I’m Coming! I’m Coming! by Spector_Dugan

I’m Coming! I’m Coming! by Spector_Dugan

You know what to expect by now. So, let’s gooooooooo! Everyone here is over the age of 18.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” my younger sister, Quinn, yelled down the stairs.

I stood in the living room, arms crossed, barely holding back my rage as it rolled through my stomach, raced up my chest, and bloomed across my face.

“We have to go!” I hollered up the stairs at her. Dammit. Quinn was going to ruin everything.

“Just hang on, Zack, I’m almost there!” Quinn said. Her shout was followed by a loud crash. It sounded like she’d tipped over something heavy and dumped out all its contents. I was too upset about the time to worry if my sister was OK.

For what felt like the hundredth time, I looked down at my phone. We were already an hour behind schedule. One hour. An hour ago, we were supposed to be getting into Mom’s SUV. 40 minutes ago, we were supposed to have picked up our friends at their respective houses and hit the road. Twenty minutes ago, we were supposed to be well on our way to our destination.

In fact, at this very moment, we were supposed to be pulling up to the parking lot at the Renaissance Faire, getting out of our car, and making our way towards a place of mystery, magic, adventure, and a fuck ton of alcohol.

And then I would finally have my shot with the girl of my dreams, Julia, and we would… Well, it didn’t matter what Julia and I would be doing because my sister, Quinn, couldn’t even get down the stairs let alone get out of the fucking house!

“I’m sorry, I’m trying my hardest,” Quinn said, “It’s just, ugh, complicated.” I saw a flash of a green dress as my younger sibling raced across the upstairs hallway from her bedroom to the bathroom.

I looked down at my own outfit. I’d put on a dark blue tunic with white stitching in a vaguely Celtic pattern. It hung loosely over my broad frame. I also had on a pair of simple, tan slacks, tied with a rope around the waist, and dark brown (thankfully modern) hiking boots. Instead of a wallet, I’d tied a little pouch around my neck with my credit card and ID. I was wearing a perfectly acceptable, mostly-period correct costume, and it had taken me all of five minutes to put it on. What could possibly be taking Quinn so long?

“If you don’t hurry up, I’m going to go without you,” I said, not the first time I’d made this empty threat.

“Don’t you dare, Z!” Quinn said, her voice echoey from the bathroom.

My sister had always been this way. Always. According to Mom, Quinn had missed her own due date by over a week, and that was just the beginning. It wasn’t that my little sister was lazy — far from it. Quinn was a constantly bounding bundle of boundless energy. But that was the problem. She was so spirited she didn’t know where to keep it all, bouncing off everything around her till she crashed into her next momentary distraction.

I don’t know why I thought, now that Quinn was an 18-year-old college freshman, that she’d change. I’d spent my entire elementary, middle, and high school years standing in that very spot at the base of the stairs, waiting for my sister to get ready. I’d missed whole chunks of classes, birthday parties (including my own), movies — you name it. All because Quinn was constitutionally incapable of being on time.

Usually, these days, I didn’t let it bother me. I was out of the house now, a Junior at college, and able to be as punctual as I preferred. Besides, despite her constitutionally crappy timing, I truly did like my sister. Quinn was sweet and caring, so full of life that it was hard not to feel happy when she was around. Like a little bowlful of endorphins. But in that moment, I couldn’t focus on any of that, because we were So. Fucking. Late.

I grabbed the keys out of my pocket. This was it. I was going. Quinn could walk for all I cared. Julia was waiting and I wasn’t going to miss out.

“Ready!” Quinn said, rumbling down the stairs.

I froze. Gawped. The car keys clattered as they hit the floor. Suddenly, I understood why Quinn had taken so long.

“What?” she asked, freezing in place on the staircase

“Wow.” It was the only word I could conjure.

Quinn was wearing a pair of knee-high, leather boots with silver buckles running up her shins. Her forest green leather skirt hung to about mid-thigh. She had a brown belt with a large silver buckle hanging over her hip with a thin scabbard to one side.

Above that, Quinn’s tight, matching bustier bared her belly button and pushed up her chest, prominently displaying her petite, perfect, pinkish globes. Her arms were bare, but she’d painted the right from shoulder to wrist with a sparkling turquoise and pink pattern of whirling feathers and whorling fire. In her hand, she was holding a sculped wooden staff of twisting branches that was about a foot taller than her.

Quinn had made up her face just as meticulously. Her lips were full and red, her cheeks rosy, and her eyes darkened. She’d taken her long, honey brown hair up in a bun at the back, but left two full, winding braids in the front, hanging down to her shoulders. She had on a set of small, pointed, elf ears. On her forehead, the final piece, was a thin, ringlet crown of brambles.

My God.

My cute, pixie sister had morphed from a five-foot three, petite college freshman into a completely convincing, gaspingly gorgeous, passionately powerful elven warrior. Incongruously now standing casually in our house. And I had to concede, she looked sexy as hell.

“You look incredible, Q,” I said, finally able to form the words. “How did you?”

“Some of my drama friends helped out,” Quinn said, “Does it look OK?”

“It looks… wow,” I said. Again, losing the ability to speak.

“I’m supposed to be Eilonwy, my elf character,” Quinn said, “You know from D&D?”

“Oh,” I said. It took me a moment to remember. I’d DM’d a huge campaign in high school for my friends. My sister had joined our party as an Elven ranger my senior year. I’d never realized until that moment how much she’d gotten into her character.

“Well don’t just stand there, slack jawed, Z,” Quinn said, “We’re running late!”

“Right,” I said. I was so entranced by her outfit, I’d forgotten to be angry.

I grabbed the car keys off the floor, and we raced outside. But the SUV wasn’t sitting in the driveway.

“Oh shit,” I said, looking at the empty space. My brain couldn’t comprehend what had happened. Like when your dog sees you move the couch across the room. My whole conception of reality was snapped right in front of me.

I grabbed my phone and called Mom. My voice strangled with despair.

“I needed to run some errands and saw it was still here,” Mom said, “I figured you’d decided to do something else.”

“Quinn was running late,” I said.

“That makes sense,” Mom said, “Well, I’ll be back in a couple of hours if you need my car.”

“We’re already running late,” I said, as if my mother could do anything about that now.

“We’ll take, Pokey,” Quinn said, loud enough to be heard on the mic.

“Sounds good, talk to you soon!” Mom said, clicking off before I could argue further.

I turned to my sister. “Q, we can’t.”

But she was already racing down the driveway before I could stop her. Quinn punched in the code to open the garage. The door screeched and roared like we’d been keeping a pet Wookie inside.

But instead of a giant, furry bear-man, the garage door peeled back to reveal a perfectly serviceable, early-90s-era Ford Explorer with over 200,000 miles on the odometer and the kind of patina that’s usually reserved for copper bowls discovered in dig sites from classic antiquity.

My parents had bought Pokey for me when I first got my license. After I’d left for school, I’d handed him off to Quinn to use for the same purpose. At this point, I was starting to believe we’d be passing him down to our grandchildren someday. That car was a survivor.

“”We can’t take Pokey,” I said, running my hand through my short, brown hair. The urge to rip it out with my fingers was getting stronger.

“He’s running fine,” Quinn said, “I took him yesterday. What’s the problem?”

“Well, for one thing we won’t all fit,” I said.

Quinn counted us off on her fingers. “You, me, Jacob, Cody, Wes, Julia… Oh shit.”

“Yes, I know,” I said.

This was why I’d been planning on taking Mom’s new Pilot. With six of my old high school friends coming along — my old D&D group intact for the first time since high school — that extra row was going to be a necessity.

