Fun in the Sun Ch. 02 by RootlinRab

Fun in the Sun Ch. 02 by RootlinRab

With the completion of my project to convert my recently acquired Spanish villa into a top-class photographic studio facility, I was now thinking of getting down to actually doing some work. The adverts for my proposed glamour photography holidays in the sun, had been placed with a selected few photographic magazines back in the UK, squarely aimed at the amateur market.

Enquires were beginning to come in, and I’d even had a few e-mails from young women working as models in the UK, some of them were quite well known in the glamour modelling world, with names familiar to me, so I knew exactly who they were. Most had offered to come at a greatly reduced fee, plus air fare, just because the studio was in the Costa Del Sol, and they were looking upon it as a, ‘working holiday.’ I put them on file while I thought about it, after all, flights were comparatively cheap and it might be worth the gamble, if these well known, ‘names,’ made the photo holidays more attractive to the clients.

With the help of my Spanish language tutor, Carla, I had also placed a, ‘Glamour models wanted for new studio,’ advert in the local newspapers. Interviews to be held the following Saturday starting at 10am. I had also engaged Carla to be there for the duration of the auditions, to act as interpreter, because although my Spanish was coming along nicely, and I could make myself understood in most situations, I wanted the women who came along to know exactly what was required of them, there could be no misunderstandings, this was business. Despite the fact that Carla and I had become secret lovers, I was paying her the going rate for the job to keep everything outside our relationship on a strictly business basis. I still paid her for my Spanish lessons, and this was no different.

On the Saturday morning, Carla duly arrived about 9.30am and we got everything ready, hoping that we may get a few prospective models out of it. I had set up a trestle table, with bottles of water, etc, for the models rather than for me. I could get a drink anytime, but if these women were forced to wait their turn out in the sun, then I didn’t want any of them getting dehydrated.

I had decided to video the auditions to remind me when I was making my final selections, just who I wanted to offer work to, and what each of the women looked and sounded like. An understanding of English would also be handy, if they were going to model for the, ‘Fun In The Sun,’ photography holidays, because most of the clients would be coming from the UK. It wouldn’t be so important if they were working one to one with me, as I now had a decent understanding of the language, although by no means fluent. With the video camera set up on a tripod, Carla, went out to welcome any early arrivals, and there were a few, so as we were ready anyway, we started the first of the auditions early.

Funnily enough, this first candidate was called Carla too. This could get confusing I thought momentarily, but stealing a sideways glance at my Carla, I thought no, there’s nobody like my Carla. Anyway, this Carla was a lovely woman too, but very different of course. She looked around, glancing at the display photo prints on the walls. She looked a little nervous as was only to be expected, but gave us a lovely smile before sitting down on the chair provided. She crossed her beautiful legs, and looked at us expectantly.

When interviewing models, it’s an idea to get to what I call the ‘filters,’ straight away. It’s no use seeing a girl who would make a great model looks wise, and wasting time talking to her at length, if she’s not prepared to do the work on offer. In this case any work offered would involve nudity, so if they weren’t prepared to do that, then that would be the end of the story. Therefore, almost the first question would be, ‘are you prepared to be photographed topless and nude?’ If the answers were no, the interview would end there and then, it maybe sounds cruel, but it saves time, and in business, ‘time is money.’

As I said, this Carla was a lovely looking woman who told us she was twenty-three years old, and we had no reason to disbelieve her, although we would be checking her passport or I.D. as a matter of course to make sure. Everything had to be legal and above board for this venture – we didn’t want any trouble with the law. We got her to produce her I.D. and hold it up for the camera, and photographed it, which we would be doing for everyone, so I won’t mention it here again. Take it as read, that every woman working in my studio would be checked to make sure she was of an age to do so legally, and every woman mentioned in the stories were likewise.

But I digress, so getting back to the first woman to be auditioned, the other Carla, she was 23 years old, about five foot six inches tall which is a good height for a glamour model. Very slim, and as I said earlier, had great legs too. Her hair was dark, but not black, with some chestnut highlights, brown eyes, a lovely sensual mouth, and nice teeth when she smiled, a good face, very attractive.

‘Are you prepared to pose topless and nude?’ Carla asked, after the preliminaries were covered. She looked at us, hesitating a second or two, and then nodded. She was asked again, just to make sure, and smiling this time answered aloud, more confidently, that she would. ‘That’s great, we think you will make a good model,’ she was told. ‘Now we want to see what you look like properly, so could you please undress?’ She looked a little taken aback, a look we were going to see a lot of during the course of the day, and usually followed by, ‘What? Now?’ If they weren’t prepared to show us their figure, it may mean similar problems in the future, so best to get over the, ‘modesty,’ hurdle now. When she realised we were serious, she stood up and I thought she was about to leave, but she reached behind herself, pulled down the zip of her dress, let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it, she did the same with her lacy white bra, unclipping it, and placed it on the seat where she’d been sitting, and then without hesitation pulled down the matching white, and very tiny panties, and stepped out of them too. She had a fabulous figure, very slim and well-toned, natural breasts in perfect proportion to her body, 34C, she told us, and her lovely pussy was shaven to perfection, showing a very nice and prominent labia. Her bare legs were shapely and slim. We asked her to turn around so we could see her from behind, which she duly did, and we told her we thought she looked wonderful. Another lovely smile lit up her face, and she thanked us for our time. We told her to get dressed, and that we would be in touch to arrange a test shoot to give us some professional shots to showcase her to possible clients. The fact that she spoke reasonably good English was also a plus point. Our first audition was over, a good successful start.

The parade of women continued most of the day with varying degrees of success. The usual 5’2″ fashion model wannabees, who became angry and argumentative when we told them that fashion models were very tall, usually a minimum of 5’8″, and anyway, the advert made it clear that we weren’t offering fashion work. Then, at least two had a drug problem, emaciated and skeletal, and would obviously try anything for their next fix, so no thank you! We were nice about it, but moved them on quickly.

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