Throughout the conversation there were very brief flashes like when Liz showed her boobs, but nothing so intense as that moment. She turned to the side once and I could tell everyone was hopeful they would see more of her than a profile, but that’s as much as she gave them. It didn’t do much to leave them disappointed. They were still highly charged, appreciative they were seeing so much flesh unexpectedly, and maybe the fact they all knew her as the pretty graduate-level instructor helped keep them so enthusiastic.
“It makes me sad,” Liz, in character, declared, and she sold the solemnity of the moment, in spite of her undressed state; she really was a hell of an actress. “To think I came that close to happiness… just to lose it all over a forgotten purse.”
“Well,” said Albert’s character, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Like I said… I’m divorced. You… you never got married. And I guess… technically… we never did finish our date.”