The Naturist – Old Endings New Beginnings by James_Gina

“Jess, I couldn’t love you any more even if you were one of my own children. I wasn’t doing anything special; I was just trying to be a good dad. And well, I did notice your parents weren’t around much, so I never wanted you to feel left out.”

“You see, that’s what I mean. You didn’t have to be a good dad, and you certainly didn’t have to do anything for me, but you did. Not because you had to, but because that was your vision of being a good dad and a good man… Please, Jeff, I will make you the happiest man in the world if you let me!”

“Jess… Well, I guess I did say I would do anything, didn’t I,” I answered.

“Yes, you did,” she replied with a little grin, “and you have never gone back on a promise to Christy or me.”

At that moment, we heard some urgent whispering at the door, followed by a scream and four naked bodies falling through the door. Christy was at the bottom of the pile; she just smiled up at us and said, “Breakfast is ready.”

“We’re good,” Jessie responded. “We’ll be down in a few.”

Cory, Ron, Jade, and Christy all scrambled up and out the door. Christy gave me a smile and a wink as she closed the door. Jessie grabbed my hand and pulled for me to join her on the bed. I got on the bed and melted into my young lover’s embrace.

We lay there for a few minutes, just cuddling close until she spoke. “Jeff, you know Christy and I do things together, right?”

“If you mean sexually, yes, I know.”

“Does it bother you… what I mean is would it bother you if we still did? Even if you and I are together too.” She didn’t give me a chance to respond before she continued. “I mean, I know it might seem strange for me to want to still have sex with both of you, but I really love you both. If you want me to choose, I’ll choose to only have sex with you, but I do really love sex with Christy. We’ve just been besties for so long; we know every little spot and every little tease. I just have so much fun when I’m with her. Oh, but don’t worry, I won’t ever cheat on you. I mean, I had sex with her and Ron a few times, but It would only be with Christy from now on. I mean, if she even wants to be with me anymore. I don’t know. Do you think she would still want to be with me when I’m sleeping with her dad? I mean, she has had fantasies about you, and we’ve role-played a few times, but outside of that, she really seems to be grossed out by any type of incest. And earlier, I thought she would smack me for suggesting she suck your cum out of me.”

I finally stuck a finger over her lips to stop her. “I’m sorry, I babble when I’m nervous,” came her muffled response.

“Okay, so no, you being bi doesn’t bother me, and you being with Christy however you need to be doesn’t bother me. If you want a relationship with me, I only ask that you be absolutely and totally upfront with me. If you want or need something different, just talk to me. We will find our solutions together. Can you promise me that?”’

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she shook her head yes, then melted back into my embrace.

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