Diary of a Sex Scene by KnottLynnHardey

“Very interesting…”

In place of caressing my chest as he had done before the King appeared to finger the Princess making his captive climax against her will. I didn’t actually climax, he wasn’t really touching my sex but I writhed and mewled as if I were cumming as hard as I just had moments before from the Weasel’s mouth.

“Thank you for bringing your sister to me.” the King crowed, pleased with his gift as he violated his foe.

“Adopted sister!” the actor playing my step brother spat. “That slut was a nuisance as a child and has been more than a pest since your arrival your highness. She deserves whatever she gets.”

“That she does. Wench! You have set my plans back years.” He snarled into my face and I flinched, immediately switching from lust to fear as he stopped touching me.

Anguish at the betrayal of her family and her body the Princess began to weep piteously as I improvised. The King watched for a moment enjoying his effect on me and then with greedy delight he used both hands to once more explore my body possessively.

The renewed assault instantly transformed the Princess from weeping victim to wanton participant in her violation thanks to the Wizard’s spell. I writhed and squirmed elated to be touched.

“Come, hold your sister still for me.”

The Weasel moved close and held me tight to his body with one arm while exploring my chest with his other hand. The steadi-cam moved close to capture his hand moving around my breasts so the audience could see clearly. Behind me the Weasel pressed his hard-on into my buttocks and I wriggled against him shamelessly.

The King lifted my chin using the handle of the flog he held.

“Tell me who is in your network of spies, Princess. How have you been eluding me all these years?”

“Go to hell!” I snarled at him, caught between hate and desire.

“I think I’m going to put you through hell instead.”

The Weasel removed his hand from my breast and held my hips.

The King began to whip my naked chest with the leather flog once more.

This time the whip moved lower slapping my taut belly and striking along my hips and lower abdomen. The red glow from the impacts spread across my whole front and the kiss of leather felt wonderful. It stung just a bit but mostly it made my skin tingle with an aching need for the touch of a hand.

Yet again I squirmed in passionate delight from his abuse. As arousing as the whip was I was even more interested in wedging the Weasel’s cock between my ass cheeks. I rubbed against him as much as possible and this time he thrust back. The feel of his hardness grinding along the groove of my ass was erotic and lewd. When the director called “Cut.” I sagged in disappointment.

“That was great, we got it, but lets do one more for safety.”

One more time we did the scene.

Something happened that time. I think we actors all knew that once we went into close-ups the connection between us was going to be lost. The cameras would be so close that any large movement would ruin the shot; actors have to be far more aware technically in a close up than we had been for most of these takes.

And so we cut loose.

The next take was wild, almost unhinged as we dove deeper into the feeling of our characters.


I didn’t slump like before, I lunged toward the King my royal anger and hate muted by the spell I was under but not defeated. Then when I found myself helpless in bonds I finally slumped and wept.

“What have you done to her?” the King gloated.

“Made her more amenable to your attention m’lord. The Princess knows where she is and what is happening to her but the slightest touch will inflame her desires, highness.” He illustrated by licking a finger and running the wet digit over my nipple. It felt amazing and I whimpered with the need for more.

“A slap will delight her.” the Wizard slapped my tit hard and I moaned with guttural gratitude at the sting.

“The whip give her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. This is my gift to you to in some measure make up for the continued failure of my minions to capture her.”

Once more he slapped my tit in petulant pique. I thrashed against my bonds as pleasure bloomed in my chest.

“And a fitting gift it is.”

The King’s big hands both groped my breasts and I loved how he manhandled my tender orbs.

“Interesting…” One large hand crept lower and caressed my side and down over my buttocks. I writhed with passion at his exploration.

Then his hand spanked my ass hard. I gasped with pleasure. The King groped my breast with one hand bringing me pleasure one way and after a moment of that he slapped my ass again bringing me pleasure in that way.

“Very interesting….”

As he continued to speak the King alternated between slapping my ass and stroking my breasts gently.

The contrast bewildered my overwrought senses and I bucked and undulated in an obscene dance of erotic torture.

“Thank you for bringing your sister to me.” the King grinned as he groped me.

“Adopted sister!” the actor playing my step brother spat. “That slut was annoying as a child but as a woman she proves even worse. She deserves whatever she gets.”

“That she does. Little whore you have set my plans back years.” The King slapped my ass and tits painfully and then abruptly switched to gentle caresses.

I cried out with passion at the slaps and mewled pathetically from the caresses.

“Come, hold your sister still for me.”

The Weasel rushed over adding a “Gladly.” to his text.

Immediately he fondled my tits and shockingly he lowered his mouth to one nipple and suckled it making me whimper with delight.

Then he took his position behind me his cock wedged as far between my cheeks as we could get it

“Tell me who is in your network of spies, Princess. How have you been eluding me all these years?”

“Go to hell!”

“I think I’ll put you through hell instead.”

The King began to lash me with the flog once again and it felt wonderful and overwhelming. Warmth flooded my front as he whipped me and I opened my legs offering my sex to the leather. Without missing a beat the King aimed the flog between my legs the leather thongs slapping my vulva painfully bringing me the much sought after stimulation I needed. Three more times he whipped my sex each blow harder than the last. I felt an orgasm building and I thrust my hips forward eager for more but the director called “Cut!”

“Ok…” He said wearily. “That isn’t getting past the censors. Lets get ready for close ups. We’ll start with our Wizard and move to the Weasel, The King then our Princess last.”

Not much had to change for these set ups so we didn’t leave the set. Wardrobe brought me my robe and slippers and reluctantly I covered myself. The whip had brought me close to climax and I was jittery and out of sorts not having achieved the tantalizingly release I wanted.

For other people’s close up the actors not on camera stand close but on the other side of equipment and crew. If possible we will stand in eye line so the actor in close up has another performer to look at but that isn’t always possible if lights, cameras and operators are in the way.

For the Wizard and Weasel the close up went quickly, they didn’t have a lot of lines.

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