“We’ll just have to squeeze,” Quinn said. Then she did a little flounce as the idea occurred to her. “Or maybe Julia could sit on your lap.”

My little sister knew about my not-so-little crush, of course. She used to tease me all the time about it. For a moment, the image of buxom blonde Julia perched on my thigh was enough to make me think that this might work out for the best, after all.

“Wait, really?” Quinn said, her green eyes going wide, “You still have feelings for Julia!?”

I looked away. Julia had been my it-girl in high school. That wasn’t the kind of thing that melted away when you went to college.

“I know, but, three years, Z,” Quinn said, “Weren’t you dating that other chick for a while?”

“Melissa and I broke up,” I said.

“And you were thinking that a trip to the Ren Faire might be the moment to finally make the move on your epic crush girl?” Quinn asked. Despite my sister’s playful banter, she didn’t sound teasing, which I appreciated.

“Something like that,” I said, staring at the sun-washed pavement. “It’s not the stupidest idea ever, right?”

Quinn twisted one of her sienna braids, looking at me on angle. “No, it’s not the worst idea,” she conceded.

“Anyway, let me text the team and see what they want to do,” I said.

A moment later I got a terse response from Jacob. “Already on the road.”


I called him before I could freak out any further.

He picked up without even a hello. “We got tired of waiting for you, dude,” Jacob said over the low rumble of road noise.

“Hi Zack!” Julia shouted from somewhere distant. My heart warmed just hearing her voice.

“We took Cody’s new car,” Jacob said, “Some sorta Toyota thing.”

“It’s super awesome!” Julia said, adding her color commentary to the conversation.

“It’s whatever,” Jacob said.

“We’re heading out now,” I said, “We’ll meet you at the Faire?”

“Sounds good,” Jacob said.

I was already racing over to Pokey as I hung up.

“What’s going on?” Quinn asked, idly following me to the car like we had all the time in the world.

“You’re killing me, Q,” I said.


“Seriously, what’s the deal with you and Julia?” Quinn asked.

We were on Route 17, headed north. Finally. The tiny road was clogged with traffic, as if I needed any more complications. Pokey whined and moaned every time I hit the gas, but he continued on, gamely.

“I don’t know, I just like her,” I said, “I always have. You know that.”

“I guess I kinda don’t see it,” Quinn said, “I mean, she’s nice and all. But like, OK, she’s got big tits. So what?”

“It’s not her ch… Jeez Quinn,” I said, “I’m not talking about this with my sister.”

“OK, fine,” Quinn said. She paused, like considering her options. “Look, you know I love you and support you and all that. I want you to be happy. But you’ve been drooling after this girl for forever and nothing’s happened. So, like?”

“I’ve never told her how I feel,” I said.

Back in high school, I’d been awkward. Shy. Julia was this incredibly attractive, yet also totally sweet girl. The kind of high school unicorn who was both extremely cool and yet also exceptionally dorky. Practically perfect.

And while I had been more than capable of telling a girl that three murderous orcs were about to cut her head off with an axe (I was our dungeon master, after all), I felt far less comfortable telling her I thought she was the goddess made real on Earth.

Going to college changed all that. I dated a few times, lost my virginity, and even met my first serious girlfriend. But now that Melissa and I had broken up (for real this time, I swore), I knew that I had to take my shot with Julia. I wouldn’t ever forgive myself if I didn’t.

“What about you?” I asked, quickly changing the subject. “That outfit is pretty racy. Trying to pick up someone in particular?”

“No,” Quinn said a bit too quickly.

My younger sister wrapped one of her braids around her finger. Again, I marveled at what she’d created of herself. Not only the intricacy of her outfit, the complexity of the character she was inhabiting, but the way it showed off her body. Her firm tummy and impertinent breasts. She was still the girl I’d grown up with, but also this mysterious, exotic being — beautiful and alluring and somehow transported to the passenger seat of an ancient SUV.

“I don’t know, I always just liked the idea of her,” Quinn said, “My character, I mean. And when I showed some of my drama friends my sketches, they offered to help me out. It looks pretty good, don’t you think?”

“Amazing,” I agreed.

“Worth the wait, right?”

I risked looking away from the road to glare at my sister.

“No,” I lied.

Quinn cackled and grinned, twisting her braid. She kicked her legs up to the dashboard. I struggled to stay focused on the road and stop staring at the captivating shadows my sister had barely hidden beneath her skirt.


We parked out in the middle of a meadow, over rolling hills of grass, backed up against a surprisingly thick forest. The parking lot seemed endless, infinitely filled with cars, and we were clearly at the very back of it. I pulled into a quiet and shady spot that would have been bucolic if it wasn’t for the fact that we were surrounded by rows of overheated vehicles, and the clouds of sandy brown dirt that they’d kicked up to get there.

“I didn’t realize the lot went back this far,” Quinn said, stretching by the side of the car. Again, I forced my eyes elsewhere as my sister’s stunning body was exposed to the sun. Her long, lithe arms and surprisingly prominent, perky chest and butt.

“We’re definitely out in the boonies,” I said, “I could murder you here and no one would know.”

“Mom would be suspicious if you came home alone,” Quinn said.

“I’d just tell her you were running late,” I said.

Quinn’s green eyes flashed fire, but she didn’t respond.

We hiked through the overbaked lot and made our way back to the front of the Faire. Already, I was glad that I’d chosen to wear period-incorrect, perfectly comfortable boots. As we walked, I texted Julia to see where she was at, but she didn’t write back.

“They’re probably inside the Faire somewhere,” Quinn said, like this was deep wisdom. “Don’t worry, we’ll find them.”

“This wouldn’t be a problem if we’d been on time,” I said.

“Worth it,” Quinn sang, gesturing at her outfit. She did a little spin, then started to skip through the parking lot.

That was the other problem with my sister. She was so buoyant and bubbly, it made you feel like the asshole for ever being mad at her. Even when Quinn was clearly the one who was clearly at fault — I often found myself fighting back the urge to strangle my sister, only to accidentally hug her, instead.

We crossed the street from the parking lot to the Ren Faire and hiked up a slight, grassy hill before we came to a hut where they sold the tickets. I leaned in the window and paid for myself and Quinn, then we went over to the entrance.

We approached a surprisingly tall set of stone towers with a wooden bridge at the second story spanning the two, creating a gateway into the Faire. A man in a jester’s outfit leaned over the edge of the bridge, calling down to people as they walked under him.

“Why do you associate with such a pauper, fine elf?” the foole called down. “I’m certain you could search out a much finer companion than he.”

I quickly realized he was talking to Quinn. My sister made a show of turning and evaluating me. I wasn’t in bad shape — my build had always been stocky — broad in the chest and shoulders with naturally well-defined thighs and calves. You’d say I had the starting linebacker starter kit, except I was only 5’9″ and less coordinated than an inebriated sea lion on skates.

I’d started working out after Melissa and I split and now you could barely even see my stomach in my blue tunic. In other words, I thought I was looking pretty good, all things considered. The jester’s comment, and Quinn’s evaluating eye, made me doubt myself way more than it should have.

“This one amuses me,” Quinn told the jester with a shrug

“Well, if humor’s what you want, I have a way better offer,” he replied.

Again, Quinn looked my way, thoughtfully resting her chin on her hand.

“No, I think I’ll keep him,” she said finally, “He’s way too cute.” Quinn grabbed my hand, pulling me into the Faire.

