. My heart skipped a beat seeing Shruti tied nude to a bench. It was the bench used by body builders to lift weight for chest press. Shruti was tied in a way that she cant even move an inch. She was lying on the bench face down. Both her legs were on either side of the bench. Same with her hands too. Her hands were stretched to the fullest possible extent and tied to another machine in her front. Her head was literally pasted to the bench. A rope ran around her neck and the bench to hold her there tightly. Another rope ran around her hips to hold her even more tightly to the bench. They essentially made her upper body totally immobile. Shruti was shouting something which I couldn’t here. She was just waving her legs around like she was riding a bicycle.

The bench was long enough to cover only from her head to crotch. Her ass was at the edge of the bench. Pandian was zooming her body inch by inch and showing it to me. Then he took two steps back and zoomed out. I was shocked to see 4 men standing nude around her. All of them were body builders. I saw one guy holding a bottle of alcohol with him. The others were also drunk. They all had around 7 inch size dicks They seemed to be Pandian’s friends at the gym. But one of them didn’t really look like a proper body builder. Also, he looked so familiar. It took me around half a minute to realize who it was. It was none other than RAM – her ex boyfriend. The guy who fucked Shruti and started things for me. Pandian looked at the camera and told “Come here soon, bro. Everyone wants to fuck your wife. All these guys are local slum guys except Ram. They all have never tasted any brahmin woman before. They all want to taste every inch of your wife”

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