Tim the Teenager Part XVII by batnut515

I groaned from the pulse of lust this created. I felt her crotch sliding up mine, and before I realized her intentions, my head slipped past her incredibly tight lips, and I found myself resting against an obstruction I had never before encountered. I felt Honey shutter before she lifted her crotch up, then back down hard. I moaned as her hymen gave way, feeling her tight passageway swallow my dick, igniting fireworks in my head. I never knew for sure how much pain if any they had felt.

The moment I was completely within her, she began her characteristically slow humping. Honey sat up, bringing forth another round of fireworks from the suddenness of my deep penetration. My eyes were shut, my mouth was open, and my brain was switched to standby mode. I was lost in a sea of sensations and emotions, for the twins were sharing not just theirs, but Joey’s and mine.

Ironically, Joey and I were completely under their control while they oh, so, SLOWLY rose and lowered themselves on our throbbing staffs. When they indicated they wanted their breasts fondled while they pumped for oil, Joey’s and my hands instantly obeyed their wishes. We would have done anything in that state. Joey and I were completely helpless from the combination of the physical talents and their empathic powers.

And they used them. They indeed were my father’s ultimate trap. I could feel how powerful they were. They could enslave any male foolish enough to be lured into their brainwashing lovemaking. Joey and I were completely at their mercy, and apparently we were at their mercy for more than an hour.

Suzi at first simply became bored. Her several attempts to join our fun failed, and she was unable to make us respond to her. She did everything she could think of short of physically harming us, and she was unable to force the twins off us. Either I prevented her from doing so, or the twins did, and Suzi wound up simply having to wait us out and pray.

When the twins finally brought us to climax our orgasm pulsed to the twin’s forever slow beat. My awareness returned slowly afterwards, my mind hazy and sluggish, finding a hysterical Suzi yelling at both Joey and I. I managed to moan at her, flinging my limp left arm at her to shut up. She immediately came over to me, and when she saw I couldn’t understand her, she slapped hard across the face, twice. That jolted my brain back to the on position, I immediately held my hands up to prevent her from doing it again.

I managed to mumble a thickly spoken “Why did you slap me?” that actually sound like “Wha the Fu wa tha fa.”

My attempts to communicate were not appreciated since Suzi had crawled over to Joey to slap him. As my thoughts finally started to get back up to speed, I suddenly jerked to a sitting position when I realize how vulnerable I had been to their wishes. I tried to shake the rest of numbness from my head, and looked around.

“Where’d they go?” I asked when I couldn’t see the twins.

Suzi crawled back over to me and looked into my eyes to see if I was okay. Then she said, “They’re asleep on the floor tied up.”

I blinked as my head processed her words, and I instantly said, “Untie them.”

She started to panic, but I just smiled and said “They didn’t harm me. They could have. But they didn’t. That’s why you can untie them, silly.”

Suzi still wasn’t convinced. “How do you know that? How could you possibly tell?”

“You have a point there. You’re going to have to tell me,” I said as I connected her up to my thoughts, giving her complete access to my mind.

Suzi was startled, but quickly felt her way around. She spent quite a long time in there, and we both didn’t notice Joey sitting up and speak. He must have check out what was going on with his own ability to monitor my thoughts. He got off the bed, almost tripping over the bound sleeping Joy, and wobbled to the bathroom to pee. Before he got back, Suzi concluded I was clean from any tampering.

Joey, seeing we were done, asked, “What happened? Why are we, uhm, still us?”
I got off the bed and began untying Honey’s bra from around her wrists. “Because they didn’t want to,” I said.

Joey began untying Joy as the implications of my words sank in.

“Shit. Tim? I owe you one hell of an apology,” Joey said as he tossed the bra away.

“I’ll just take it out on your ass sometime,” I said releasing Honey’s legs.

Then I asked Suzi, “What happened? How long were we, uhm, doing it?”

“I don’t know. A long time. Felt like hours. When you two finally came inside them, they went stiff, then just slowly laid down on top of you. They’ve been asleep ever since. I dragged them off you, and when I couldn’t wake any of you up, I pushed them onto the floor and tied them up.”

“I take it you tried drowning us to wake us up?” I said, indicating the soaked bed.

“You guys are probably going to be a bit sore. I got pretty rough with you. I was so scared of what they had done to you, I probably would have lit the bed if could have found some matches.”

Joey said, “I’m cold, and I’m sure the twins are too. Let’s carry them to the room next door and cover them up so they won’t get sick. Then I want to jump into the bathtub or shower to get warm.”

Joey took Joy, and I carried Honey to the next bedroom. It had a standard mattress in it, but we weren’t going to be picky. Once the twins looked comfortable, we left them, closing the door behind us.