It was like stepping into another world. Not a real Renaissance, per se, but also far from the suburbs we’d left too late that morning. In the distance was an open field spotted with small, wooden shacks. Men walked by wearing leather armor, while the women had bright colored dresses and costume jewelry. Many of the people we passed were holding turkey legs and steins of beer. A man pushed a pickle barrel nearby, making bawdy jokes about his wares. There was light, string music and loud, off-key singing. Long, multicolored ribbons hung from everything.

Despite all the distractions, I couldn’t take my mind off what Quinn had just said.

“I’m cute, huh?” I asked.

“Definitely,” Quinn said. She stopped herself. “I mean, for an older brother anyway.”

“Thanks,” I said, “That means a lot to me, actually.”

“What about me? Am I adorable?” Quinn asked, preening. “You know, for a younger sister?”

I looked at Quinn in her incredible elf costume. Adorable was not the word I would use to describe my little sister in that moment. More like fucking hot.

“You look good,” I said, trying to be diplomatic. But then I worried that my faint praise would only hurt Quinn’s feelings. Instead, my pretty brunette sister blushed right up to her pointy ears.

“Thanks,” she said, pulling nervously at her braid. I became very aware of the fact that my sister was still holding my hand. And that my tan trousers were not at all good at covering up an inappropriate, sibling-induced erection.

I quickly changed the subject.

“So, where to?” I asked.

“I suppose we should hunt down the rest of our party,” Quinn said.

Reflexively, I glanced down at my phone. I saw that Jacob had texted me.

“At a show,” he said. As if that was at all helpful.

“Which one?” I texted back. No response.

“Well, standing here won’t solve anything,” Quinn said. She closed her eyes and crinkled her nose. She looked quite cute doing it. “My heightened elven senses say… that way!”

Quinn giggled at herself, then dragged me off to the right, towards a row of little storefronts. They had the usual Faire wares — ‘magic’ crystals, hand-sewn costumes, and dragon puppets. Quinn ping-ponged from one shop to the other, completely entranced with everything and yet totally distracted by anything at the same time. She may have been dressed like an elf but keeping track of my sister felt more like trying to follow one of the Fae.

I looked idly at some objects, but mostly I just accompanied my sister. College life had given me many things, but money wasn’t one of them. My limited budget for this trip was reserved for beer and with that in mind, even a $10 necklace that promised eternal love seemed too dear.

“Thinking about trying to enchant a certain young lady?” Quinn asked, leaning over my shoulder. I hadn’t even felt her sneak up on me as I stared intently at that pink stone. I felt my face flush.

“I get that I’m a little infatuated,” I said, “But this isn’t some dumb high school crush, or whatever.”

Quinn shook her head at me and flitted off to another store. I felt my thigh vibrate and grabbed my phone. Jacob had finally texted me back.

“Some dumb cat acrobat thing. Over now. Meet by the food in five?”

I sent him a thumb’s up, then grabbed Quinn. We’d been handed a map when we came in, and I saw that there was a medieval-style food court a short walk from where we were. For some reason, my sister grabbed my hand again, and we made our way down the dirt paths.

We went around a corner and walked into a large, open area, mostly ground down to dirt by the many feet that pounded across it. Tufts of grass stuck out, defiantly, here and there, like tiny green traps. On one side, picnic tables were lined up like they were readying for a charge. On the other, no less anxious for battle, was a long row of stalls offering all kinds of Faire food.

The place was busy, filled with revelers, and I thought we’d have a tough time finding our friends. But I noticed her immediately.

Julia looked as beautiful as I remembered with full lips, a heart shaped face, and striking blue eyes. Her blonde hair had gotten longer since I’d seen her, and she’d done it up with two floral pigtails. She had on a simple, peasant dress with an off-white chemise and covered with an overdress of baby blue. Her massive chest looked particularly impressive in the outfit.

As soon as I saw Julia, sitting with the other guys at one of the picnic tables, I dropped Quinn’s hand and rushed over.

“There he is!” Wes crowed as he saw me come over. As a Black man, Wes particularly stood out from the homogenous flock at the Ren Faire. He was dressed as a knight, his ample belly extending his leather armor out in a way that looked painful both for it and the man who was wearing it.

“Took you long enough,” Jacob said, grumbling. The thin, pale boy looked no different than if we were back in high school, clad all in black with eyes set permanently sullen. I could tell he was about to launch into an epic monologue about how we’d betrayed the group by being late, when he saw my sister and froze.

Both Jacob and Wes knew Quinn. We’d all played D&D together back when she was a sophomore in high school. Both of them now stared at her as though they’d never seen her before. Like she was a vision of beauty from some strange, mystical beyond. Hell, even Julia seemed transfixed.

“Whoa,” Jacob said.

“Quinn?” Wes said.

“Nice outfit, girl!” Julia said.

Quinn, suddenly shy, gave a slight wave and sat down at the table, resting her staff against the bench. “Hey guys,” she said.

“Where’s Cody?” I asked, trying to take some of the pressure off my sister.

“Huh?” Jacob startled like I’d woken him up from a dream. “Oh, he went to get us all beers.”

As if we’d summoned him, my tall friend appeared, holding a tray of plastic cups filled with foaming, golden liquid. Cody, always a bit of a beanstalk, had turned into an oak tree since I’d last seen him. His shock of brown, curly hair only added to his height. He was easily 6’5″, maybe more. But he wasn’t just tall anymore. His body had filled out, making him truly imposing. He gave all of us his usual, goofy smile as he put the beers down on the table. Like our gawky friend was still hiding in there somewhere.

“I got one for Quinn,” Cody said, “I hope that’s OK.”

Before I could respond, he handed my little sister one of the cups. I didn’t think my 18-year-old sister should be drinking, but I didn’t stop Cody. After feeling so left out by my friends so far, my pleasure at being included in the beer run overrode any other concerns I might have.

When everyone had their drink, Wes raised his glass to the center of the table.

“To the Guild of Heroes!” he said. We all touched our plastic cups. “May we always fight on together.”

“Here, here,” we said, and drank. The beer was cold, quite a luxury in this increasingly sultry day.

I glanced around the table. To my dismay, I saw that Cody had taken a seat concerningly close to Julia on the other side of the table. I chastised myself — why hadn’t I grabbed that spot myself? Instead, I was squished between Wes and my kid sister. Dammit.

“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.

“You’re looking at it,” Jacob said. He finished his beer with a flourish. “Next round is on Prince Prompt.”

I shook my head. All the usual warm emotions of hanging out with my friends were there, but so were the familiar frustrations, too. Jacob’s constant Eeyore act. Wes’ exaggerated cheer. Cody being all Cody-ish next to Julia. Instead of enjoying everyone’s company now that we were finally together, I found myself feeling annoyed.

I stood up to get more beers. “Anyone want to keep me company?” I asked, looking right at Julia’s bright blue eyes and hoping she’d get the hint. But no one, not even my sister, offered to go. I sighed and set off.

When I got back, after braving the extremely long line, I found that not much had changed. But the little differences were greatly disturbing. Julia and Cody were so locked in conversation, they barely noticed me come back. The two of them were sitting even closer than before, with Julia practically on his lap. Her arm rested next to his.

At the same time, Jacob and Quinn were sitting almost as closely, equally caught up in conversation. Jacob clearly only had eyes for my sister’s tits and was patiently explaining to them about how ‘nobody gets my poetry because it’s, like, too deep.’ To which my sister, who should have known better, nodded along like Jacob was telling her the secrets of life.

Only Wes greeted me when I sat down, giving me a hearty pat on the back. I drowned my miseries in my beer. If only we’d gotten out on time, I told myself, none of this would have happened.

We stayed at that table for a while, taking turns being sent off to get alcohol and food. Finally, I’d had enough, and stood. My knees were surprisingly wobbly under me.

