Family Throuple: Becky by NewIn57

For half a minute or so she moved her hips up and down, right to left, back and forth, in little circles. She wasn’t trying to pleasure herself; she was hunting for something. Then, with a little whimper, she obviously found it. Near as I can tell, it was the head of my penis rubbing against her cervix. She started rolling her hips so she could hit it again and again and soon she was in full orgasm. Her mother does this, too, when she’s on top and can stay in orgasm for several minutes. I wondered if Becky could, too. I said “Stay in it sweetheart. Just stay in it. Don’t let it go.” She understood and managed to keep herself in orgasm for a long time.

When she finally came down, she fell off to the side and took a few seconds to catch her breath. She turned her head, looked me in the eyes and said exactly what I hoped she’d say: “Fuck me, Daddy. Please fuck me.”

I got between her legs, lifted her ass, and slid my penis back into her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed me all the way in with her heels. Knowing that she likes it slow and that she obviously enjoyed what just happened, I lifted her just a little bit more until I felt the tip of my penis graze her cervix. Her quiver confirmed my aim. I started fucking her, slowly, an inch in, an inch out, raking her cervix over and over, slowly, watching her beautiful face contort as she immersed herself in the pleasure.

A minute or two in she started to speak but could manage only one word per stroke: “Fuck. Me. Harder. Daddy. Please. PLEASE. Fuck. Me. Harder.”

I dropped her butt to the bed, lifted her again with my elbows hooked under her knees, and started fucking her with long strokes at the same slow tempo, slapping her labia with my pubic bone at the end of each stroke. Out slow; in fast and hard. Repeat. Ten strokes in she started crying out “Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me” and, then, on the very next stroke, like a scene from The Exorcist, in a voice an octave lower than her normal voice, she screamed “OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD.”.

She came harder than I’d ever seen a woman come; harder than I thought possible for a human being to orgasm. It was instantaneous and all consuming. Her eyes were open but I know she couldn’t see me. Her head was lolling back and forth with no purpose. Arms twitching every few seconds. Stomach heaving as she tried to meet my thrusts with those of her own. It was eerily quiet; she couldn’t breathe and, so, she couldn’t scream. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed.

It didn’t last long, though – maybe 20 seconds – and when it was over I knew I should pause and give her a chance to say “stop” but I couldn’t. Having watched her cum like that I had to cum myself. I doubled the pace of my thrusts, not caring about anything but my orgasm. Then, in a voice an octave HIGHER than her normal voice she started crying plaintively “Amyamyamyamyamyameeeeeee”. I came when she came. Hard. I buried myself to the hilt and started pumping jet after jet into her and when my penis stopped convulsing I could feel her vagina spasming around it, like it was trying to milk every last drop. I stayed in place until she was done and slipped my flaccid penis out of her.

I flopped on my back and she snuggled into my side, head on my shoulder, leg draped over my waste. I waited a minute and I asked if she was okay. She laughed and said “Except for the fact that the top of my head is over there somewhere, I’m fine. More than fine.”

Just then, we heard a noise from the girl’s bedroom — clearly a woman in the throes of orgasm. Becky looked at me quizzically and asked “Have you guys always been able to hear us?”

I answered “Sometimes at night, when the house is quiet and one of you is having a really good time, yes. We try not to listen but sometimes it’s tough not to.”

And she said “Well, it seems that Mom’s having a VERY good time.” Sherri screamed again. Becky giggled. “You’re right; it’s hard not to listen.”

I’d never really had the proper opportunity before, so I said “Becky. Thank you for including your mom. It woke something in her that lay dormant for far too long. She adores both of you and treasures the time she spends with you.”

Becky smiled and said, simply, “We know.”

I waited a bit and asked if she’d found the answers she needed and, almost immediately, she started to cry. I held her while she regained her composure and then it suddenly clicked. It hadn’t registered before because I was so consumed with my own pleasure at the time. At the critical moment in her last orgasm, she’d called out to her sister. I was struck by the irony: I’d fucked my daughter’s brains out only to convince her she was lesbian.

After a minute or so, she sniffled and said “Daddy, when I came in here an hour ago I was so confused and desperate. Please never regret doing this; I felt loved and safe and, yes, I have my answer.”

And I replied “I’ll always cherish what we just shared. I love you with all my heart. I think it might be time for you to find Amy.”

Becky looked at me a little confused. “Daddy, I thought we were just taking a little break. Did I do something wrong?”

It was my turn to be confused. “But during your last orgasm you call out Amy’s name. Doesn’t that mean…”

She put her finger to my lips and smiled a big smile. “I get it now. If I did that, it’s just out of habit. Daddy, I loved everything about tonight. You’ve woke something in ME that’s been dormant for far too long and I want to do this with you again and again. Can we?” I was too choked up to answer so I just nodded my assent.

Then I started to cry happy tears when she said “But first, Mom and I are going to have to teach you how to give some decent head.”

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