“Hey Joey? Mind if I take that shower with you now?” I asked.

“Uhm actually I was thinking about trying that bubble bath thing again. But yeah, let’s just jump in the shower together.”

“Well, you guys are NOT going to leave me out of this one, so I’m in too.” Suzi insisted.
We all got into the shower, and were having fun soaping each other up, when I realized something about the soap.

“Hey… This stuff isn’t really soap.”

“Huh? Then what is it?” Joey said, taking another bar from the soap dish.

“Taste it, Joey. It doesn’t have any soapy taste to it.”

Joey gave it a small lick and said, “I don’t believe it.”

“What?” Suzi said.

“It’s….” Joey started.

“Lube” I finished.

He and I just looked at each other, then I started lathering up my dick, while he did his butt. Suddenly I ‘accidentally’ dropped my soap and said, “Oh, darn. Joey could you get that for me?”

“Oh, my. Yes, I’ll just bend right over and geeEEEEEEEEEEE,” he said as I stuck my finger in his hole.

“Shit, Tim. That feels good. Okay. I’m gonna push, so get that other finger in.”

“How’s that? Man, Joey. Your hole is HUGE compared to Suzi’s.”

“It better be. I’ve been stretching it with a cucumber! ”

“Fuck. You mean you’ve been letting a vegetable fuck your ass before I did?”

“No, All I did was, oh man put it in while I’m pushing like this!”

I grabbed my hard dick and put my head up to his hole while I pulled my fingers out.

“DO IT!” Joey said, putting his hands against the wall.

As I pushed as hard as I could, Joey held his breath and violently shook his head, making his face turn red. He finally let it out, with a gaspy cry, but I got it all the way in on the first try.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Man That HURTS. SHIT! FUCKEN SHIT!” etc.

He got used to it after a few more paragraphs of four letter words, and after a few test pumps, he said, “Oh shit, that is feeling good. Okay, Tim, you can go a liiiTTLE! Faster. Shit Suzi, you could give a little warrrrrrning before you swallow a guy.”

Suzi popped his dick out of her mouth and said, “But that wouldn’t be as fun.”

“Yeah….. Fun…… Yeah…..” I said as I started to get to a decent speed. I began to feel Joey do something inside himself, causing my dick to throb. “Man. Joey whatever you’re doing with you shitten muscles, keep it up.”

“It…. Isn’t….. Me…. It’s…. Suzi…… FUuuuuCK I love this! Fuck my ass, Tim. FUCK MY ASS HARDER TIM! FUCK…. FUCK…. FUCK… FUCK… FUCK.. MEEEE!!!!”

I was going full out after he encouraged with his gentle words. It was feeling really good, and I looked down at my dick pumping in and out of his ass.

“Suzi! look between us from down there!!” I said.

A few moments later, I saw Suzi’s head on the floor below my pumping dick. I couldn’t see her expression, but suddenly I found her legs flying up on either side of Joey’s waist.

Joey gave out a “Holy SHIT!” then “She’s trying to fuck me upside down!”

That was all she wrote for me. My orgasm rose so fast I didn’t have time to share it with them. My load was not all that great with all the cumming I had done today, but Joey remarked later he had felt it.

“FUCK this! Suzi, get up off the floor and fuck right, Or I’M gonna get down there with you!” Joey cried.

I pulled out of Joey with a wet pop, and watched as Joey got on top of Suzi and pumped like crazy. After another thirty seconds, Joey went through his shutters and shakes, and Suzi groaning along with him. They had cum together without any help from me. My dick had gotten hard again from watching, but while they just laid there, I decided I might as well clean it off.

Just as I was finishing, I hear a cry from the bed room. We all heard it, and I immediately thought of the twins. I shut the water off, and we all got out. I almost ran smack dab into my mother at the bathroom door.

“Timmy are you all right?” she said urgently. Her mind leashed out towards mine, trying to break through my shields, and somehow managed to penetrate them.

“HEY! YEs I’m okay! Dang mom! You could of given me a chance to let you in..”

Then I realize I was naked in front of my mother, and I felt the my cheeks start to burn.

“You are! Oh thank GOD!” she said, hugging me to her, nearly suffocating me in her sparkles.

“Hmm mhm hnm nmh?” I asked from her chest.

She let me go, and said, “There was something about the way Charles was acting. And then he said something about how much you liked the twins and that he wouldn’t be surprised if you gave Suzi to him just to be with them, I knew something was wrong. Joey, when did you lean how to protect your thoughts? Let me in dear. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”


“Sorry. When I was under his control, he made me give up all my special secret mind shields to him. He was using them to shield himself from me today. When he wouldn’t lower them when I confronted him, I forced my way into his head and saw what the twins were going to do. I don’t understand. You did make love to them, didn’t you?”

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