Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Shruti – What happened to you? I thought you hated him anyway and you will be happy if after I slapped him

Me – Yes. I hated him. I hated him even more when he took you to that gym. But that night he looked genuinely guilty for having done that you. He helped me a lot while we were implementing the escape plan. Remember, he also has so many videos of you. He could have used that anytime. But he didn’t. He is genuinely in love with you. Slapping is not the right way to treat him.

Shruti – Why are you supporting him now?

Me – I am not supporting him. I am just telling you the facts before you make any decision

Shruti – My decision is made. He never comes into my life again. If he uses my video, let him do it. I don’t care anymore. I am sick and tired of this

She walked angrily to the bedroom and fell on the bed sobbing. I went to her and consoled her. She fell asleep on my chest. I slowly placed her head on a pillow and fell asleep. I woke up as my phone rang. It was Pandian. I came outside the room and told him “Sorry for being so rude with you. I just told her how bad it was to slap you.”

Pandian – It’s ok dude. I deserved this. Where is Shruti? Is she still angry with me?

Me – Yes. Very much. She is so stubborn. You know that. It is difficult to change her decisions. You better focus on going to Europe and developing your career. Just forget this

He was so sad and he made many emotional statements. I have never seen him speak like that. I thought he was more arrogant than Shruti. I thought he will create some new problems for us after the slap he received. He looked like a totally different person now. Shruti has actually made him fall in love with her. While I was thinking all this, he was begging me even more.

Pandian – Today is just Friday. I have two more days Dilip. I won’t give up that easily. I promise that I wont hurt her hereafter. I don’t even need to have sex with her. Just ask her to tell me that she has forgiven me

Me – That is a joke. Listen. There are two reasons why she was so much behind you. One is that you ignored her. She just couldn’t handle that. That is out of the game now. She knows that you are behind her. The other thing is your sexual prowess. If you say you won’t do that too, there is no reason she will fall for you

Pandian – So, what do you want me to do?

Me – I can’t say anything. It is just an issue which you both have to solve. I can’t get involved in this

Pandian – Can I safely believe that you are not angry with me anymore

Me – I am still angry. But I have forgiven you. And I won’t come in your path if you manage to convince her

Pandian – Thanks Dilip. I am sorry again for everything I did. I will talk to you later

Just after he disconnected, Santosh called me

Santosh – Hey buddy. What happened? I have been trying to reach you from yesterday. So, busy watching Shruti and Pandian?

Me – Not like that dude. There was some problem

Santosh – What problem?

Then I thought I shouldn’t tell him the things which happened yesterday. I had to lie to him

Me – There was a fight between Shruti and Pandian

Santosh – What fight? Anything serious?

Me – Nothing much. Usual stuff. Pandian kept saying he wouldn’t give baby to Shruti. Shruti kept asking for it. He eventually scolded her so badly that Shruti got so pissed off. She asked him to get out of the house.

Santosh – Oh. Shruti doesn’t usually get pissed about getting scoldings.

Me – He went too far. He talked dirty stuff about her parents

Santosh – Oh.. I see.

Me – Now, Pandian is apologizing to her. But she is not accepting. He even told her that he is willing to give her a baby. But she is not accepting

Santosh – Oh. That is too bad. I had some other plan. But not sure if it will work anymore

Me – What plan?

Santosh – We thought of having a small farewell party for Pandian at your house as your house is alone and neighbors won’t complain

Me – I need to talk with Shruti about that

Santosh – Yes. Please talk and call me

I disconnected the call. I immediately called Pandian and told him that I lied to Santosh about the problem and asked him to maintain it the same way. Then I waited for Shruti to wake up while I ordered for lunch. She woke up late at around 3 PM. She was still nude. It was funny. The saree she wore when Pandian came here for the first night was the last dress she wore. She didn’t wear any dress for even a minute after that. I didn’t tell her about Pandian’s phone call. But I told her that Santosh called and I lied to him about the fight between her and Pandian. Then I told her about the party plan.

Shruti – Why our house?

Me – Because their houses will have neighbor problem. Our neighbors don’t complain about anything

Shruti – Ask them to do it in some hotel

Me – Ok. I will

I called Santosh and told him. He asked me to give the phone to Shruti. Shruti talked with him for about 5 minutes. She was so stubborn and refused to budge. Then Santosh decided to have it in his house. Shruti told she wont come anyway. But somehow he managed to convince her to come there at least for half an hour. Shruti accepted with so much grudge.

The rest of the day was uneventful.

Saturday Morning. Shruti was still walking around nude. She woke me up with a kiss and started riding me. Her sexual libido was back. While fucking, I asked her “So. My wife Shruti is back?”

Shruti – MMMM.. Yes dear.. Back for my lovely husband

Me – So.. If Pandian comes here now, you will be all over him

Shruti – No. Don’t talk about that bastard. I just want you and you only.. Aaaahhh. I am cumming

Me – Hmmm.. What about baby then?

Shruti – I have so many guys willing to do it. So, that won’t be a problem

Me – Mmmm… I am cumming

I came inside her pussy. We had 2 more sessions that day. It was evening 6 PM. I told her that it was time to start for the party. She told that she was not coming.

Me – What? You promised that you will come

Shruti – Yes. But I think I shouldn’t go there. Why should I attend the farewell party of that horrible person?

Me – I think you are overreacting dear

Shruti – No. I am not. I won’t even see his face again. But you go. Or else, they will think that something big happened. You go there and tell that I am going for a doctor checkup and I will join them late at around dinner time

Me – Oh. Are you going to join us for dinner?

Shruti – No. I will tell them that the doctor visit got delayed. I will tell some lie and escape

Me – Ok. Your wish honey. Charge your mobile now so that I can call you if I need to talk

Shruti – Yes. It has been switched off for 2 days. I switched it off due to Pandian’s repeated phone calls. I will switch it on and keep it for charging

Me – Thank you

I reached Santhosh’s house at 7 PM. Aarthi was dressed in a decent salwar kameez. They had ordered so much of booze. Pandian and Bharath reached there 5 minutes after I reached. We all took a glass of beer or rum or whatever we liked in our hands. Before we started, Santosh told that he had to make an announcement. We were all seated around in the sofa. He walked into the middle and told “Guys. I have some bad news and good news for you”

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