Diary of a Sex Scene by KnottLynnHardey

“Wizard I require a spell.” The King rumbled as his hands explored my entire chest just as he had yesterday. My body trembled with growing passion as he explored my skin.

“Anything Highness.”

“Can you make an image of these events and then show it to someone at a later date?”

The King’s big hand roamed down my belly and I lifted my hips encouraging him to delve lower.

“Anything I see I can then create an illusion of later, yes.”

“Excellent. Stay, bear witness to the consummation of my marriage to the Princess of the realm.” His thick fingers caressed lower and began to play with my pubic hair. My body flushed, I felt sweat appear on my skin and warmth spreading from my thrumming sex. “I will require that all lawmakers and nobility of the kingdom see what transpires here tonight. And it is most important that they perceive just how delighted the young woman is to be in my bed.”

Then the King lowered his fingers even more and without any hesitation slipped one single finger between the thick outer lips of my vulva. I gasped delightedly as his finger ran down and then back up the groove of my sex. At last I felt the glorious pressure of a finger touching my burning clit.

“Your wish is my command, your Highness.” The wizard said, his voice weaker and I saw him staring stunned between my legs as the King rubbed my soaking wet pussy.


I was so disappointed when the King’s big finger stopped stroking my burning slit.

There was a brief conversation over in video village as the Director, director of Photography and the first Assistant director consulted on whether they needed another take or not.

My friends untied me and I sat up on the bed hugging my knees, trembling with balked desire. That finger had felt fantastic. I tried not to look at the King and failed. He was watching me, probably looking for signs that I was angry but I flashed him a wicked grin and blushed as he intuited how much I had enjoyed that.

“Moving on!” The First AD called and the crew began to dismantle the crane, move the camera on sticks closer and adjust lights.

My robe appeared in the hands of a costume assistant and I hopped off the bed to be wrapped in fluffy warmth.

“First team back in twenty!”

I went back to my dressing room to wait to be called back to set in twenty minutes.

Instead of stopping at my door however I walked to the actor playing the King’s door.

He answered and looked embarrassed when he saw me standing there.

“Can I come in?” I asked.

He stepped aside and I entered his bigger, nicely appointed dressing room.

Stopping in the middle of the room I turned to look at him standing by the now closed door.

Aware that we had never been alone in a room together before I felt that he was standing far closer than he actually was. Every time we had run lines together for a scene in one dressing room or another there had always been one of our assistants or another actor there. Given the fact that he was so much older we had never had reason to hang out alone.

Until today.

I reached for his hand and he automatically gave it to me. I pulled him closer and lifted his hand to my face. I sniffed along the finger he had been rubbing me with and smelled the sleight musk of my sex still there on his flesh.

I watched his eyes as I smelled myself on him, he watched me back, neither of us giving anything away. Passing his hand back to him I allowed him to smell me on his finger and he took a deep sniff.

Still silently I then guided his hand beneath my robe to my bare sex and placed his big hand on my slippery groove. Immediately his fingers began to stroke and tease me. I had to put my hands on his broad shoulders to steady myself as the man who I had known since I was a child began to finger my pussy deliciously.

The famous lady’s man expertly pleasured me and my body hummed pleasantly as he brought me closer and closer to an orgasm. I leaned forward and let my weight fall against him as I shuddered with delight. Those big fingers slipped inside me and I almost fell. The King held me up with his free arm around my waist and he relentlessly titillated my burning sex with the other..

I licked and kissed his neck hungry for more stimulation. He tasted wonderful and my body juddered with increased pleasure.

“Beg me to let you cum.” The King murmured, his deep voice vibrating under my slippery tongue as I licked his powerful neck.

The order was softly spoken but it lashed me with blissful abandon, urging me to obey.

I wanted to obey him. He was older, the King, a respected member of my profession, famous and powerfully male.

“Please? Please let me cum for you?”

His fingers thrust deeper and curled up to rub against my pelvis on the inside igniting sensitive tissue I hadn’t known was there. I now know the clitoris is much bigger and goes deeper than I knew then so I had no idea what he was touching, just that it felt amazing.

“Please! Please! Please!” I begged frantically my orgasm building powerfully. The more I begged the harder my body wanted to cum.

“You really want to cum?” He teased?

“Yes! Oh please, yes!”

“Do you deserve it?”

I hesitated. Did I?

“You have yet to earn this orgasm, little Princess.”

And the King took away his fingers. He lifted them to my nose and made me smell myself on his sticky fingers. My musk was sharp and pungent in my nose and my body clenched in balked passion as the primal smell spiked deep into my libido.

“Clean my fingers, Princess.” He ordered and I began to suck two of his fingers like a cock. I licked and suckled and whimpered for more. I worked him hoping to earn my climax but when he felt I had done enough The King stood me on my own feet and stepped away, my body tingling with denied bliss.

The big man stepped back to the door and opened it wide. I had to scramble to cover myself because my robe had fallen open.

“See you on set.” He grinned.

Ashamed of myself but also enjoying his game very much I passed by him. At the last moment I reached for him and cupped the erection in his pants allowing my hand to hold him for as long as possible as I left.

Now knowing first-hand that he had very likely actually bedded all of the famous women legend said he had made me want him all the more.

My King.

Returning to the set we shot the scene closer and closer, my body more and more the focus of the camera and the room.

I was absolutely gagging for it after two more takes.

The guards played a bit more the first take but it was acting, not them wanting to touch me because of lust. But in that take the King tormented the lustful Princess with a new, even more confident lust. The King now knew he was going to get to fuck me and he teased me more knowing how badly I wanted him.

As he spoke to the wizard requesting the spell he didn’t take his eyes off me. Instead his fingers played me like a musical instrument. The deft touch of an artist of erotic torment his fingers danced over my body bringing my lust and my grief to unbearably heightened states.

The camera recorded my utter delight as he stroked my breasts and lower abdomen grazing my sex deliciously. When he stopped my own anger at being denied release became the Princess fierce hatred of her rapist.

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