Ch. 21 – Some Days One Wonders by Lee_Bee_Tee

They both watch as Tony slowly lifts up the handkerchief to is nose. The first sniff tells him a wild and crazy story in an instant. He has smelled that aroma a lot, and it hits his mind like a sludge hammer! The women see his reaction.

Giggling Katie says “See. It never fails to amaze me the way a women’s juices can cause a man to react!” Valerie just watches Tony smell that pussy juiced up handkerchief. The expression on his face looked to be one of wonder and bliss.

Now Valerie was very interested in having fun tonight. With William at his friend’s poker game and Alicia out on a date with Jim, she didn’t have much to fret about. However, she didn’t want to upset the so called ‘apple cart’ here in Katie’s home. After listening to her friend explain why Tony was on edge and why he liked to be on that edge, she wanted to see and hear more!

The patio door opened and in strolled Kelly and Tyler. They were laughing at something as they entered to room. Tyler didn’t waste any time in quickly getting Tony up and into a man hug. They patted each other on their backs and shook hands.

Valerie steps close to Katie and asks “Does Tony know that Tyler is your boy toy? They seem to act like buddies!”

Katie giggles “Yes, he knows. I tell him almost everything. And he has seen me do stuff that you wouldn’t believe!”

Kelly picked up the dishes and started to set the table. The guys were still talking quietly as the food was put out. Then Katie says “Ok everyone, we can eat.”

Tony sat down and soon Kelly pulled her chair up toward his end of the table. He didn’t think it was odd until Valerie pulled hers up on the other side of him. Then Katie did the same thing at the other end of the table next to Tyler.

He was quite for a few moments, but they were all talking like this was a normal way for people to sit down to dinner. The two women on each side of him put one of their hands on his leg as they filled their plates and began to eat. It looked like his wife was doing the same thing with Tyler!

His mind was in a world of wonder as this all happened in front of him. Working to relax some he took a few deep breaths. Then Katie says “Honey, did you hear my question?”

Tony’s head popped up and he says “I guess that I missed what you just said sweetheart.”

Katie giggles “I asked if you liked the way your handkerchief smells. I had to use it a lot as Tyler made me put on quite the show at the mall today.”

His expression was one of shock and amazement, both Kelly and Valerie patted his thigh to bring him back to the conversation. Working hard to get some control over his emotions he finally says “I could smell your sweetness on it baby. Can you tell me more, I guess that I don’t have a clear idea of what you’re talking about?”

Katie giggles “Honey, are you sure that you want me to talk about it here, at the table. Val is our guess and I’m sure that she doesn’t want to hear about what your naughty wife did today. Besides, what I may say could be graphic… very graphic!”

With all of his effort Tony says “I think that we are all adults here tonight sweetheart.” Turning a little to his left toward Valerie he asks “Valerie, would you like to hear what my sweet little wife has to say?”

Valerie knew a lot of what Katie did today. Although she only hit the high points, so this could give her a clearer picture. Besides it was obvious that the vibe at this table was electric and sensual. Sitting next to Tony she was liking this dinner party a lot! Smiling she softly says “I would like to hear the account of your day Kat!”

Katie smiles at her husband “Baby, I know you saw the pictures that Tyler took of me by his bike, at lunch time today. Well, I had to ride behind him in a skirt that flew around in the air as we rode over to the big mall. And not having any underwear on my bare butt must have been on display… a lot!” Seeing the blank expression on his face Katie continued “I didn’t have a bra on under my camisole, so my hard nipples were like small headlights for everyone in the mall to see! Guys were just staring at me, everywhere we went! And this guy right here made me bend over so that he could take videos of my little pussy getting exposed!”

Valerie reached her other hand up and started to unconsciously stroke Tony’s arm as she listened to Katie tell her story. If she did this to William, what Katie was now doing to Tony, the results would have been so nuclear! But sitting next to Katie’s husband and observing his face, it showed her things that were so different, things she was not expecting. The vivid images that Katie so happily described were getting to her as well. Not really thinking she began to move her hand up and down on his thigh, but then her fingers brushed the end Kelly’s fingers! She looked at Kelly’s face, seeing her smiling, winking and slightly nodding her head in acknowledgement.

It took a few moments for Tony to speak. Then he asks “Tyler is my wife telling me to truth?”

Tyler chuckled “Tony don’t kill me but your wife was slow at the start, but once she was started, I don’t believe anyone could have turned her sexual exhibition off! I had to take her into one of the restrooms and… well I had to relieve her pressure for a few minutes!”

Valerie closely watched Tony’s face as he asks “Katie, is that true. Did you let him fuck you in one of the restrooms at the mall today!” It surprised Valerie to see that Tony seemed to be in control, but acting slightly intoxicated as he asked Katie that question. Thinking about it now she knew that Katie was right, Tony didn’t react the way that one would expect!

Katie laughed “Honey, I couldn’t help it! I need him so bad! I would have let him fuck me in the middle of the mall at that point! You know how I was, when I came home after letting this guy talk me into acting like a slut and flashing my tits the first time. I made you two do me downstairs until I almost passed out from the double teaming!”

Valerie sat back and realized that this was new information. She gasped “You let Tyler and Tony fuck you together… at the same time!”

Everyone turns to look at her in surprise, but then Katie says “No Val. I had Jim fucking my pussy and my loving husband pounding my back hole. And I made them do it until I couldn’t think straight!”

Valerie began to recover some and says “I’m sorry for just saying what I was thinking! It was rude of me. But I think you said that your son was in your pussy and his man next me was in your butt?!!!”

Katie laughed “Yes Val, that is what happened and it was so good! I hope that you get to try it!”

Tony was surprised at how easily his wife talked about that she did with her son. Then the comment that Valerie made to him earlier popped into his head. He turned toward Valerie and could see and feel her hand on his leg. His eyes moved back to Valerie’s face he says “I’m not sure if Valerie should have heard that honey.” Expecting her to get up and leave. Then realizing what could now happen with this information, that his wife so happily revealed. All of this was in the forefront of his mind. However, Valerie just looked back into his eyes with an expression of entertainment and excitement.

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