“Come on, we can sit and drink anywhere,” I said, “Let’s go enjoy the Faire.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Jacob said, “Let’s go, Rhymin’ Simon.”

We got up, all of us a bit stumbly, and started to wander around. We ended up pawing through the same stores that Quinn had dragged me through before. Finally, with everyone browsing, I was able to get Julia by herself as she sifted through a stack of leather purses.

“So, how have you been?” I asked.

“OK,” she said, “You?”

“I broke up with Melissa,” I said, “The girl I was seeing.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Julia said.

“What about you?” I asked.


“Are you seeing anyone?”

“Not really,” Julia said.

“Listen, Julia I…”

“We’re going to the mid-day joust,” Jacob said, breaking between the two of us. Cody, Wes, and Quinn were all standing behind him. “Come on, let’s go.”

I looked past my friend to Julia. If we were all sitting together at a show, I couldn’t talk to her. I needed her alone, dammit. I tried to catch her eye, again.

“I think I’d rather wander around a bit,” I said, “We’ve been sitting for so long.”

I waited for Julia to say something. To understand my meaning. We were destined, right? Meant to be? I was sure, given the chance, that she’d want to continue catching up. Julia didn’t say a word. Instead, my signal must have been crossed because Wes spoke up, instead.

“I agree with Z. There’s a lot of stuff I want to go check out.”

“Suit yourselves,” Jacob said.

“Don’t split the party!” Cody said, and we all laughed at the familiar refrain.

“We’ll meet up in an hour,” I said, “By the Fairie Forest.”

Everyone agreed. I was so busy looking longingly after Julia, I didn’t notice that Quinn was doing the same to me.


As I walked around the Faire with Wes, I made my decision. I was done being subtle. As soon as we regrouped, I was going to grab Julia, pull her aside, and tell her how I felt. I’d already let too much time pass, I knew.

At about ten minutest to the hour, we went over to the Fairie Forest. It was a little copse of trees along the dirt trail. A slight uphill climb led to a kid’s play area, peopled with actresses pretending to be fairies. Their makeup and costumes were the best I’d seen at the show — intricate and beautiful. It made me think of Quinn’s outfit. Her work was so good, it put some of the professional fairies to shame. For a moment, I felt bad about leaving my sister with the group. I hoped she was having fun, at least.

About a minute after the hour, the group came around the corner, like a band of triumphant warriors. Julia, Cody, and Jacob were all smiling and laughing. My heart lightened. In a mere moment, I’d get my chance to talk to Julia. I ran my speech through my mind to make sure I had it all down.

That’s when I realized something was wrong. Quinn wasn’t with them. My stomach went tight, a bad combination with all the beer.

“How was the show?” Wes asked.

“Great!” Cody said.

“The fights were so fake,” Jacob said, “Totally dumb.”

“Where’s Q?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Jacob said, “She wandered off at some point.”


“Dude, I’m not her babysitter,” Jacob said. He gave my shoulder a playful shove and I fought the urge to slug him back.

“She said she wanted to look at some perfumes or something, I think?” Cody said.

“I’m sure she’s fine, Z,” Julia said, “She’s a big girl. And she knows where to meet us.”

“Right,” I said, feeling my breath come back to me. “Of course.”

But five minutes passed, and Quinn was nowhere to be seen. Ten minutes. Fifteen.

“The human chess game is starting,” Jacob said.

I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster.

“You have a cell phone, right?” Julia said, “So Q can find us.”

For a moment I thought about it. Julia was right. Quinn was my younger sister, but she wasn’t a kid. She was perfectly capable of texting, calling, whatever. Hell, she could even just go find me by Pokey at the end of the day if it came to that. Quinn was a college freshman for God’s sake. She certainly didn’t need her older brother to stand and wait for her.

And yet.

“Come have fun with us,” Julia said. She grabbed my arm and, I swear, it was like lightning shooting up to my shoulder, all the little light hairs on my arm stood at attention.

I should have been locked into that moment. The girl I’d lusted after for forever was pulling me forward like a message from my fantasy future. Instead, all I could think about was my adorable sister, showing up at this corner by herself and feeling abandoned.

“I need to wait for Q,” I said. I felt sick about saying it, but I’d already vomited the words.

The group eyed me dubiously and I understood why. Quinn was always doing this to me. Showing up late. Ruining everything. This was ridiculous. But something kept my feet rooted to the spot.

“I’ll catch up,” I said.

Julia dropped my arm, giving me a wistful grin. “Laters,” she said.

The group waved and walked off. I found a rock by the thicket of trees and waited for my sister. What had I done? As soon as my friends were gone, I knew I’d made a horrible mistake. Instead of practicing my declaration of love to Julia, I sat there and had imaginary arguments with my sister. I let my anger fully manifest, and I gnawed on it like a mangy dog, squeezing out every bit of vitriol I could find.

A group of fairies did a little circle dance past me. A family walked by, carrying a crying child. Thirty minutes passed. Forty. Then finally, I caught a glimpse of a lithe, leather-clad woman heading my way.

Quinn was bouncing on the balls of her feet, every bit the happy elf. She had a bright smile on her face and seemed to be amazed by everything going past her. This time, though, even Quinn’s good mood couldn’t keep me back.

I leapt to my feet, raced over, and grabbed my sister’s elbow, roughly pulling her to the side of the pathway.

“What. The. Fuck,” I said.

Quinn ripped her arm away and glared at me. “What?” she said. Her green eyes flashed frustration.

“We were supposed to meet up here at 2,” I said.


“So, it’s 2:40,” I said.

“Oh,” Quinn said. It came up small. She looked down at her phone like I might have been making it up. I saw her face fall as the clock confirmed my claim.

Maybe my sister truly was another one of those fairies that had been floating around me all this time. So free and fanciful. Silly and strange. After all, what else could explain how she was so unaware of the world around her?

I didn’t care anymore. It wasn’t fair and I wasn’t going to stand for it.

“Seriously, Quinn, what the fuck?” I said, “You had one simple thing to do, and you screwed it up.”

“I’m sorry, Z,” Quinn said, “I guess I just got caught up in stuff.”

“Caught up?”

“Yes, like, we were watching the joust. But then I realized I’d left my Staff of Power back at the benches by the food.”

“Staff of Power,” I said.

“Yes, this thing?” Quinn said, waving her tall stick at me. “Anyway, so by the time I got it back, I figured the show was probably over and I went to go look at some other stuff while I waited. There were these dancers with poles, I think it’s called Morris dancing? And I saw a woman blowing glass and it was so bright and warm sparkly. But watching her made me thirsty so I went back to get a drink. There was this super nice girl by the booth, and she loved my outfit and we started talking and she bought me a beer. Oh! And then I saw this huge, orange butterfly so I followed it for a bit. But then I looked up at the sun and realized I needed to get back to you. So here I am.”

I was so dizzy from having to live in my sister’s brain that I stumbled back. I found a big stone and sat down on it, holding my head.

“You OK?” Quinn asked, looking concerned. “Did you have too much to drink?”

“I’m fine,” I said, inebriated from a very different source.

“I think I had too much to drink,” Quinn said. She hiccupped and it was almost too perfect. A caricature that had become all too real. “I don’t drink a lot. Or ever. Beer tastes funny but I think I like it.”

“Good for you,” I said.

Quinn didn’t sense the anger in my words. Or maybe she didn’t care. Instead, she sat down next to me and leaned against my shoulder. I saw a spot on her arm where her intricate designs had smudged a bit. For some reason it made me sad.

“Where is everyone?” Quinn asked.

