A Brother Sister Love Story by RoyHornyDaddy

We had never really had time alone at the dorm to get any further but continued to suck each other with whatever little time we had. Soon thanksgiving break was upon us but we decided even before we went home to look around for an apartment off campus where we can be alone. We found the perfect place and over the thanksgiving holiday we spoke to our parents and they poked fun about my sister and I living together. We explained what had happened to her and they agreed as long as we get along. We agreed but could not move in until the week before the New Year so when we went back to college we did the norm in the dorms but when the Christmas break came and as we had 2 weeks at home we decided to spend 1 week there and 1 week moving into our new abode and love nest.

When we arrived home our crazy cousin Peter was visiting and he had hung mistletoe over the door. As we entered he was sitting on the couch and our parents were sitting on separate sides on arm chairs. Our cousin said “Uh Oh, mistletoe you know what you have to do!” we pretended to argue but we kissed on the lips for about 10 seconds or so but we know truly we wanted to do more. We angrily broke our kiss and started to pretend argue and fight. Our father said “play nice, it’s Christmas.” We whiningly agreed. At dinner we told them our plan and they had no problem with the plan. As Christmas day was upon us I did not want any presents except the one between my sister’s legs. 2 days after Christmas we left home so we can move out of the dorm and into our apartment. When the last box reached the apartment I scooped my sister up and carried her over the threshold. When I put her down she said “I have a present for you!” “What is it? All I want is you!” She said “Shush just go to the bedroom and lay down.” I did what I was told and soon my sister came out wearing a sweet pretty pink see through lingerie and black lacy panties. “Merry Christmas darling this is for you.”

I had my sister lay on the bed and gave her a wonderful striptease show and she giggled. When I was completely naked I jumped into bed with the sweet 20 year old and started to rub her pussy through her panties. It was not long before her panties were saturated with her juices and we kissed and I helped her out of her clothes. As I saw her pretty pussy lips I played with it with 2 of my fingers and spread her slit letting my fingers fall into it. I started to suck her nipple and as she moaned I kissed down to her beautiful cunt and before I invaded her with my tongue I kissed and caressed her inner thighs with my tongue. As I saw her clit I moved my tongue to her hole and invaded her. As my mouth hit her pussy her hair felt like a soft carpet gently caressing my face in just the right way, as I ate out my wonderful luscious sister.

Soon enough we were both wet and our fluids mixed so that I could easily penetrate my sister’s pussy. As I moved my mouth and replaced it with my cock I knew this was what I waited for. As I gently slid my
member into her well lubricated hole I could feel her body tremble and hear her moan beneath me. Our bed shook and pounded the wall as I pounded her exquisite pussy, we were both in heaven. I loved taking my sister and she loved being taken. I cummed inside her and the sweet sticky juices flowing into and out of her had her so excited, as I pounded her, her pussy walls responded positively by hugging my cock so generously. I could not believe that my soul mate and lover could have been my own sister but it was true.
We started our new year in each other’s arms and inside of each other. As the year progressed I finished college and Cindy was now entering into her second year and our love life was in full bloom. Every moment we were alone she will suck my cum and I will eat her pussy and I will pound her as much as I could. Outsiders always thought we were married or just two people shacking up but little did they know I was Cindy’s brother and she was my sister. Over the summer vacation I had found a pretty good job that could be permanent and Cindy got one in the same company just for the holidays and of course we took our breaks and lunch together, we were so inseparable.

One weekend we were surprised by a visit by our parents who decided to stay for the week. We knew our parents would hate what we were doing but we could not hide our love for each other any more. Four days into our parent’s visit we sat them down and had “The Talk” with them. “Mom dad, Cindy and I have something to tell you” our parents were confused and unsure my dad asked “what? What is the matter?” “Mom dad, Cindy and I have something to confess” looking more dazed mom asked “what?” “Mom dad, Brandon and I love each other” our parents laughed “ha ha that’s all” “no mom we are in love with each other!” our parents draw dropped. Our dad stood up and said, “What the hell is wrong with you two, are you absolutely insane!” I responded to our father “no dad, I love Cindy so much and I cannot bear to be without her.” As I said that Cindy and I kissed lightly on the lips to show them how much we were into each other. Our father could not help but sit down, wipe his brow and give in “fine, if you love each other, who am I too stand in your way.” On the other hand our mother was not so easy “Eric have you lost your mind!” “No children of mine will be in this sick perverted shit!” Then our mom stormed out of the apartment. “Don’t worry guys your mom just needs to cool down” and dad went to look for mom.

Two hours after the out burst dad brought mom back and she said “are you sure you two are really in love?” “Yes mom, I never loved anyone as much as I love Brandon” “I can’t say I approve but I am willing o give you two my blessing, if the love you share is real.” “Thanks mom” and Cindy hugged our mother and I shook dad’s hand and we all shared a family hug. After that I grabbed Cindy and tongued her in front of our parents to which our mom responded “alright guys break it up.” We did break it up and our dad joked “well I expect a couple grand kids from you hahahahaaha.” Mom hit his arm but then responded “if your love is true we will welcome any grand children you two have.” We so happy we had our parent’s approval that when mom and dad left I went out and bought Cindy a huge diamond ring which she wore as if she was my wife and I was her husband. Over the next few years sex between us was so great that when Cindy finished college she got off the pill and we were blessed with our first two children. Twin daughter’s who our parents adored and they were so proud of us that it was not a passing fad between my sister and I but our love was real.

Incest may be considered taboo but what my sister and I share is true and having my sister under me and when I am inside her, it is the best feeling anyone could ever have and no one could ever change our love.

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