Family Beach Party Turned X-Rated Chapter 15 by gregorthegrant

Family Beach Party Turned X-Rated Chapter 15 by gregorthegrant

Discover the heat in 'Family Beach Party Turned X-Rated Chapter 15' by gregorthegrant. Dive into a provocative tale of forbidden desires and steamy encounters that unfold during a sun-soaked beach getaway. Uncover the tantalizing twists and adult themes in this erotic saga. Perfect for fans of sizzling urban fiction and daring romance!<br/>

continuing story about Geg and his wife Sandra , Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 15 by gregorthegrant Edited by a friend.

Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 15 xnxx

I kept thinking about the unusual afternoon Sandra and I had spent outside and inside the old fire hall museum. I could feel what the dogs as well as Troy and Alex had pumped down my throat and deep into my ass. I looked over at Sandra as she looked back at me with a big smile on her poor bruised lips. Her hair looked crusted with white flakes. I gathered it was from the goop the guys had brushed in her hair while they had worked at the cleaning of her body. I hated to think about the white stuff leaking out of my ass and into my pants. I sure wasn’t going to mention anything to my wife about the way Troy had helped me out even though against his principles by ramming his poor cock up my ass to clean the doggy stuff from my ass. Unfortunately for him all that poor pumping his big cock into my ass had caused not just me but also Troy to shoot his load in my ass. Not to mention poor Alex only trying to force the doggy stuff down my throat and into my stomach. He had also lost control and shot his big load down my throat filling my mouth and all over my hair and face. I placed my hand on my hair and felt it was all crusty probably because poor Alex’s load had dried. All this passed through my mind as the taxi made it’s way to the hotel Sandra and I were staying at throughout our honeymoon.

I looked out the window as the cab pulled up in front of our hotel. Sandra stepped out of the cab first the black taxi driver holding the door open for her. I stepped out of the cab once Sandra was standing beside the sidewalk in front of the hotel. That’s when I noticed the same tall, black muscular taxi driver in his mid twenties had been the one that had taken both Sandra and I to the old fire hall museum. The door closed behind me and I took a step toward Sandra turning around and noticed another tall black muscular young man in his mid twenties and at least six three an inch or so shorter than the driver. “Hi I came along with Matt because we are both off duty once we had dropped the both of you off at your hotel.” The tall muscular black youth said. He was also wearing what I had never seen a taxi driver wearing before. He had a pair of tight jean shorts, sandals and tight white sleeveless T-shirt. I looked down at his jeans and couldn’t believe the huge bulge trailing down the right side of his jean shorts. I swore if his shorts had been any shorter his visibly huge mushroom shaped cock head would have been dragging under his shorts. As it was I swore if his cock had been rock hard it would have ripped through the well worn out jeans.

I was about to say thank you when the hotel door opened and out walked the two desk clerks that had welcomed Sandra and I to the hotel the night before. They were dressed alike dark blue tight fitting dress shorts, sandals and sleeveless unbuttoned white shirts revealing their tanned muscular chests, washboard stomachs, muscular arms not to mention their muscular legs. One had dark blonde hair and had to be at least six two while the other had dark brown hair and at least a couple inches taller than the blonde desk clerk. “Did the two of you have a good time at the old fire hall museum?” The tall blonde muscular desk clerk asked.

“Yes it was great.” Sandra answered. “Wasn’t it Greg.”

“It sure was different.” I answered.

“Oh did something happen to the two of you at the museum.” The dark haired tall muscular desk clerk asked.

“Nothing really bad happened just I’d say unusual I’d never experienced before.” Sandra answered.

“You can say that again. I’ve never been inspected by dogs before.” I answered before thinking what I said. I hadn’t wanted to mention Sandra and my unexpected doggy inspection to anyone.
“Oh I am so sorry. Did you hear that Ted. I feel so bad for the two of you.” The blonde man said with a concerned look on his face.

“We can’t have our good hotel guests deeply unexpected actions upsetting them Jeff. I believe the least we can do is at least pay their taxi fare.” Ted said looking first at Jeff then the two taxi drivers last up and down my beautiful half dressed wife. That’s when I really noticed just how little Sandra had on. I suppose it was because the guys at the museum hadn’t had woman’s clothing. Sandra was wearing a tight white T-shirt that was stretched to the limits causing half her large breast to be exposed and her large hard nipples to press against the thin white material. Her black shorts were so short and tight one could visibly see the outline of her hot puffy pussy lips not to mention most of her ass cheeks. I also noticed thick gobs of white plastered the front and back of her tight black shorts not to mention now dripping down the backs and fronts of her legs. Thinking about the white goo dripping from Sandra I looked down and saw a glob of white from the last of my load pressing against the front of my pants not to mention the feeling of Troy’s as well as the dogs loads leaking out of my ass.

“That won’t be necessary.” I said feeling my face begin to feel heated. “It wasn’t that bad and the dogs were only doing what they were trained to do.”

“Nonsense Greg I’ll take these two taxi drivers inside to the office so I can pay for your inconvenience at the museum. Maybe one of you should come in the office and give us a brief account of what happened.” Ted said turning around leading the way into the hotel followed by Sandra, Jeff, the two taxi drivers and last of all myself.

“That reminds me I don’t know your names.” Jeff said once inside the hotel and looking at the two tall muscular black taxi drivers.

“Oh sorry, I am Mark and this is my friend Hank.” Mark said.

“I’ll volunteer to go over what happened with dogs outside the old fire hall museum Greg.” Sandra said once we were all inside beside the front desk.

“That will be fine with me. I’ll head into the office with one of these fine taxi drivers Sandra and Jeff can keep the other taxi driver company out here with you Greg.” Ted said walking behind the front desk where there were three easy chairs close to the back wall. “Just relax it may take a while for Sandra to go over everything that happened.”

“That’s okay, that will give me some time to go over some of the sight seeing brochures with Greg.” Jeff answered.

“See you as soon as Sandra goes over in detail what happened inside and outside the museum.” Ted said allowing Sandra followed by one of the extra tall muscular taxi driver before entering the office and closing the door.

“Make yourself comfortable Greg, Hank.” Jeff said.

I took one of the brochures Jeff handed me and leaned back just as I heard Sandra’s muffled voice saying. “Oh yes that’s much more less confining. That T-shirt was so tight I could hardly breathe not to mention the tight shorts. My, my I knew you were huge but damn Mark’s is out and out massive. Now to tell you about what happened at the museum today.”


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