“They got tired of waiting and left,” I said.

“Oh,” Quinn said. Again, that little gasp of realization. “Did you get to talk to Julia?”

“No!” I shouted, “I couldn’t because I was waiting for you!”

Quinn cast her eyes down, but I couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed for herself or for me.

“Julia asked me to leave with her, but I had to wait for my sister because she was late. You’re always doing this to me! Do you know how much stuff I missed — important stuff! — because you couldn’t be bothered to show up on time? I missed homeroom my entire Junior year in high school! Remember my eighth birthday where Mom got us a magician? Of course you don’t because by the time we got there the guy was already gone! You’re always getting dressed, or watching a show, or… Or chasing a Goddammed butterfly!”

“I can’t help who I am,” Quinn said, plaintively. “I want to be there for stuff. I try to time it out but…”

“But nothing,” I said, breaking her off. I didn’t care that my sister’s face was red. That her eyes looked wet with tears. That about twenty other people had pulled away from the nearby minstrels to stare at my own personal performance there on the side of the road.

“The truth is you don’t do it because you don’t care,” I continued, “You don’t give a shit about me, or my feelings or any of it.”

“That’s not true,” Quinn said. It sounded like a little sob.

“Then why are you always late?!”

“I don’t know,” Quinn said, “I feel awful that I’ve made you miss all that stuff. I guess I assumed that if you really needed to be somewhere you’d leave me behind.”

“No, wouldn’t,” I said. Even I was surprised by the forcefulness of my words. “You’re my sister. I’m not abandoning you. Ever.”

A small smile snuck across Quinn’s face. She sniffled. Her makeup, slightly smeared, somehow made her look even prettier. Damn it.

“I won’t leave you behind,” I said.

Quinn gave me a soft, doleful look and hugged me tight. “Even when I ruin your life?”

“You’re not ruining my life,” I said. The anger drained out of me. “I’m sorry I yelled. I got angry at you, but it wasn’t right.”

“It’s OK,” Quinn said, “You have every right to be mad.”

“I still shouldn’t have shouted at you,” I said, “I know you’re trying. I don’t expect you to be perfect. But you need to do better, OK?”

“Yeah,” Quinn said. She stared up at me like I was the most amazing person in the world. Though I can’t imagine why. “Yes. You’re right. I promise to be on time, every time from now on.”

“No one is always on time,” I said.

“No, I know,” Quinn said, “But I’ll work at it, OK? I promise. If I know you’ll always be there waiting for me, I’ll be sure to show up. I’m certain of it. OK?”

“OK,” I said.

Quinn took a deep breath. She let go of me and straightened herself out. Even smudged and slightly out of sorts, she looked spectacular.

I stood up and looked my sister straight in the eyes. “I’ll be better, too.”

We stood in the middle of the road, just looking at each other, no doubt looking supremely stupid.

“I guess we should go find the group,” I said.

Quinn took a deep breath. “I’m sure they’re not far,” she said, then squinted her eyes and pressed her palms together. “My elven senses say… thataway!”

I shook my head with disdain at her antics, but I followed where my sister led me.

We made our way over to the human chess board, but it was empty. The show had already ended. At some point, we switched from searching the Faire to wandering around and enjoying it.

The day was starting to cool down and a light breeze played through the rainbow of ribbons. The air smelled clean and good. Everywhere we went, a light tinkling tune seemed to follow us.

We found that weird animal show that Jacob had dismissed earlier. There was a cat and a rat who were trained to do tricks. It was actually pretty funny, the part we watched. The cat wouldn’t do what the trainer said, and Quinn giggled, genuinely. The sun played on her face. There was something so enchanting about it. Like the whole world was happy just because she was.

I wasn’t angry anymore. Or upset about anything, honestly. My friends, Julia, all of it faded until they were nothing but mist in my mind. It was just me and Quinn, having a fun time. It was wonderful. Magical in a sense beyond what they pretended at the Faire.

“What?” Quinn said, when she caught me staring. We were sitting on a bench, watching a silly Shakespeare play.

“The outfit was worth the wait,” I said.

Quinn nodded, knowingly.

You were worth the wait. I didn’t need to say the words for my sister to understand.

She pulled me forward. “Come on,” Quinn said, “There’s something I want you to see.”

My elfin sister led me deep past the tents, her brown braids waving behind her as she went. We walked deeper into the park, to a place where the Faire grew far more forested. I could hear the rush of a river, the wind playing in the trees. It was peaceful.

In the distance was a small, wooden suspension bridge. Multicolored banners were hanging off either side. It looked beautiful and otherworldly. A sign by the side said, Kissing Bridge.

“Come on,” Quinn said, dragging me along.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Trust me,” Quinn said, starting to titter.

“I’m not going on the kissing bridge with my sister,” I said.

“Why not?” Quinn asked, laughing playfully.

“Because you’re my sister?”

“Stop being a big baby.”

Both of us froze. We’d reached the front of the bridge. Standing in the middle, embraced, with their lips pressed tight against each other, were Cody and Julia. Watching the two of them — Cody so tall and Julia so short — it was like seeing a giant make out with a gnome. A gasp escaped my lips.

“Oh, hey guys,” Cody said, turning to look at us. “We were, um, just looking for you.”

Julia shuffled her feet, her face going red. “Hi,” she said, clearly uncomfortable.

Quinn looked over at me. I could see the apprehension in her eyes. But instead of feeling angry or upset like I thought I should, I felt, oddly, numb. This should have been devastating. Heart shattering. My crush and my friend caught making out right in front of us. Instead, I found that I really, truly, didn’t care. If anything, it was kind of funny. I fought back the urge to laugh.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said, picking up Quinn’s hand. “Come on, let’s give them some privacy.”


“Wow,” Quinn said, chortling as we walked down the dirt path, “I mean, that was…”

“Crazy, right?” I said. We were walking towards the front of the Faire, back to all the shops.

“I mean, he’s so tall and she’s so, like…”

“Not tall,” I said.

“Yeah!” Quinn said, “Did you know they were?”

“I had no idea,” I said.

“Me neither,” Quinn said, then slowed as if the situation had dawned on her. “Shit Z, I’m sorry. It must have been sucky to see that.”

“You want to hear something weird?” I said, “I’m actually, totally fine.”


“Yes, really. I thought I’d be all upset. But in the moment, it meant nothing to me. I guess, I don’t know, maybe I talked myself into something that wasn’t true? Or it was true then, but it isn’t now? I don’t know. I’m not doing a good job of explaining myself.”

“That’s OK,” Quinn said. She was beaming and I couldn’t figure out what had her so happy. Something about her smile warmed me from my head to my feet.

Suddenly, an older woman, impossibly skinny and dressed all in black, pushed her way between us. She was carrying a basket on one arm, stacked with silk, red roses.

“A flower for the young lovers?” she asked, shoving one of her wares in my face.

I started to explain that we were siblings, but I stopped myself. Instead, I reached into my little neck pouch and paid for the flower. I waited for Quinn to question me, or to at least be confused. Instead, she looked truly, epically thrilled as I handed her the rose.

The old woman smiled at both of us and skittered off.

“Today turned out OK, you know?” I said to my sister as I gave her the gift.

Quinn looked down at the flower, then up at me. She started to say something, but stopped, twisting the silk flower in her hands.

Something flashed in her eyes and before I knew it, Quinn’s lips were pressed to mine. I was too shocked to react. The warmth of my sister’s mouth spread down my neck, over my chest, and settled into my stomach like a glass of good brandy.

Surprise shifted to desire. And arousal.

