The Beardy Shagger by UnderthinkThis

Now truly sober, she realized she’d still be in a bit of a hangover haze that morning. She checked her phone and replied to the many messages from Lucy, she confirmed she was in fact alive, was also okay, had not been swallowed by a giant hole in the ground and no, she had not heard from beardy. Only she had, hadn’t she. She had forgotten the exchange, she checked the time, it was getting close to six, he’d be here in an hour. She starts typing a message telling him sorry, change of plans don’t come round. Her finger hovers over the send button. Instead, she deletes the message, and sends one asking if he’s still coming. Yes, is the reply,

At seven on the dot the doorbell rings, she checks the camera and can see him, not clearly he’s stood looking away down the street but she recognizes his stature. She opens the door and there he is. Exactly the same as he was before, similar clothes, exact same back pack and that same magnificent beard. Only it’s not quite the same, the once midnight black has been replaced with a distinguished dark gray, there are still flashes of black but it’s mostly gray.

His tummy is a little rounder than before, not fat, just aged, and his shoulders are just a little more rounded. He’s still just as handsome as she remembers though. Not striking, but handsome. He flashes the same warm disarming smile and she returns it, steps asde and gestures for him to come in. Just as before he heads to the kitchen, pours her a glass of wine and instructs her to go relax, he’ll call her in half an hour. The dinner was just as good as she remembered, and the conversation just as easy.

They touch on some of the same topics as last time and she’s amazed to find he still remembers her thoughts, he’s spent time considering some of them since they last met and even changed some of his opinions based on arguments she made. There’s such an easy charm to him. They finish dinner and he tidies up, she helps this time working with him to do dishes and stack things away in his bag. When they are done she again takes his hand and leads him to the bedroom, that’s why he is here after all.

Things follow the same pattern as they did the first time, she strips, he lays her down and proceeds to bring her to orgasm, once, twice and then an earth shattering third time. Only this time she wasn’t done with him. As he sits back from giving her oral she reaches forward and drags his t-shirt over his head, she leans in and kisses him firmly.

She can taste her cum on his tongue, she reaches down and undoes the top button on his jeans. As it pops open she leans back from kissing him and tries to get the rest of his fly undone, he stands so from where she’s now sat at the bottom of the bed, his crotch is directly in front of he face. She yanks the rest of the buttons up and tugs his jeans down, his boxers catch under the waistband and slide down with the jeans. She’s surprised to find that the erect cock now staring at her is just about as perfect as the rest of him, not eye wateringly large and not disappointingly small.

Without preamble she takes it into her mouth, letting her tongue greedily explore the ridges and shapes she bobs her head letting her lips slide up and down providing him with soft fleshy friction. He throws his head back and moans in pleasure, his hands falling onto her shoulders to steady himself. She slides her arms round him, gripping the top of his buttocks and starts to gently rock his hips back and forward in opposite timing to her own movement.

As his moans intensify she can sense he’s getting close, she pushes her mouth further down his shaft, taking him to the brink of discomfort in her throat, the added effort is rewarded when he suddenly arches his back, his eyes wide and her mouth is filled with his seed. She pauses, his cock twitching in her mouth. She swallows each expulsion and when it stops she gently pushes him right to the back of her throat, she then slowly pulls her head back, sucking the whole way, cleaning his slowly softening cock.

He looks down at her, a smile on his lips, leaning forward he kisses her.

“Thank you” he whispers.

She smiles, suddenly feeling exhausted.

“Cuddle me?”

His smile broadens and he nods, he climbs onto the bed and lays down, she crawls up next to him, and snuggles into the side of him, her head on his chest hearing his heartbeat climbing down from a rapid drum to a gentle thud. Without meaning to dose off she lets her eyes close, she wakes a little while later and realizes he’s still there. Her head is still resting on his chest. She looks up, his eyes are half closed but he’s stirring too. As his eyes open he looks down at her face and smiles.

“I’m surprised you’re still doing this”

A flash of confusion crosses his face, she quickly plunges on

“I mean I’m glad, really glad you came”

She giggles

“I mean, that you came round, I’m glad you came other ways to though. You must let me sort you out this time though, no disappearing before we’ve settled up. Jane never really explained how this was supposed to work so…..”


“Jane, when she gave me your number, she didn’t really say what to expect”

“Well i’d kinda hope not”

It was her turn to be confused

“But it was Jane who gave me your number, she set this whole thing in motion”

“I always wondered why you never called again, to be honest i was really surprised to hear from you, it seemed like you had blocked my number”

A memory clicked into place for her, she had blocked his number back then. The shame of having used a professional, she’d almost deleted his number entirely but something had made her keep it, probably so inner premonition she might use it again one day.

“My name is Tom by the way, after what we just did I feel like maybe names are appropriate now”

“Oh, my name is….”

“Sharon, yeah I know”

“You do? How?”


“Oh, i hadn’t realized she had told you, i haven’t spoken to her in a long time”

“I know, I gave up asking her what happened to you, she’s terrible at keeping friends”

Sharon’s confusion was now so deep she was struggling to track what was happening. Something was nagging at the side of her conscience, something she knew but couldn’t place.

“Why did you never call?”

She scanned his face, he was being earnest, he was genuinely asking her why she never came back for repeat business, did she seem so pathetic, that the only sex she could get was from someone contractually obliged to do it. As her feeling of contentment from their encounter started to slide into frustration and anger a word came flying from her subconscious, just a single word, but a single word that changed everything, that shifts what had been up to now a solid certainty.

“You’re Jane’s Brother!”

“Well yeah, but I don’t see why that should be a problem, I mean she set us up”

Embarrassment consumes her, she buries her head into his chest, jesus fucking christ. He looks down at her, gently asks what’s wrong, genuine concern on his face. She refuses to lift her head, her reply muffled against his chest.

“I thought you were a gigolo!”

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