Happy Fuck Valentine’s Day by FamilyGuy66

“Oh, my-”

“Wow. Fuck. Wow-”

I rolled forward and crawled toward Tory. I had just had the most intense orgasm of my life, together with my sister, and I needed her in my arms. She nearly jumped when I touched her. Her eyes rolled wildly, reminding me of a panicked horse I’d seen in a movie. Her gaze landed on me for a moment. “My god, Johnny, I’ve never felt anything like that in my life!” She clutched me to her. “I mean, I thought I knew what an orgasm was, but that! Johnny, I think I’m still cumming!”

I understood exactly what she met; my load was blown, but I felt as if my climax was still approaching. I felt a persistent tug deep within me, my balls twitching as if trying to still expel my semen.

“Get dressed, Johnny, quick!”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“I can’t be naked with you right now, Johnny, but I can’t move to get dressed yet… put some clothes on, Johnny, for me? Please!”

I was already gathering my clothing. I again understood my sister perfectly. The temptation for more was far too great to resist. Already, I was feeling my forces gather for another round, wanting more than my own hand. I stumbled from the living room, headed directly for my bedroom, where I collapsed to the floor, used my shirt to wipe most of the cum that was running down my body, and began shakily slipping my pants back on.

My mind was reeling, my emotions churning, my body out of control. I may have blacked out. When I came back to normal awareness, I felt both energized and drained. I was still breathing heavily. As soon as I could, I made my way back to the living room. I wanted to check on Tory. I found her asleep on the floor, wrapped in our picnic blanket. She still hadn’t managed to get dressed; her clothes lay where they’d fallen. I smoothed her hair back from her forehead. “Tory, wake up, sweetie.” She stirred and made an unintelligible sound. “Sweetie, are you ok?”

My sister blinked twice, then closed her eyes again. “I’m ok, Johnny… just wiped out, is all. I feel incredible, but it was so intense, I have no strength left. Need sleep.” She opened her eyes. “Johnny, can you put me to bed?”

My sister needed me now, in a much different way than she had earlier. I gathered her discarded clothing, laid it on top of the blanket, and easily lifted her into my arms. I carried my sister to my bed, where I unwrapped her from the blanket, and, with a fair bit of difficulty, managed to her limp form into a pair of shorts and a tank for sleeping. I pulled the covers up to her chin, making sure she was snug before I changed into a pair of lounge pants and a tee.

I slipped into bed and slid up against my sister. I kissed her shoulder, my hand on her hip.

“Johnny?” Tory whispered.


“Would you rub my butt like you did the other night? It felt sooo good.”

Again, who was I to say no? Understanding Tory needed soothing, not stimulation, I slowly moved my hand over her ass cheek, enjoying the feel of my sister beneath my hand. I had to pull back a bit as my cock grew hard again. Soon, Tory’s breathing slowed and became deeper. I knew she was asleep. I moved my head closer to her ear and whispered, “Thank you for loving me, sweetie.”

We slept deeply, my sister and I.

February 14, Valentine’s Day

I woke shortly after dawn, the need to piss driving me from the warmth of our bed. Once finished, I pulled back the curtains of a bedroom window. It looked like we had gotten every inch of snow that was forecast, maybe more. The parking lot was gone; only the tops of pickups and SUVs were visible, vague humps beneath a blanket of white.

I climbed back into bed, my mind replaying the events of last night. If this were a poker game, we had both laid our hands for the other to see. My sister and I had both disclosed our mutual desire; it was already decided. Only the act of incestuous love itself remained. I marveled at how calm I was, how readily I accepted what would take place sometime today.

“Morning, Johnny.” Tory’s hand slid below my t-shirt and moved slowly, languidly over my stomach and chest.

“Morning, Tory.”

“How’s the storm?”

“Well, sweetie, we’re definitely not going anywhere today.”

“Silly brother,” Tory giggled. “Did you really think we would? Nuh-uh. I wanted you all to myself today, Johnny.”

“Wish granted, sis. I’m all yours.”

“Yes, you are.” Tory’s hand slid into my sleeping pants and wrapped around my cock, which began to harden immediately.

“Starting already, are we?”

“Nope. Just putting you in the right mindset for the day, big brother.” The way Tory emphasized the word brother made me tremble. “It’s not every day a boy gets to fuck his sister for the first time, you know. I want you primed for it, lover.”

“So, you’re not having any doubts?”

“Fuck no, and I hope you’re not, either!”

“Not a single one, T. It’s strange, but this somehow seems-”



“Normal, even.”

“Our normal, maybe.”

“I’ll take it, Johnny.”

“Yes, you will, Tory. Every inch of it.” I leaned over and closed my mouth over Tory’s breast, feeling her incredible nipple grow in my mouth.

“Ooh, you say the sweetest things, Johnny. Listen, I want to talk about something, ok? Uff! Ohh! Johnny, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but please leave my nipple alone so we can talk, ok? You’re distracting me.”

I reluctantly let Tory’s nipple go after biting down, causing Tory to inhale sharply, then groan. Asserting my dominance, I thought with a smile.

“What is it, sweetie?”

“Johnny, I don’t want to use anything with you. I want you to cum inside me, ok? Don’t freak out. Do not freak out. I can take the morning-after pill. I just don’t want anything between us, alright?” Tory looked at me so hopefully.

“No freaking out. I promise. Just us, my love.”

“Just us.” Tory smiled.

Tory started breakfast while I jumped in the shower. Another skipped workout, Johnny? I thought. I guessed I was developing all sorts of bad habits recently. I decided not to beat myself up. The past few days seemed like a wonderful vacation; I knew eventually life would go back to normal.

It being Monday, I called work to make my absence official. The switchboard message simply said the company was closed due to the weather emergency. One less thing to worry about.

Tory and I had a surprisingly normal day, given what we had planned for our evening. She had neglected her coursework lately and needed to work on some assignments. I did manage to get in a late-afternoon workout, but the gym was too crowded for my taste, with everyone being stuck at home. Besides, if I were being honest with myself, I just didn’t like being away from Tory.

I went to the basement to access my storage unit. I had one more thing to take care of before tonight. Once back home, I stashed some things in my front closet and went to check on Tory. She was hard at work, typing furiously on her laptop. I really didn’t miss college, I realized. So much effort for so many things that didn’t apply to my life. When noon came, I put together a quick lunch. I didn’t have the culinary skills of my little sister, so I tended to eat whole foods. Lots of fruit and veggies, and very little highly processed food.

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