Quinn stepped back a second later, her face flushed. “Sorry,” she said, “I was just…”

I quieted her with another kiss.

Quinn leaned into me. Her tongue danced, dexterous against my own. Her thin arms wrapped around my back. Her perky chest pressed into mine. The shape of her so perfect against my body. Like two halves of a whole.

Quinn’s hands went to my chest. She pushed us apart. The reality of where we were, what we were doing, flooded over me.

“Remember what I said before?” Quinn said, “About being drunk? I think I’m really drunk.”

“Of course,” I said. My body went stiff. Oh God. I’d kissed my sister. Not a little peck or even an accidental smooch. We’d gone full-on and there was no way we could take it back. And worse, she was embarrassed. Regretful. Blaming it all on the booze that, of course, had caused this awful, public, incestuous error.

“That’s not what I mean,” Quinn said, recognizing my remorse. “Sorry. The word thing isn’t working for me right now. I had a lot to drink, and I think I would be happier not here. Like maybe back at the car?”

“What’s at the car?” I asked stupidly.

“I’m saying I’m feeling off,” Quinn said, “And I really need my big brother. To take care of me.”

“You don’t want to see the final joust?” I asked, still stumbling through the fog of my own obliviousness.

“Oh, I do,” Quinn said, “I want to see it very badly. But not this one here at the Faire. You know what I mean?” She smirked at me saucily.

And suddenly I realized what my sister was actually saying.

“You’re right,” I said, “We need to go. Now.”


We raced, hand-in-hand, out of the Faire, across the street, and back towards our car. Again, I thanked the gods that my sister had been late that day, forcing us to park in the very back of the lot. Sure enough, Pokey was there waiting for us, close by the trees, without another soul nearby.

Quinn tackled me as soon as we got to the car, slamming us both into the door panels so hard, I swore I heard rust flake off.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” I said, gasping between kisses.

“I know,” Quinn said.

“It’s so wrong,” I said.

“It is,” Quinn said.

Somehow, despite my sister’s tongue stabbing my mouth and her hands crushing my ass, I managed to get the car keys out of my pocket and unlock Pokey.

We fell into the front seat. Slithered into the back. Our lips pressed together like they’d been glued that way. Our hands running over each other’s bodies like starving creatures searching desperately for crumbs. You’d think it would be uncomfortable to make out in the backseat, but in that moment, it felt like a luxurious amount of space.

We didn’t say a word to each other. We spoke volumes with every movement. Each touch and caress. A novel’s-worth of barely contained emotions broke forth. Like a story told through interpretive make-out.

I didn’t think about love. Or consequences. Only the urgency of our actions. The need and want uncontrollable as my sister and I reached for an intimacy so expressly forbidden yet implicitly desired.

Before I could reach for Quinn’s top, she pulled it off for me. If there’d been a bra to her outfit, she’d ripped it off as well. I stared in awe at my sister’s bare, tiny pink tits. So perfectly formed. She saw my reaction and gave them a playful little shake, just to see my eyes goggle.

I hefted her breasts in my hands. Put my mouth to her nipple and sucked, ravenous. I was so entranced by Quinn’s boobs, I barely moved as she reached down to untie my rope belt. My pants and underwear were down to my ankles before I realized what my sister had done.

Quinn wrapped her hands around my aching erection; her touch was slightly cold but no less wonderful. I gasped into Quinn’s mouth, and she snickered. I knew how to shut her up, though. I reached for the leather skirt and tried to pull. Nothing happened.

“Just lift it,” Quinn said. I did as I as commanded, shoving the tight material up to her tummy. I tossed her panties into the same pile as my own bottoms.

My fingers found Quinn’s warm furrow. Her pussy was small. Barely there. Just two tiny, chubby, coral lips gaping over the vertical bump of her clitoral hood. It made finding her hotspot oh so easy.

Now it was Quinn’s turn to gasp. Her grip faltered on my dick. I forced her back against the door so I could watch my little sister react as I stroked her pussy. The design on her arm was nothing but a blue-green smear. Her makeup was a mess. Her braids were still intact, but her bun unfurled, and her brown hair splayed out like a halo.

Quinn moaned as I rubbed her. The acrid smell of her sex filled my nose. Her little titties, so wonderful, jiggled in perfect harmony. Her hips arced to meet my touch. Her chest flushed up to her neck.

I kissed my sister with abandon. Our poor car whined as it rocked back and forth on the grassy hill. If anyone did happen to come back here, there’d be no doubt about what we were doing inside.

Quinn spread her legs so wide, her one foot was up by my ear. She pushed my hand away from her. For a moment I faltered. Then she grabbed me by the dick and pulled me forward.

We kissed as our genitals touched. Ground against each other. Savoring the moment before that precious penetration. My cock nestled easily against Quinn’s slot. Her dark pubic hair tickled at my tummy. I reached up for Quinn’s tits again and she forced her chest forward. I felt the heat of her pussy, welcoming me. Begging me to slip inside like a warm shelter in a rainstorm.

My cockhead brushed Quinn’s opening. Her hand shot down and grabbed my shaft, so tight I almost cried out in orgasm and pain all at once.

“Condom,” she said. That one word shocked me out of my reverie. An ice bath in a warm bed.

Condoms, of course I had condoms. I kept a whole strip of them in my wallet which was currently right in my… dresser. At home. Dammit.

But that was OK because I also kept condoms in the glove compartment of my car which was… In a spot back at college. Waiting for me to come back from summer break.


“You don’t?” I asked.

Quinn shook her head emphatically.

“But you’re on the pill, right?” I asked.

“Sorta?” Quinn said, biting her lip.

“What the heck does ‘sorta’ mean?” I asked. Were there women in the 21st century who weren’t taking birth control? I couldn’t imagine that was the case.

“I’m on the pill,” Quinn said, emphatically. “I have a prescription and everything. It’s just… I haven’t been able to find them? That’s why I was running behind this morning. I was looking for my stuff.”

“Well, that’s OK,” I said, “One day shouldn’t make that much of a difference.”

Quinn sucked in her lips but didn’t say anything.

“Two days? Longer?”

“Two weeks,” Quinn said. She saw my eyes go wide. “I know! I know! I got through my last period but when it was time start the new pack, I couldn’t find it. I’ve been looking everywhere I swear. I’m starting to think I left them back at school.”

Two weeks. Fuck. Even a lunkhead like me could figure out where that put us in my sister’s cycle.

“I’m sorry,” Quinn said. I swear she looked like she was about to cry again.

“It’s fine,” I said, “Not a big deal. There’s lots of other things we can do.” I kissed Quinn’s neck. Down the center of her chest. Leaving a wet trail down to her pussy.

“I think it’ll be OK,” Quinn said. She pushed my head back and reached possessively for my cock.

“Quinn, no,” I said.

“It’ll be fine,” Quinn said, “It should still be fine.”


“Seriously. I’m sure I’m safe.”

We stared at each other for a moment. As if daring each other to do something dumb. As usual, I was the one to crack.

“I’ll pull out,” I said.

“Of course,” Quinn said.

Look, I knew it was stupid. But my sexy sister was tugging on my dick, and I swear I could feel the heat of her desire drowning me. I was an arrow, already cocked and ready. And the target was right there.

We shifted ourselves. I rolled onto my back. Quinn climbed on top of me. The whole time, she kept my cock in her grip. Like she was afraid it might escape otherwise.

It was a bit of a contortionist act on that little bench in the backseat, but we were so motivated, we’d have found our way around an obstacle course if we thought it would get us laid faster. It helped that my sister was so tiny and lithe

Quinn sat over me. She’d kept her pointy ears and the bramble crown had stayed on her forehead. Her little tits hung over me begging to be sucked. The sexiest elf I’d ever seen.

