“See you on campus.” She winked over her shoulder. Shorts pulled up, she wiggled away to find her mother’s room number. Matthew stopped the elevator on the way down and jerked off, of course Joannie watched him do that too. Security here at the hotel was at its best. He took the Monet Shot! He was definitely going to chase that girl with impure thoughts. Joannie? On the side of the angles! A sneaky text on Joan’s part sent out with a devious smile went to an unknown source. No reply necessary!
Realizing she didn’t know her Mom’s room number Monet froze eyes only looking from door to door. Her cell in her bag that her mom took up left her vulnerable. She could just go downstairs and ask Matthew, but she didn’t want to face him so soon after that interlude in the elevator. Stomping her foot on the carpet she groaned. She could either go door to door knocking or start yelling Mom until she answered the door. Her luck her mother was already in the shower so that might not go over so well.
“Sheet!” She hissed. Opting to go from one room to the next to listen in she deduced by the sounds coming from within those to out rule. Sports on a TV…nope! Moaning…definitely nope! She did listen through that door a bit longer, however. A door opening behind her found a man in his thirties leaving but checking her out. “Hello Oldie but goody!” She thought, “Hi!”
“Lost?” He winced with a smirk.
“I can’t remember our room number. My Mom came up without me and she has my cell so I can’t call her.”
“Ah!” He wiggled his own cell in front of her. “Care to call her?”
“Life saver!” She dropped her jaw and shuffled over to him, tits bobbing up and down generously. Taking his phone, she looked at the wallpaper to see a photo of the man and some girl. “Your wife?”
“Nooo! You don’t look old enough to have a daughter this old.”
“Thanks!” He chuckled. “She’s going to Golgotha.”
“Same here! She’s beautiful.”
“So are you. Go ahead and call your mom.”
“Right!” She looked at the dial pad then froze, “I can’t remember her number. I have her in my cell as Mommy.”
“Ouch! Try calling your cell maybe she’ll answer.”
“My cell is locked so she wouldn’t be able to access it. Not only that but she wouldn’t know your number.”
“I’d say just go ask the front desk then.”
“Can’t! The guy there hit on me.” She giggled. More she hit on Matthew, but he didn’t need to know the specifics. “I’ll figure out something if I have to pull the fire alarm.”
“Don’t do that.” He chuckled. “If you run into my daughter on campus her name is April Lambert.”
“I’ll definitely say your dad is cute.” She winked.
“That might not be the smartest thing but hey, thanks for the compliment. I need to go find her; she’s out wandering. We need to check in at Golgotha in a few hours.”
“Me too. See you there… Daddy.”
“Me a wish?” She flirted.
“Uhhh? Depends.” He laughed.
“I’ll let you know later. Bye Grant.” She was getting good at making wishes.
“Good luck!” She watched him head for the elevator to find it stopped between floors. He had to take the stairs. So much for his own luck. Damn it, Matthew!
Back to door snooping she heard talking, out ruling any with male voices. Narrowing it down to three rooms she just knocked until someone answered. The first room a woman answered, and Monet apologized. A warm smile she moved to the second door and knocked. This time a man answered. To her surprise it was a boy her age wearing only a towel about his waist. His chest muscular and still wet from showering he brightened up at seeing the sexy Monet.
“Can I help you?”
“I was just thinking the same thing.” She lowered her eyes slowly checking out his physique. Within her inspection his dick lifted beneath his towel gradually tenting it out the more she stared. Humming to herself she stared as he shook his head.
“You room service?” He chuckled.
“Could be if you tip well.” She bit a nail watching his penis go fully erect. “Yep! That’s a big tipper if I ever saw one.”
“You go to Golgotha?” He laughed noting her nipples pointing his way.
“I do! You?”
“You’d do me?” He chuckled.
“Only if we pray hard afterwards.”
“I can do that.”
“God!” He boasted.
“No, it’s not.” She frowned playfully.
“Actually, it is.” He laughed. “Goddard Albright!” He offered to shake her hand.
“Let us pray.”
Pushing him inside she shut the door. His towel flew off as she jumped into his arms. Door locked he took her to bed for a quicky. Strangely her moans attracted the attention of the room she had been snooping over earlier. Monet Belmont was going to like it here. Fifteen minutes of riding God’s cock Monet left his room smiling. Deduction found her mom.
“Knock! Knock!” She told her mom who answered the only door left. Shocked as her daughter rushed past her stripping all over again to hit the shower. It was then Mona noticed no undies.
“Why are you running around without any bra AND panties? MONET!”
“God didn’t scold me over it so don’t you.”
No, he did not. Matter of fact he was beating off in his private chambers unable to stop thinking of that sweet tight assed Angel. Repent! Repent! Repent! Goddard Albright was going to struggle with his faith from that moment onward. Maybe it was Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!
Hell yes!