First time cuckold by Haywood72

Kathy sat right up against me in the car, as we drove to the club. I could smell her perfume, and feel the heat radiating off of her body. Every time the car went over a bump in the road, I could feel her big heavy mommy tit, shimmy against my arm. My mind was in a trance as she took my free hand, placed it on her lap, and held it as we drove. At one of the stoplights, she looked into my eyes, and said in a tone that I’ve never heard before, “I love you honey, I love you so much.”

My mind was in a fog, and my stomach was in a knot. Did you ever have that uneasy feeling like something big was about to happen, but you didn’t know what. That is the feeling I had after she said this to me.

“Oh, here we are,” she said as I pulled up to the club. “Why don’t I go in and get us a booth while you park the car?”

“Good idea” I replied, yielding to her wishes, because at this point she seems to have taken charge.

She got out of the car and walked past a group of boys outside the club. I noticed she was swinging her ass a little bit more than necessary (even with the heels on) as she walked past them. When she went in, one of the guys grabbed his dick, and pushed it toward the club door. All the other guys laughed, and grabbed their dicks as well. It was a little insulting, and sort of pissed me off, but I found myself getting a huge erection. I drove away to park the car.

When I got inside the dance club, I saw my wife waving to me from a dark booth near the dance floor. When I walked over to her, she motioned for me to sit across from her, not beside her, like I normally do. Without any resistance, I followed her direction. When I sat down, she leaned in close to me to whisper something. Her breasts rested on the tabletop, pushing her fleshy cleavage up, and out of her blouse. I could see the buttons straining to hold back her sizable mounds.

Leaning close to me, with a concerned look on her face, she whispered, “Maybe I shouldn’t have dressed so sexy after all.”

I asked her why not, and told her that I thought she looked great. “Well, do you see that guy over there at the bar, the young guy on the end?”

I glanced over to see who she was talking about. I saw a good looking young man at the end of the bar, having a drink, and talking to the bartender. He was well built and very muscular. “Yes, I do, what about him?”

“Well,” she said. “As soon as I sat down here, he came right over and asked me to dance.”

Not sure where she was going with this, I simply ask her, “Well, what’s wrong with that,” knowing that guys ask her all the time to dance.

“Nothing, but he was staring at my breasts the whole time he was talking to me” she said.

Glancing back down at my wife’s sizable 36D breasts on display, I said to her, “Well honey, you can hardly blame a guy for looking. You have some pretty amazing looking breasts, and guys like to look at nice things.” She kind of shrugged her shoulders, and sat back in her seat, excepting my reply.

“What did you say when he asked you to dance with him,” I questioned.

“Oh, I just told him I was waiting for a friend from work, and that I can’t dance now, but maybe later. Again, her words hit me like a shockwave. Why would she say that? Why wouldn’t she tell him she was waiting for her husband? My God, could this be happening? Shaking the cloudiness from my head, I thought how ridiculous I was thinking. This was all my imagination. I asked her why she told him that. “I just thought that if he knew you were my husband, he might not ask me again,” she said. Which seemed like a sensible enough answer to me.

Just then a slow song started to play. She looked at me and said, “Honey why don’t you go get us some drinks?” I got up and made my way over to the bar, where there was a long line.

Getting in line I glanced back to our booth, and saw the young man standing there, and my wife was looking at me, with a look of question on her face. I knew what she wanted. I simply smiled at her, and gave her a short nod of approval.

She stretched out her hand to the young man. He took it, and lead her the short distance to the dance floor, where he put his arms around her and pulled her close. The sight of my wife’s full breasts squashing against this young man’s chest made my heart skip a beat, as they began to sway to the music. His hands rested in the curve of her back just above her luscious ass. As they danced I could see them talking and laughing together. She seemed like she was really enjoying herself.

Seeing this brought my fantasy back to life, as I got our drinks. Fortunately, the club was fairly dark as I made my way back to our booth, with two drinks in my hands, and a full erection.

Once there I got a closer look at the couple dancing, just as the song was ending. I felt a surge of excitement rush through my whole body as I saw the young man slide his hand down to my wife’s ass cheek, look down at her, and give her a kiss on the lips. It wasn’t a long passionate kiss, but it was no little peck either. Other than attending new-year’s- eve parties, I have never saw my wife being kissed on the lips by another man. This was a lot different than a new year’s party. To my shock, she made no effort to stop him, or pull away.

When she slid back into our booth, I could see that she was all flushed. Her dark nipples were now hard, and straining against the thin fabric of her top. She could not look me in the eyes, yet she tried to make it seem like everything was all normal. Finely I ask, “What was that all about?”

She managed to look at me and said “Oh, that?” “Don’t be upset honey. He kissed me, and I didn’t know what to do. It was like an automatic thing, so I just puckered up and kissed him back. You are not upset with me, are you honey?”

“Well, I guess I am not upset with you. I understand that it was just a reaction. Besides that, he is a very good looking young man, and I am sure you had fun dancing with him,” I said, thinking about all the talking, and laughing they were doing while dancing.

“Yes, it was fun I guess. Rick is a very good dancer, and if you don’t mind, I would like to dance with him again. Would you be ok with that honey?”

I couldn’t believe that I was hearing this from my wife. We were talking about her dancing with, and kissing another guy, a guy that had just had a hand-full of my wife’s ass. My cock was so hard it hurt, as we discussed what had just happened. I reminded her of what I told her a few months ago, about if she ever wanted to have a fling, she was free to do so. But, this time she didn’t seem so turned off by it. She just told me not to talk so dumb, but she said it more jokingly, and playful then before. I didn’t want to kid myself by thinking something might happen tonight, but things definitely seemed to be moving in the right direction.

Just then another slow song started to play. I saw her look over to the bar, where her young admirer was standing. Then, I saw her look down at her almost full drink, then up at me. “Honey why don’t you go and get us another drink.” I knew what she was thinking, so I immediately got up, and once again headed for the long line at the bar.

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