It was like I’d been pulled into a fantasy place. An unreality. I was with this otherworldly being, the elven Eilonwy I’d only known from stories till now. Beautiful and powerful all at once.

She ran her fingers through my chest hair. I didn’t remember when I’d lost my shirt, but it was long gone. She dragged my cock over her clit and wiggled her tiny butt. She giggled a bit to herself.

“What?” I asked.

“My brother’s going to poke me in Pokey,” Quinn said.

And the woman on top of me immediately shifted back to being my sister in an elf costume. I had to laugh. Is it weird that I preferred the reality of intimate, incestuous contact with my sister?

Quinn waggled her eyebrows. She lifted herself up at the knees. Placed my dick at her entrance. Slotted the head into place. Her eyes hardened. Her mouth thinned. My once-flighty sister became focused in a way that I’d never seen her. Determined.

She lowered herself down.

Slowly, inexorably, my bare cock slid into my sister’s body. Her most intimate place. Something a brother was never supposed to see, let alone enter.

Yet we fit together like we’d been stitched that way. Created for that sole purpose. My sister’s pussy just that little bit too small, surrounding me in only the most sensuous ways.

“fffffFFFFFFFUCK!” Quinn said, like letting out a long, slow burst of steam.

“You feel so good, Q,” I whined.

“I know.”

My cockhead had only barely slipped in. I held onto my sister’s tiny hips, gasping for air. Overcome.

Maybe it was the lack of a condom. I’d never done it without one before. Or maybe it was the inherent wrong and right of our incestuous connection. Brother and sister together so perfectly broken. Or maybe my sister’s pussy was fucking magic.

But I’d never felt anything like this. Wet heat swallowed my cock. Gripping, slipping ecstasy in one long, languid slide as my sibling and I became one.

Halfway down. Riling. Roiling.

“fuckthat’sbig,” Quinn breathed. Rambling on to herself. “Slow. Go slow.”

“Am I hurting you?” I asked.

“Little bit,” Quinn said. She gave me a wide grin. Like she’d suddenly remembered I was there. “Good hurt. Just… getting. Used.”

Quinn’s breath caught. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Cute little mouth hung open. I felt her fingers tremble against my chest, like suffering a tiny seizure. Impossibly, my movements began to match hers. Our connection deeper than we could have imagined. Down to the nerves. The two of us began to shake in concert. Shudder.

Finally, my sister stilled. She grinned at me again.

“See, all good,” Quinn said. She lifted her body up slightly, then started slowly settling again. Breathing heavy and squeezing hard.

All the way down.

The lips of my sister’s little pussy kissed at the bottom of my shaft. My cock was gone, like the world’s best magic trick. Except I knew exactly where it had gone. Could feel every centimeter of sensitive skin where my sister’s snatch writhed around it.

Quinn leaned down and pressed her lips to mine. Ran her fingers through my hair. Her breasts pressed soft into my chest. She smelled like strawberries and fresh cut grass. The desirous driving pheromones of a woman mixed with the strangely familiar scent of my sister.

“It’s all the way,” Quinn said, “Inside me.”

“Yeah,” I said.

“You feel so good,” Quinn said, “So right.”

“You too,” I said.

“Have you done this before?” Quinn asked.

“Yes,” I said, “Few times.” More than a few, but I wasn’t going to start talking about other girls while I was buried in my sister.

“Is it always like this?” Quinn asked. “So sensitive? Sparkly? Raw?”

“No.” I shook my head. It was never anything like this.

We stayed in place, connected. I waited for Quinn to start pumping up and down, but she held herself close to me, rocking her hips slightly. Gaining in speed. My sister rolled forward, pressing her clit against my pubic bone. It felt OK for me, even a bit painful from that angle. But for Quinn, it was clearly bliss.

My beautiful, brunette sister broke from our kisses, gasping. Her head lolled back. Tits pointed to the sky. Her nipples so taut they were like pink pinpricks. Her pussy rippled up and down my shaft.

The air filled her lungs, loudly. Then she steadied, still rumbling against me.

“You’re fucking your sister,” Quinn said, singsong, “You’re fucking your sister.”

“You’re fucking your brother,” I said.

“Are not!”

“Am too!” I looked pointedly to where our bodies were connected.

Quinn grinned at me, wickedly, sticking out her tongue.

“This feels really good, Z,” Quinn said.

“I know,” I said.

“Like, really really good. I’m a little scared. I’m not going to want to stop.”

“It’ll stop,” I said, sort of a warning. I was still very much aware that I remained very much bareback in my sister’s very much unprotected twat.

“Yes, but…” Quinn twisted at her braid, “Then we can go again? Right?”

“Sure,” I said.

“At least a couple of times,” Quinn said, “Till we get tired of it.”

“I don’t think I’m ever getting tired of this,” I told her.

“Me neither. That’s what I’m worried about.”

“We’ll figure it out,” I said. As if that was something that could happen. Like there was a solution to the fact that I was committing to sex with my sister.

Quinn grinned. She started rocking back and forth on me.

“Fuck that feels nice,” she said. She rose up, back straight. Her brown hair even wilder. Those pointy ears and that bramble crown. Tiny breasts dappled with pink marks where I’d kissed and squeezed. “You feel amazing.”

I could only stare, agape, as my sister undulated over me. She reached down for her clit and started to rub it with her fingers. Weirdly, jealous, I pushed her hand away and felt for her clit, myself. I found the little nub and stroked back and forth with my thumb.

“My brother’s dick feels so big inside me,” Quinn continued, “Fuck. Like it fits there. My sibling’s super stiff cock. In the back seat. Our car. We were back here when Dad drove us to Disney, remember?”


“And now we’re in the backseat. Again. You and me. Totally different. Kinda the same.”

Quinn writhed on my dick. It seemed the more I rubbed my sister’s clitty, the more she spoke.

“There’s so many people out there. Our friends. All of them could come by at any second. Catch us. See. But we’re not stopping. I’m not stopping. God, it feels so good! I didn’t think it would feel this good.”

Again, I fell into the intoxication of following my sister’s thoughts. Tumbling deep and dizzy.

Quinn made a loud hiss like she’d burned herself on the stovetop. Her body stiffened. Her hand shot down and covered mine, holding me against her slot. She shook, then fell forward. Giggled.

“So good,” she whispered. Her lips brushed mine. Hair covered us both like a curtain. I ran my free hand up her flank, feeling that oh-so-feminine curve of waist to shoulder. A perfect mathematical arch. We were doing something wrong. Sinful. And yet the perfection of my sister’s body made me truly believe in God.

Quinn stayed frozen over me. Elbows locked and legs stiff.

“I keep… cumming,” she said. Eyes rolled back. Lips trembling. She sucked in her breath and bore down. I felt a warm gush trickle down my balls.

Finally, Quinn fell forward.

“All done,” she said, then made a little gasp as another orgasm snuck up on her. “OK. OK. All done this time. Swear it.”

“You alright?” I asked, only slightly teasing.

“Oh yeaaaaaah,” Quinn said. She giggled as she picked herself up. “Want more.”

“You sure?” I asked.

“You haven’t, you know? Gone?”

“No,” I said, “Trust me, you’d know it if I did.” Honestly for all Quinn’s ministrations I was feeling fine.

“Hold on a little more,” Quinn said, “I can feel a big one. Building. Just stay with me. K?”

I nodded. Quinn sat up. She started to roll her body again, but she fell forward. Exhaustion overwhelming her. She made a frustrated whine. I knew, in that moment, what she needed.

