The Naturist – Old Endings New Beginnings by James_Gina

“Wait!” I exclaimed, “you two have been going naked around each other since you were fifteen. Do you have…”

Christy cut me off, “Oooh, no, daddy, we don’t have sex. That would be gross.”

“We’re just naturists, Dad,” Cory injected. “And we kind of taught each other to kiss when we were younger,” said Cory. “But, yeah, I’m with Christy; sex would be gross.”

“And anyway, Cory has Jade now, and I have Ron and Jessie to play with, so sex isn’t an issue for us.”

“Wait!” I exclaimed, “you and your best friend Jessie have sex?”

Christy giggled, “Yes, daddy, your little girl is bi.”

“Oh… well, that’s fine, I guess… I mean, it doesn’t bother me. I just didn’t know, is all,” I retorted.

“Oh no, daddy, I just thought of something. You haven’t had anyone over since mom left. No wonder you got a hard-on seeing me naked. You know Jessie would have sex with you if you want.”

“What, no, why would she want to have sex with an old man. And, I’ve known Jessie since she was two years old. She’s like another daughter to me. Anyway, wouldn’t that be weird having sex with the same person as your dad?”

“Daddy, you’re not old, and anyway, Jessie is kind of a slut, and anyway, she likes older men. AAAND, don’t tell her I told you, but she’s kind of had a crush on you for years. Jessie was so excited when you and mom divorced. She even asked me if I thought she had a chance with you. She teases me all the time about how she’s going to come in here one night and jump you.” Christy giggled.

“You should go for it, dad,” Cory said. “Jessie really loves sex, and maybe if you have sex with her, she’ll stop teasing me every time she’s over.”

“I have a class in a few minutes,” Christy said as she turned and left the room. “Let me know, daddy; I know Jessie will jump at the chance,” she yelled over her shoulder.

The next few days took me a bit of getting used to. Cory and Christy pranced around the house naked except during their online classes. While I had always enjoyed sex, I had been fine without it after my wife left. I had needed to masturbate on occasion over my past year of celibacy; it really wasn’t that often.

While I tried not to think about my daughter that way, she is a beautiful young woman, and she was causing the lack of sex in my life to, let’s say, have a biological effect on me. I would occasionally have to make a quick exit to take care of my needs before returning.

Then on Friday evening, Christy was sitting next to me watching TV; she snuggled up and put her head on my shoulder like she has done hundreds of times. It wasn’t lost on me that this was the first time she had done it when both of us were naked, and my body reacted instantly. I went from entirely soft to completely hard in two or three seconds.

I began to get up, but the movement at my crotch had already caught Christy’s eye. She placed a hand on my chest to stop me and looked up at me.

“Daddy, it’s okay, you don’t have to leave. It used to happen to both Cory and me when we first started getting naked in front of each other. If you just ignore it will go down in a few minutes.”

“But, baby, I shouldn’t be getting hard when you’re around,” I replied.

“Daddy, if were to lay back on this couch right now, spread my legs, and ask you to have sex with me, would you?”

“What! Good heavens no!” I exclaimed.

Christy laid back on the couch, spread her legs, and started running her fingers over her sex. “Come on, daddy, don’t you love me? No one will know; let me take care of you.”

“Baby, no, I can’t do that. I love you more than life. I can’t do that to you; it could destroy our relationship.”

Christy sat back up. “Look at your cock, dad.”

I looked down, and my cock was flaccid again.

“See, your arousal comes from your senses at the base of your brain. It tells our body there is a fertile young woman next to you, prepare to make babies. But your higher brain says, wait, this is my beautiful daughter; I need to protect her, not breed her,” she admonished me.

“How’d you get to be so smart?” I asked.

“Well, if you had asked me yesterday, I would have said, from my dad, but now you’ve got me wondering,” she retorted with a giggle.

I pulled her into a hug, she went back to her cuddle position, and we finished watching our movie.

On Saturday morning, I came down to make breakfast, and Christy was already there standing at the stove in nothing but an apron. She turned and looked at me; I was wearing a pair of shorts; with raised eyebrows, she pointed the spatula at my shorts and motioned them down.

“What,” I protested, “You and Cory typically have your friends here Saturday morning, and I don’t want to gross anyone out.”

“You’re not going to gross anyone out, and you don’t have to worry about our friends. Now off with those or no breakfast,” she responded.

I let out a sigh and just pulled my shorts down and tossed them in the laundry room. “Happy!” Christy just smiled and returned to her cooking. I had just sat down at the counter with my cup of coffee. I started to read some sports news on my tablet when the familiar voice of Jessie piped up behind me.

“Good Morning Chris, Goooood morning, Jeff.”

I spit the coffee in my mouth across the counter. Looked over my shoulder to see Jessie standing there in all her glory. “Jesus, Christy, I thought you said your friends weren’t here.”

“I never said that; I told you you didn’t have to worry about our friends. As you can see, Jessie is a nudist too. So… no worries.”

I look back over my shoulder, and Jessie throws her arms in the air and saunters over to me.

“See anything you like, Jeff? I bet I can find something I like on you,” Jessie says in a very sultry voice.

Jessie embraced me and planted a sensual kiss on my lips while her hands roamed down my chest. I was awestruck at the feeling of her soft hands as she caressed my chest and abdomen. I hadn’t been touched by a woman in over a year. I loved Jessie like she was one of my own children, but she was quickly breaking down my resolve.

Jessie’s hand reached my now-steal-hard cock and ran her fingers lightly over its length. She broke the kiss and whispered, “Ooh, I know I’m gonna like this.” As she now began to stroke my cock.

My trance was momentarily broken by Christy. “Alright, you two take it to the bedroom. I do not want to see my dad fucked in the kitchen.”

“Would you rather come watch us fuck in the bedroom?” came Jessie’s snide retort.

“That’s not what I meant, Jessie, and you know it. Now take it upstairs,” Christy replied.

The trance had been broken, and while the girls played their little game, I was coming to my senses. “Jessie, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I really can’t take advantage of you like this.”

“Take advantage of me,” Jessie responded with mock rage, “I’ve only been dreaming of this moment for years.”

“Daddy, you have been walking around the house for months looking like a man on the edge. You snap at Cory and me for the tiniest little things. Now, take her upstairs and fuck her senseless, or I’m going to do her on the counter right in front of you!”

I was so stunned by the force of Christy’s statement that I didn’t even realize Jessie was pulling me out of the kitchen until my eye contact with Christy was broken. Jessie continued to pull me up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom. We had just made it to the bathroom door as Cory came out and looked at us.

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