“Welcome, I am Rick and she is Michelle,” said Rick.
“You must be staying here at Le Chateâu too, no?” asked Sven.
“Yes, room 215. It is a nice suite,” said Rick.
Tina agreed, “Yes, this hotel is absolutely stunning. We are in 313, third floor. Nice view of the ocean!”
The waiter came for their drinks order. The Swedish couple ordered champagne. As though to justify their action, Tina said,
“Is our fifth wedding anniversary today. We are sort of, how do you say it, celebrating!”
“Congratulations,” chimed Michelle and Rick, continuing,
“We have known each other almost ever since we were born. We are not married officially. We live in Miami. I am a computer programmer and Michelle here is a marketing research manager.”
“Very nice,” said Sven, “We live in Stockholm. Me, I am a financial consultant and Tina here is a real estate agent. How long are you staying in St. Monique?”
Michelle said, “We leave next Wednesday. And you folks?”
Tina replied, “Monday, I think,” looking at Sven.
“What did you order to eat?” asked Sven.
Rick filled in on the details of their order.
Tina said, “I will have what Michelle is having.”
Sven perused the dinner menu and decided to go for breaded cod, boiled potatoes and a Greek salad. The waiter brought the champagne and took the order from Tina and Sven asking if it was okay to bring the food order together for all four. They agreed. Sven lifted the bottle asking Michelle and Rick if they wanted champagne. The two declined but were willing to raise their own wine glasses to toast the Swedish couple on their anniversary.
“Skål,” said Michelle and the others joined in as they sipped their drinks.
The food arrived and they ate ravenously and cleaned off their plates.
“This has been great,” said Tina, “and thank you for letting us share your table with us.”
“No worries,” said Rick.
They settled their bill.
Michelle asked, “Have the two of you been coming to St. Monique long?”
Tina replied, “For the last three years.”
Rick said, “Shall we go to the concierge to see what events are scheduled for the weekend?”
“Yes, let’s,” Sven and Tina agreed, “They keep changing the programs every year. Let’s see what they have for this year.”
They reached the concierge’s counter. They learned that the programs for the weekend included a Naughty Baking Competition (NBC), Intimate Love Making Demonstration, Masturbation Essentials, Masturbation Advanced, Pussy Shaving Workshop, Only Oral, Secret Moves, and Insertion Techniques. Tina said, “I need to go the WC,” looking at Michelle who said, “I’ll go with you.” The two left leaving the men to look at the various brochures that the concierge was handing out.
—continued in Part V