Mommy’s Special Medicine – Chap 1 by Jasmines_Pet

Mommy’s Special Medicine – Chap 1 by Jasmines_Pet

Mommy’s Special Medicine


It’s not often Toby could be described as having a spring in his step, but there was no doubt that today he was positively bouncing! The weather seemed to mirror his mood; the grey clouds that had covered the sky that morning had melted away and now the day was filled with brilliant sunshine.

There was a reason for Toby’s unusually good mood and her name was Sophia. She was a kind, pretty girl who happened to be taking the same architecture course as him and from the moment he set eyes on her, Toby was instantly smitten.

It had taken him six months to pluck up the courage just to talk to her let alone ask her out. But once they’d finally started to talk to each other it was clear they had chemistry. Where most girls tended to be put off by Toby’s obvious nerves and shy demeanour, Sophia found it somewhat charming. From the moment Toby introduced himself the pair had been pretty much inseparable and while it may have taken him over two years, today Toby had finally managed to push through his crippling fear of rejection and ask Sophia out for dinner. To his delight, she actually said yes!

As Toby merrily made his way from the university campus back to his family home, he couldn’t help but grin in astonishment. With his utter lack of self-confidence (especially where women were concerned) a part of him thought he’d never find himself in this position. Yet here he was, just a few days away from his first ever date!

There was however, he conceded with a frown, one problem that he still had to confront. Telling the person who deep down he knew was ultimately responsible for his lack of a social life and his inability to talk to women. The person who had made it possible for him to reach 27 years of age yet never have even kissed a woman. His Mother!

Toby never met his father; for as long as he could remember his Mother raised him alone. She’d had him when she was just 18 years old and from the moment Toby was born, she lavished so much attention on him that he was never likely to be anything other than an utter Mommy’s boy.

He’d always been a timid child, terrified of the world around him and reliant on his Mother for seemingly everything; though this was made worse by the fact she strongly encouraged him. Instead of helping him learn to take responsibility and stand up for himself, she always let him come crying to her so she could take him in her arms and tell him Mommy would make everything alright.

When Toby grew into a teenager and wanted to make friends of his own, his Mother made sure that would never happen. Every time he tried to make plans, she would use some tiny infraction to ground him and keep him at home. After a few failed attempts, he eventually stopped trying. In school, the friendless Toby was soon a complete social outcast. Instead of spending his evenings developing relationships and having fun with people his own age, they were spent watching television with his Mother.

Upon leaving school at 18 he had wanted to go to university and pursue his dream degree in Architecture. However his Mother soon talked him out of that. She convinced him that he would be better off earning some money first so he could afford to put himself through university. After all, regardless of the fact she could easily afford to, he couldn’t expect her to help him financially now he was a grown man could he?

So she’d done what any good Mother would do and set Toby up with a minimum wage, customer service job that he could do over webchat from the comfort of his own home. Now he could save up some money without ever worrying about leaving the house again!

By the time Toby turned 25 he had finally saved enough to cover his architecture course. Though he’d originally wanted to take the course at a top tier university on the other side of the country, his Mother again convinced him otherwise. Once she pointed out how ungrateful and cruel Toby was by abandoning her after all she’d done for him over the years, he agreed to take the course at their local university and remain with her in the family home until he graduated.

While Toby was disappointed he wouldn’t be taking his course of choice, that decision proved to be the best of his life! He’d met the girl of his dreams and was just a few short days from taking her out to dinner. He knew his Mother might not take kindly to the thought of him having a girlfriend, but at the end of the day he was a grown man now and she had no say in his love life. He had been giving in to her for far too long and this time, he would put his foot down and go on his date whether she liked it or not!

Saying this to himself was all well and good, but as Toby rounded the corner into his quaint, suburban neighbourhood and approached the door to his family home, he felt the familiar stirring of fear worming its way around his stomach. Every time he’d tried to stand up to his Mother before she’d talked him around; it was as though she had some kind of unbreakable hold over him. He was so desperate for things to work out with Sophia, but what if she was somehow able to do it again?

‘No!’ he said to himself forcefully. It was pathetic that at the age of 27 he’d never had a girlfriend (or any friend for that matter) and now he was finally on the brink of changing that. He shook his head clear of any lingering doubts, confidently strode up the garden path and practically swaggered through the front door.

Unfortunately the tastefully decorated hallway was empty and there was no-one to see his bold entrance. Feeling slightly less confident, Toby made his way to the large, open plan kitchen, through the sliding glass doors and into the garden; where he saw his Mother reclining on her favourite garden chair sipping at an ice cold glass of her favourite Chardonnay.

Toby hesitated as he reached her, swallowing nervously as he saw she was wearing a revealing, scarlet bikini. He noticed the way the glorious weather left a thin sheen of sweat across her skin that sparkled in the sunlight, and felt a familiar stirring between his legs.

Once again he had to push his feelings back down, though as always when he felt like this, his cheeks flushed with shame. There were no two ways about it, his Mother was a very attractive woman. Her jet black hair framed a face so perfect it could have belonged to a Greek Goddess, and she had a body to match. Her deep, green eyes sparked with intelligence and mischief; just a look from them was enough to melt a man’s heart, making them putty in her hands.

It would be hard for anyone to reach this age without ever having an outlet for their sexual desires; but having a Mother this beautiful made Toby’s life very confusing.

All of the intimacy he’d ever known had come from his Mother. His very attractive Mother. She was the only person who had ever hugged or even touched him. With no other outlet for his sexual urges, he couldn’t help but look at her bulging breasts, toned body and perfect round ass with a stirring of arousal. He knew these feelings were wrong and of course he would never act on them, but every time he saw her wrapped in a towel after showering or relaxing in her bikini like this, no amount of burying his feelings could stop his cock from stiffening in excitement.

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