She Asks For His Friend by Nakedcraving

She Asks For His Friend by Nakedcraving.,

No husband likes to hear the words, “We need to talk.” If you hear them, however, you better listen. When I heard those words it got my attention instantly, and my heart began to race, and I even began to sweat. I turned to her and readied myself for whatever was coming, however bad it was. We were stretched out in bed, right after sex, and her words had me turned on my side, raised up on an elbow, afraid of what I was going to hear, and afraid of the heartaches that were coming.

“We’ve always been honest with each other,” she said, “and honest means to not keep things secret.” I listened and nodded without speaking. “You’ve always told me that sex was not the most important thing in a marriage, right?” I nodded again and waited. “Jake is your best friend and you share most everything with each other.”

“That’s right,” I said, figuring I knew now where she was going.

“You know I like Jake a lot.” I said I did and waited for her to go on. “Well, I’ve been thinking about Jake quite a bit lately,” she said with a shy smile. She paused and was quiet for a long time. “In fact, I have been thinking about Jake more than just about anything lately, and I need to tell you just how I really feel. I’d rather you know what was going on, and not sneak around.” I moved forward and kissed her on the lips.

My wife had the hots for my friend, I now knew, and she was trying to tell me the truth. Funny, but I had already fantasized about that for years, had pictured them in my imagination fucking like teens, kissing and petting, sucking and pleasuring one another with the intensity of newlyweds. I am not sure just why, but what I had dreamed about, fantasized in private, seemed to be happening.

“Sorry for feeling this way, but I can’t stand it any longer. I have been attracted to your best friend for a long time, but now it’s gotten really difficult to think of anything else. I’m miserable lately. I want him inside me,” she confessed softly. “I want to feel his cock in my pussy. I’m desperate to have him make love to me; to feel his fingers and tongue in my pussy.”

“So that’s it?” I said in amazement. “You want to fuck Jake, and that’s the big problem?” I said. “Is that all? Like you said, he and I have shared everything. Sharing my wife’s pussy is not a world crisis. If that’s all you want, everything’s fine.” I said. “You’re not telling me you want to run off with him, are you, leave me in misery? Live with Jake?” She shook her head. “I thought it was going to be something awful. Having sex with my best friend is just a small matter. Hell, I’ve been thinking of that myself for years now,” I said as I kissed her.

She looked at me, incredulous, bewildered by my willingness to let her fuck my friend. “Really? You have wanted that?” she asked, amazed at what I’d said. “It would be all right with you for me to have sex with Jake?” she asked. I told her it was the most common fantasy in the world for an awful lot of married men, sharing their wives. “Many guys want that,” I told her. “In some cultures men even share their wives with male house guests. A man will offer his wife as an act of friendliness, or hospitality, like good manners. So how long has this been bothering you, this desire to fuck Jake?”

She was quiet for nearly a minute, processing what I had just said, thinking about the possibilities, then she blushed and smiled. “Probably since before our wedding night,” she said, a bit embarrassed by admitting the truth.

“So on our honeymoon” I said with excitement, “you wanted to fuck the best man? That’s amazing. I wish you’d had told me then. We could have started our marriage with a threesome.”

After that we talked for quite a while that night about her sexual attraction to Jake, her feelings of guilt, and about how much she wanted him inside her, to be able to have endless sex with the man who’d been beside me at our wedding.

“You really have thought about this before?” she asked again with a silly grin. I explained that I had, that it was called the Hotwife Concept, that I had wanted to watch her being fucked by someone else for years, and that Jake was the perfect choice. She listened and her smile grew. “You wouldn’t mind seeing him put his cock in my pussy?”

“I’d love it,” I said. “I’d love to watch.”

We immediately began planning just how we would make it happen. I suggested I talk to him, but she said she’d like to be the one to talk to him first. She told me they’d talked about it, but he had not wanted to do anything behind my back.

“So he knows you want to fuck him?” I said.

She nodded shyly. “Yes, but we decided not to do anything without your knowledge.” she explained.

She called Jake and they decided to meet to talk about it. When she left to see him, I was nervous as a cat waiting to hear what they had decided, how it would go. He wanted to fuck her, that was not in doubt, and she would tell him I knew and supported their going ahead and having sex. When they got home from meeting and talking they stood outside at the door for awhile, probably kissing on the porch, probably nervous about how it would go They came in and we went to the dinning room and sat at the table.

“Well, you going to fuck my wife tonight?” I asked trying to break the ice.

He smiled, leaned toward her and they kissed, then he turned to me and shook his head. “I’d like to,” he said. I suggested we all get naked and he helped her take off her clothes and then they both took his off. I stripped and joined them, then we went into the den and they stood together near the couch.

“So how long have you wanted my wife’s pussy?” I said.

He looked at her and they smiled, then he looked at me and said, “Since I first met her.” As she stood naked next to him I admired their nude bodies side by side. They looked so good together. Her trimmed pussy stood out below her belly button, her shaved mons giving just the right framing to her puffy labia that glistened between her legs and looked so ready. Her breasts were pert and erect, her nipples firm and pink and aroused. She took his hand and they kissed, then I nodded and they followed me into the bedroom.

“You two enjoy the night,” I saiid as I shut the door behind me. I wanted so to stay and watch him fuck her, but I also knew they needed privacy, and I wanted that for them as much as anything.

I got home the next morning around ten and stood in the hall looking in at them stretched out on the bed still asleep. They were nude and she was face down, her lovely bottom exposed to me, the sheets pulled aside and her legs over the end of the bed. I imagined what it had been like the night before, his erection pushing into my wife’s pussy with an energy and desire he had been denied for so long. They had most likely fucked most of the night, and now slept off their lively first time together.

I felt pleased and energized by knowing their sex was so good and left them so spent. I hoped some day I would be able to witness it, to see them fucking and enjoying one another freely and with a passion I also felt for them. He’d lusted after, then fucked my wife with my approval, throughout the night and as her legs were slightly open I could see the redness from the energy of his cock pushing into her repeatedly as most of the rest of the world slept. They’d made love with my knowledge and consent and I watched them sleep with a satisfaction and contentment I cannot explain. I let them sleep and went into the kitchen to fix myself breakfast and coffee. As I was putting my food on the table Claire came into the room and came to my side.

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