Take Me Tom Pt. 80-83 by Boo96

Chapter 83

We all stirred together, and Chloe came running in sooner than expected. That put a damper on my morning ideas! I was getting used to family life, but the interruptions still played on me. Still, it could be worse!

Chloe climbed up, and slid between Emily and me. Chrissie gave her a disgruntled, “Humph!” and pulled the sheet over her head.

“I still love you, mommy!” she squeaked, giggling as she did so.

Chrissie lifted her head from beneath the sheet, smiled sweetly, and ducked under again, causing all of us to laugh at her.

“What are we doing today, daddy?” she asked, excited about the prospect.

“Well, David and I are going to football practice, then we’ll meet you, your mommy, and Emily at McGilly’s…since you DON’T like MY breakfasts,” I huffed. “Then we’re going to Aunt Emily’s house to check on furniture we can bring to England with us! After that, I think Emily said she would teach you to bake a new cake! How does that sound?” I asked, as Ems swatted me, and raised her eyebrows.

She liked the idea, as she wormed her way into Emily arms, her head on her chest, just where I had planned on mine being this morning!

“When are we moving to Ing-len, daddy?” she asked.

“Very soon, Little One. That’s why we’re going to Emily’s. You and David will have to go through your toys, and decide what you’re bringing, and what you might want to give away, okay?” I said. “C’mon, move over. I’m going to take David to practice so you can slide in here and make sure they don’t go back to sleep, okay?”

I chuckled, as Emily grabbed her, and wrapped her in her arms. I sorted myself out, and met David in the kitchen.

“Feeling okay today? I asked. “We’re meeting your mother and Emily at McGilly’s afterwards for breakfast, all right? Everything in your bag you’ll need?” I asked, as I buttered some toast.

“Everything’s in there, yeah. I…I could use a new pair of shoes, though, as the studs are wearing down on mine. Do you think we could have a look sometime?” he asked.

“Of course. After we leave Emily’s, we can have a look in town, okay? We can’t have you slipping around out there!” I said.

He smiled and said, “Thanks, dad.”

Christ, there’s that lump again…

We kissed everyone goodbye, and headed out. He had a great practice today, assisting with two goals in the friendly. I’d have to look at local clubs in Richmond, and get him signed up. We met everyone for breakfast. A few of his teammates were also there. I loved taking everyone out. The kids behaved well, and the conversation was loud, and funny. Chloe was so proud of her big brother. I felt proud, too, being with them. We finished eating, and decided to take David for his shoes then rather than later. Chloe pouted because she wasn’t coming with. I laughed too much at her faux sad face.

“C’mon, Little One, we can get you some football boots, too. C’mon?” I said, holding my hand out sardonically.

She stuck her tongue at me, Chrissie gently slapping her arm. I tousled her hair, her high-spirited laugh infectious. I kissed everyone, and said we would meet them later.

We saw the sports shop, and found the studs. We bought two sets, of different lengths, depending on where he was playing. We picked up a few shirts, too, as we were there. He found one for his sister, which touched me. Not many eleven-year-olds would think of their sibling. I thanked him for being so thoughtful. I was impressed, again.

We made our way to Ems’s, the girls busy sorting through trunks and closets.

“Hmmm? Do you think we’re needed here, David?” I asked.

“Probably not…” he grumpily said.

“Fancy a couple of bucket-of-balls at the range? I don’t think we’ll be missed,” I smiled. David shook his head, emphatically.

“We’ll be back in a while, okay? Happy looking!” we laughed, and ran to the car.

“Tom! Wait! You were going to help? Where are you two going?” Chrissie called us.

David and I just waved to her, as we pulled out of the drive. She had a pissed-off look on her face, and her hands on her hips. Oops…

As I assumed, David had an understated eye-hand coordination thing going, and he was picking it up quicker than I ever had. After two hours, we slunk back to Ems’s.

“Just act natural, David. Okay?” I said, smiling.

As we casually walked in, he laughed as if nothing was wrong.

“Where have you two shirkers been, hmm?” Chrissie asked, smiling now.

“We, uh, forgot Chloe’s shirt, DIDN’T we, David?” I said, as he pulled the t-shirt out from behind him, and handed it to Chloe. Chrissie smirked, and then a little smile crossed her face.

“Thank you, David. That was very nice of you,” she smiled, kissing him. “Nice save, buster,” she smiled at me, kissing me, but poking me in the ribs, too. “C’mon. I’ll show you what WE’VE been up to!” she chuckled.

Emily and Chloe came out to join us.

“Ohh, Tom. You’re here now! Well done!” she said sarcastically, but still came over, and hugged us both.

They took me through each room, pointing at what they wanted to bring, and what others did not. There were many, ‘we think this would work in this room’, and

‘these will go in that room.’

Pick your battles, Tom, I thought to myself.

She had two fabulous, mid-century Swedish armchairs, so I was pleased she wanted to keep those. She also had a set of four L. Ercolani butterfly chairs which would look wonderful around the kitchen table, in addition to the two Hansen Wishbone chairs. We’d have to find a few more that would blend with these, but it was a great start. This woman has a good eye, and expensive tastes! If I was her soon to be ex, I’d be kicking myself about letting those go! Like Chrissie, she had well-made, quality

furniture in every room. The home would undoubtedly be eclectic!

Emily grabbed the kids, and they began their baking. Chrissie took my hand, and we walked upstairs. We went into Ems’s bedroom, and sat on the bed.

“So, a bed for the spare room? We could take this one, or ours. Any opinion on which would be best,” she smiled. She was being serious, not trying to embarrass me, for once!

“I…I think I can leave that to you, don’t you think? They’re both comfortable, sure, so which is the newest? I think we need at least a king-size in our bedroom, though. I think they do an even larger one, so we’ll have a look when we get there,” I said.

“Do you really like her furniture, darling? We don’t have to bring it, you know,” she said.

“She has some beautiful pieces, Chrissie. Even if they weren’t, I think she must have some of her bits in the house. You’re both leaving everything behind, so it’s good for you have a sense of continuity when you walk around the new home.

“Mmm, good point. Yeah, good idea,” she said.

Just then, Emily walked into the bedroom.

“Humph! What exactly are you doing with my husband in my bedroom, Chrissie?” she asked, faux upset.

Chrissie smiled, saying, “He…he said he wanted to show me something, Em,” she smirked, biting her lip, and a finger in her mouth.

“I’ll show you something, Missy! My hand! Now, behave yourself, tart!” she giggled. “Biscuits are ready…” she laughed. “I wish you had time to give her a good seeing to, Tom,” she rasped.

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