“Grampa Lane just wants Mace and I to know he loves us, being his only grandkids. You should be proud of me that I didn’t accept his offer to buy me a car. I’m too afraid to drive anyway. Traffic scares me.”
“He wanted to pay for your schooling, but your father and I forbid it. You are our responsibility not his. All we let Dad do was the leg work in knowing what we were letting you get into.” Mona wisped her brunette hair from her eyes. “Can we please turn the air on now? I know you like the sun, but the wind is making me look like a hag.”
“I guess we should. Once we check in at school, I want to look my best. After we shower at your hotel room and get dressy, we’ll both look hot.” Monet mostly! Mona being much older than her sisters had the minor wrinkles going on. The furthest thing from ugly but at 42 years old things were not as perfect as before her kids were born. Not far off though! A personal trainer kept her in shape.
Sadly, she often felt more like a mother to her sisters than being the eldest of the three. Piper at twenty-seven almost twenty-eight, Mona was seventeen when she was born. Nineteen when Bree now twenty-six shocked her parents. She felt old and missed her youth.
Windows rolled up and the air cooling the interior, things became more comfortable. Monet was correct, a shower and a hairbrush were sorely needed. Monet out of boredom began texting her brother Mace to kill time, asking if he had reached their Aunt Piper’s yet. A few minutes later they received a text message with a photo attached of Piper’s dog Rotten wearing round airplane goggles panting with his head out the window. The caption said, “Co-pilot says he smells Aunt Piper’s perfume. Gotta be getting close. LOL!” Monet giggled and shared it with her mother. It was amusing. Texting back Monet said, “Forty miles to Heaven.”
“Same here! GPS says forty miles to Aunt Piper’s.” Heavenly indeed!
“Give her a hug for me when you get there.” Monet sent back, “Don’t squeeze her ass like you do when you hug me. LOL!” A rolling eyes emoji was all she got back. She deleted her message just in case her mother snooped. It would not be the first time. Locked out or not her mother need not know of any past mischief.
“Mace says he’s almost at Piper’s. See? Now you don’t have to deal with her dog at our house anymore. You can miss Rotten as much as you miss me.”
“I still have my Fiona to keep me company. As well behaved as Rotten was you know I prefer lap dogs. But yes I suppose I’ll miss him laying at my feet.” She smiles, “Now you? I’m glad to be rid of.” Even Mom could razz.
“You say that but you know I’ll have to put up with you for the first three days I’m on campus until you feel I’m safe. You need to let me be independent Mom.”
“I’m trying. Our hotel is only three miles from the school so if you hate it those first few nights we can always go back home.”
“You can go back home. I’m determined to make it work. I want to be a Minister.”
“You barely quote the Bible.” Mona rolled her eyes with a smirk.
“Proverbs 31: 29…Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Monet recites, “I love you for making me who I am today.”
“That was very sweet. I love you too Honey.” That verse alone was enough to relax Mona that possibly her daughter knew exactly what she was doing. Sure! PARTY!!! Monet knew how to manipulate her surroundings. Look out G-S.P.O.T.! You might have just invited a wolf amongst your flock.
Twenty minutes later Mona Belmont pulled into the parking lot of their hotel the Vineyard Inn. It’s association with the Church offered low rates to the families of enrolled students. Mona in her tired state from long hours of driving simply popped the trunk to obtain their luggage and helped Monet grab their belongings. Monet left most of her things in the car seeing as she would be going on to her assigned dorm room in a few hours anyway. She took only what was necessary to freshen up before going to the school check-in procedure.
Letting her mother sign in at the hotels front desk she held back giving her mom time to forget that she needed to put a bra on. Nipples stabbing through her powder blue t-shirt to symbolize the color of the sky she let Cloud 6 and Cloud 9 as she called her nips poke fun at the world below. She would simply tell her mom, “Oopsie!” Or, in her dirty little mind…OOpSEE.
Following at a reasonable distance she noted a number of girls her age, boys as well, congregating outside in the hotel courtyard as if getting to know one another. Eyes on her, many of them waved out of friendship, Monet returning the favor. Going inside the lobby she used her bag to mask her chest from Mona.
“Did you see the other students outside?” Mona smiled awaiting the tall young man behind the front desk to copy her driver’s license for their parking registry to avoid and protect against getting towed. The boy was a heartbreaker with a deep tan and mixed blond hair amid his natural brown. His eyes so dreamy they caught Monet’s attention instantly.
“I did.” She beamed at her mother but darted her gaze toward the boy. “What’s going on outside Matthew?” Nametag!
“The school recommends the new students be greeted by older ones. That way they become familiar with one another should they need guidance.”
“Do you go to Golgotha?”
“Final year. I’ll be submitted for my first internship in a few months. Pastor Round has my name like many others on a list of Churches across the country offering firsthand experience, which will lead to an actual job placement.”
“Good for you Matthew.” Mona smiled brightly then looked at Monet, “If you want to go join them outside, I can take the bags to our room.”
“I’ll help you Ms. Belmont. Joan can cover for me long enough to be of assist.” A girl behind him on a computer studying overheard his offer and closed her laptop. Hopping up she beguiled Mona and Monet with a brilliant smile. “Got this?” He asked her.
“Yep! Welcome to Golgotha. I’m Joannie.”
“Monet.” The blond greeted the brunette. “I should freshen up though. My hair must look horrible.”
“With all due respect…you look great.” Matthew complimented her. “Nobody will think differently. Trust me! Go make friends.”
“Cool!” She sat her bag on the counter and whipped about walking away in her tight white shorts. Not too short but not hot pants either, Monet was a risk taker. Still Matthew looked briefly at her wiggle away but had to behave because of her mother’s seeing interest in he more than Monet. Gentleman that he appeared to be Matthew Burnside like all young men loved a hottie. So did Joannie Archer, Matthew’s girlfriend. Yeesh! Look at that ass. Definitely no panties either.
While Matthew helped her mother, Monet had escaped her notice on the going without her bra situation. Grinning at her good fortune she made her way toward the group of roughly twelve students.
Even though the small group continued their friendly get together, a number of eyes spotted Monet a mile away, her titties dancing from side to side with each step she took. Acting clueless to her dismay Monet found it hilarious the jaws dropping the closer she got. One young man with lengthy blond locks, his hair in a small ponytail, obvious fitness junkie eased around the two girls he was chatting with. Seeing his fast break to sprint toward Monet the girls instantly felt cheated.