I grabbed my sister by the shoulders. Flipped us both over, roughly. Her head smacked against the door. She grunted in pain but didn’t complain.

Now I was on top of my sister. Her legs spread lewdly around my waist. Her eyes this wonderful mixture of worry and hunger. I waited for her to say something, to grumble about my taking control. Instead, Quinn just nodded at me. Knowing.

I pumped her, hard. Long, powerful strokes from tip to root. Glorifying in every glorious bit of my sister’s tight, slippery snatch. Her little body beneath mine.

Quinn gasped. She grunted with every thrust. It was all so perfectly wonderful. Fucking with an abandon I’d never experienced. Making love in a way that made it clear I’d never made love before. Not truly.

But flipping us over was like flipping a switch. I’d gone from quite comfortably far away from my peak to feeling like my next stroke was soon to be my last. My sister’s pussy was like sparks shooting up my shaft. Every push electric.

“Getting close,” I told Quinn.

“Not yet!” she cried out. “Fuck, I’m almost there.”

“You already came,” I said.

“I know,” Quinn said, “But not. Not like this. It’s… fuck. Gonna be huge.”

“Quinn,” I said, warning. I needed to finish outside of her, or all kinds of issues would occur. Sex with my sister was wrong but it wasn’t the wrongest thing in the world. So long as we were safe. Getting her pregnant, though, would be beyond disastrous. I was probably on safer ground if I stabbed her instead of knocking her up.

“No, I know,” Quinn said, “I’m almost there. Don’t pull out. Please. Not yet.”

I did my best to listen to my sister. I struggled to slow my strokes, though she urged me on. I tried to think of other, less sexy, things, but my mind kept shifting back to Quinn’s little mewls and cries. I focused on my other body parts — my hands, my legs — but I was inexorably drawn to the sensations in my cock as my sister’s pussy squeezed so hard.

“So. Close,” Quinn repeated it like a mantra.

“If you don’t hurry up, I’m going to go without you,” I said. It was not an empty threat.

“Don’t you dare, Z!” Quinn said, her voice echoey in the small backseat.

Still, we moved against each other. So coordinated. Like we’d done it a million times. Our bodies two parts of the same whole. A machine made only for each other.

“I’m not going to be able to hold on,” I said, “I need to pull out. Please!”

“I’m sorry, I’m trying my hardest,” Quinn said, “It’s just, ugh, complicated.”

“Is it, really?” I asked.

“No, but kinda,” Quinn said, “You need to go faster. Harder. I’ll get there if you do that. I know I will.”

“If I go harder and faster, I’ll cum for sure,” I said.

“See? Complicated,” Quinn said, strangely matter-of-fact.

“Look, I’ll finish with you with my fingers,” I said.

“No,” Quinn whined.

“I’ll cum on your chest and we’ll start again.”

“Don’t,” Quinn simpered, “Just. Just wait. You promised you would always wait. Just a little longer. I’m almost…”

I lost track of the moment. I drew back as much as my sister’s legs would let me. I thrust into her as hard as I could, hoping that, somehow, the timing of things would all work out.

“Quinn I have to…”

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” my younger sister cried out.

But, like always, it was already too late. My sister’s pussy clenched down with her climax, and, at that exact moment, my orgasm arrived.

Right on time.

My body’s biological urge thrust me deep and I fired an impossibly thick, incredibly heavy burst of sperm straight to my sister’s cervix in one incredible, incestuous, inseminating instant.

As soon as my cum crashed into her unprotected pussy, I was sure my sister would shove me back. Instead, she hugged her arms and legs around me tighter. Even her pussy seemed to cinch me tighter.

I came again, maybe even more this time. Whatever conscious thought I had left quickly drowned in my fertile flow as I filled my sister with semen. I was only aware of the ecstasy as it exploded through me. Burst after blissful burst like a sperm-filled fireworks show.

I was dimly aware of my sister wrapped around me. Her cries and sobs as both of us endured an impossibly intense incestuous orgasm. We gasped for breath. Grasped for each other. Held on like we were in a hurricane, rather than fucking in the back seat of an ancient SUV.

It was, by far the worst thing I’d ever done. It was the best thing I’d ever experienced. My body shook from the aftershocks as I pumped my sister’s waiting womb full of brotherly baby batter.

Finally, I came back to Earth, feeling sticky and warm. My sweat and semen mixed with my sister’s own slippery stuff and stuck us together like slowly stiffening glue. The once-expansive backseat of the car now felt tight, confining. Quinn’s glorious body suddenly far too hot to hold.

We separated. My cock slipped out of Quinn with a squelch. She looked down and giggled. I saw her tummy go taut and a huge glob of white goo slipped out of her pussy, slid over her brown star, and settled on the tan seat.

She should have been horrified, seeing her brother’s cum coming out of her. Instead, she just grinned and forced more out, like it was the coolest thing she’d ever seen.

“You came in me,” Quinn said.

“I’m sorry Q,” I said, meaning it.

“It’s not your fault,” Quinn said, “I was running behind.”

“I tried to wait for you,” I said.

“You were right on time,” Quinn said.


We found a roll of paper towels in the trunk, and we did our best to clean up the backseat. The car stank of sex and there was nothing we could do about that. I found about ten messages on my phone from my friends back in the Faire. I didn’t bother to respond.

“I guess we can go back,” Quinn said. She was sitting on the grass by the car, staring wistful up at the sun. She’d done her best to put herself back together. Instead of an elven warrior, however, she looked like an elf that had gotten fucked. Hard. Which wasn’t far from the truth.

“We could,” I said.

“Or, if you’re over it, we could go home,” Quinn said.


I sat next to my sister on the ground. I tilted her head towards mine. I kissed her as hard as I could. Practically poured my soul into her.

“Or we could stay here,” Quinn said, between kisses. “You know, just hang out.”

“We should try the trunk this time,” I said.

I didn’t bother to pretend at propriety. What was done was done. I fucked Quinn like a crazed animal. Barely caring about her pleasure. She came anyway, as I twisted her little pink nipples between my fingers. And when I finally felt that inescapable urge, I buried my bare prick as deep as it would go.

“Fuck, yes!” she yelped as I inseminated her for a second time. “That! I fucking love that!”


Eventually we did drive home. Eventually.

Our new relationship followed us back from the Faire, of course. We spent the whole summer, sneaking from room to room and fucking each other silly. Both of us in awe of each other.

I think our parents suspected something was up. How could they not? My guess is, they decided it was better to ignore it and hope it’d go away rather than acknowledge what was happening and have to accept it.

When it was time to go back to school, Quinn and I had a tough parting. We’d become so attached to each other. My excitement to go back school, Quinn’s enthusiasm for college, all of it was muted by what we had to let go of to get there.

I had been at school for less than a week when I got a call from Quinn letting me know that she wanted to visit me up in Connecticut. I agreed, of course, though I wondered what had her so worked up. My sister was a horny little minx, but I assumed she could hold out for a little longer than that.

Quinn decided to take the train down from Vermont, so I drove out to the station. It was a beautiful fall day, and I stood by the side of the rails, waiting patiently in the crisp air. I anticipated I’d be there for a while. She’d told me noon, but I was positive she’d miss that first train and maybe the next one, too. I didn’t mind. Quinn was worth the wait.

To my shock, when the first train pulled up, my cute sister stepped right out onto the platform. Quinn smiled at me, prettily, as she tucked her long brown hair behind her ear. My sister looked even better than I’d remembered.

For the first time in her life, my younger sister was right on time. Unfortunately, however (as she told me once we were back at my apartment), her period was woefully late.


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