The Marine – Chap 10 – by UltimateSin

Staying those extra months sucked. By month nine, it was perhaps the first time I gave at least some minor thought to retiring from the service. Anyone who’d been there the entire time was utterly worn out and, quite frankly, couldn’t wait to get home. At least I knew that I wouldn’t be sent back for at least a year, particularly after having the additional three months tacked on.

Receiving our orders that our deployment was at an end was nothing short of a relief. I know more than one RM worried during our transport to the airport. Some would have thought it was just our luck to be taken out by some roadside bomb. Making it to the airport safe and sound, the flight to Cyprus, our debrief, then the flight to the United Kingdom, all were much quieter than the previous three tours I’d been on. It wasn’t just the utter exhaustion. It was everything. We’d been completely and utterly worn down.

Getting off the plane once we’d safely touched down back in Blighty, the sense of relief was palpable. The crowd of families waiting for us to disembark was enormous. There were very few dry eyes around, even from many of the men, particularly those who were handed new-born sons and daughters, having left behind pregnant wives nine months earlier. That was tough to see, but raised plenty of smiles at the same time.

There was quite the crowd waiting for me and I managed to raise at least half a smile. Mum, Dad, Katie, Amy, Hannah and Emma were all waiting for me. I did my best to seem cheerful, but as soon as Mum stepped forward to hug me, it took all my self-control not to start blubbing like a baby. Through sheer exhaustion more than anything. No idea how long she cuddled me for, but it felt good.

“Missed you, my little boy,” she whispered.

That made me snort and then burst into laughter. Leaning back, I kissed her forehead before meeting her eyes. No surprise she was in floods of tears, so I hugged her tightly again. “Missed you too, Mum.”

I think it was parents who got their chance with me first. Dad had never been shy in hugging his children, and the way he hugged me then, he just whispered, “Glad you made it back out of that hell hole alive.”

“You and me both, Dad. Fucking shite at times.”

To my surprise, Katie was pushed forward to hug me. It had been… I don’t know how long since I’d seen her. Three years? Five? She was no longer the little girl, nor eighteen-year-old woman I remembered. She was older, that much was clear. She was utterly fucking gorgeous too. The only two people with dry eyes were myself and my father. Her bottom lip was busy trembling before she gave into temptation and just leapt into my arms, kissing me all over my face as her limbs wrapped around me.

“She’s missed her big brother,” Amy stated. I barely heard her as Katie was busy crying into my ear.

“Missed you too, Katie-bear,” I whispered into her ear, using an old name I’d called her when growing up. Just made her cry even harder. Clearing my throat, I asked, “Where are you guys staying?”

“We’re staying up with the folks in Manchester,” Dad replied, “We’re hoping you’ll come up to visit.”

“Of course. I always make sure I have two weeks off upon returning here. I’m figuring I’ll pop back to my apartment for a day or two, just unwind, then I can certainly drive north.”

Katie finally extricated herself from my body, blushing brightly, which was very cute, before giving Amy a soft kiss on the lips before hugging her. She would be coming with me, as would Hannah and Emma, so we could keep our reunions brief.

I was gasping for a beer, Dad thought a stop at a pub was a grand idea, so we split up into two cars, Dad, Mum and Katie in the hire car, while Hannah and Emma had driven my car, Amy joining us. Getting behind the wheel, I took a moment just to enjoy the normalcy again. Get behind the wheel of a car. Head to a pub and ask for a beer. Drive home to fuck my sister and cousins…

“We’re totally fucking when we get to your place,” Amy stated in a tone that suggested my sister was definitely getting fucked.

“Honestly, you read my fucking mind, Amy. It’s been over nine months, nine fucking months…”

“Our pussies are getting annihilated, aren’t they?” Emma asked excitedly.

“What about Katie?” Hannah wondered, “I mean, you’re already fucking one sister, why not two?”

“She’s engaged,” Amy said. I met her eyes in the rear-view mirror. She smiled before adding, “I’m not sure she’s actually going to go through with it though. She loves him, but… you know…”

There are few things better than that first cold pint back in Blighty after more than half a year in a shithole. Having my cock sucked by a cousin or sister would have made it even better, but I certainly knocked back that pint fast enough that Dad bought me two pints at once. “Someone else is driving,” I stated, “I’m probably going to be rather merry after these two. Haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in ages.”

I was rather quiet as we finished our drinks. I’m sure they all understood. I was probably falling asleep in my chair by the time I’d finished the third pint. When Dad jerked me awake, I almost knocked him flat before I looked around confused for a few seconds, asking who the fuck had taken my weapon. Looking around, I immediately apologised, but he seemed to understand. I was still in that mode. Took a few days to actually relax. Those extra three months… fuck… Heading outside, Mum didn’t want to let me go again, Dad having to practically drag her to the car. Katie took the chance to hug me again.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too, Katie-bear.” That earned me one of those smiles I remembered so well. When I left a soft kiss on her lips, the first time I’d done that ever, the smile spread across her entire face. “I’ll be up north in a couple of days. We’ll catch up properly, just me and you.”

“I’d like that,” she said softly.

Mum got in one final quick hug before getting into the car. “I’ll call every day,” she said.

“That’s fine, Mum. Just don’t call too early, though I’ll probably be awake anyway.”

Within five minutes of Hannah starting up the car and driving, I was fast asleep. Slept all the way home. Hearing the doors open had me wide awake, somehow managing to drag my stuff upstairs. I was ordered into the bathroom, where I was joined by three naked women, who seemed to enjoy soaping up and then washing down a very weary man, feeling far older than his mid-twenties. After drying me then themselves down, they led me to the bedroom, made sure I was under the blankets, the four of them joining me. I don’t remember falling asleep.

I didn’t wake up until mid-morning, first time I hadn’t automatically woken up in years. Guess I really was that drained. Hannah and Emma had disappeared, Amy was awake but snuggled into my side watching me sleep. “You looked peaceful,” she whispered.

“Guess I needed some sleep,” I replied before yawning, “I’m exhausted, Amy. That was a long tour.”

“You won’t be going back soon, right?”

“No. It’s usually at least a year between deployments.”

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