Vacation By The Lake:3 by Moose5509

After a few minutes of small talk, I grabbed our cooler and we made our way out to the fire pit. While I got the fire going, the girls were sitting to one side very close whispering and giggling like a couple of old friends. As I sat down I heard Abby say to Luna “oh don’t be a wuss, just ask him!”

Luna had had an embarrassed look on her gorgeous face, which was now flushed red no thanks to Abby.

“Ask me what Luna?” I asked.

Looking back and forth between Abby and my self she finally took in a deep sighing breath.

“So Jake, do you have a girlfriend at home?”

I instantly felt a bolt of lightning shoot down my spine which subsequently ended in the top of my cock. I must have taken longer than usually expected to answer.

“Well?” Luna asked

“Awkward…” said Abby.

Me finally coming out of my stuper, I managed to get my mouth to work and stammered out”uh, no I don’t, wh…why do you ask?”

Again Luna and Abby glanced at each other and giggled.

“Because she thinks you’re cute dumbass!” Abby belted out.

I said to Luna, “well I think you’re really hot.”

Abby cutting Luna off said, “of course she is! How could you not?? She’s freaking gorgeous!!

This again made Luna grin and blush six shades of red.

“Well thank you Abby, I think you are very hot and gorgeous yourself.” Said Luna giving me a little wink.

Good summer indeed.

After awhile the hour started growing late and we let the fire burn down into its final stages burnt ash and red smoldering embers. Being an early summer evening, a cool breeze was coming up off the lake, and the girls both let out a bit of a shiver.

“I think it’s time to call it a night. I have to be at the marina to open tomorrow morning.” Said Luna

“Well I guess if you have to go, but I wish you could stay a little longer, but I understand.” I said

“Yeah and I’m getting cold.” Said Abby.

We made our way back up to the house, after unloading the cooler onto the porch we all stepped inside and presumed with our goodbyes. Luna and Abby, who were like old gal pals all night, gave each other a long hug. Again another hug that seemed just a slight bit more intimate than originally intended. Before they separated, Luna turned and whispered something into Abby’s ear. Abby in turn let out a laugh and said simply, “Do it.” Luna gave her another grin and a wink.

“Here I’ll walk you out.” I said to Luna as she took my arm and I lead us out. As we walked to her jeep she said “I really had a good time tonight with you and Abby. It really is nice to get out, I hope we can do it again very soon.”

“Of course we can, it’s been amazing getting to know you so far.” I said.

Deciding to take a shot as we reached her jeep I said, “ I wasn’t kidding earlier either, I really do think you are absolutely gorgeous.”

She simply smiled at me again and pulled me close and said “neither was I.”

She moved in even closer. I could feel her tits push against me through her thin sweatshirt, and I began to wonder if she had anything on underneath, because I could feel her erect nipples push into my chest as I felt her hot breath on my neck.

I looked down as she looked up and me, and then it clicked, I lowered my head to hers and we locked into one of the best kisses I’ve ever had. As my lips touched hers, she locked her into mine and I felt her lips slightly part. I mirrored her movements and then just like that our tongues were dancing together in each other’s mouths. It wasn’t a normal kiss, at least it didn’t feel that way, it felt like the kiss of lovers after a long afternoon session of pure animalistic fucking. I loved it, and I needed more.

Luna pulled away and gave me another smile, I think she must have felt it too. She stared gazing at me for a second.

“Wow, that was better than expected, we will definitely be doing that again soon.” She said, and with that her car door opened, she was in, and then gone and I was stunned. I stood there on the gravel driveway for what felt like an eternity, before floating back into the house light as a feather.

When I went back in the living room, Abby was sitting on the couch in a bathrobe.

“Well that looked like it went extremely well.” She said.

“Were you seriously spying on us? And by the way what did she whisper to you before we went outside?” I asked.

“Of course I was! I told you before I thought that girl was fucking hot, and I meant it! Besides, you’re not too bad yourself. Don’t worry about what she said to me, I have a feeling you’re going to find out soon enough.” She said.

Abby stood up with a devilish little grin on her face, and her eyes locked on mine.

“Besides, we never finished our little game from earlier out on the lake.” She said, and with that her robe fell to the ground around her ankles and I was left looking at a totally naked and turned on hot Abby.

“I told you I wasn’t done with you yet big brother, and it’s my turn again.” She said as she took me by the hand and walked upstairs to where the bedrooms were.

As soon as her robe hit the floor, I could feel all of my supply of blood rush straight to my cock and press against the teeth of my jeans, since I don’t see a practical use for underwear. As she lead me up the stairs, her bare naked round ass was completely at eye level, not that that much mattered because I couldn’t focus on anything else anyway. She really does have an amazing ass. I knew she was already ready to go because with each step up she took, I could hear the slightest moist little clicking sound coming from the lips of her pussy as she moved, also because the smell of her sex was wafting right back into my face which was intoxicating once again. At this point I thought my penis would surely burst through the front of my jeans, or I would pass out from the lack of blood to my head, whichever came first.

As we reached the open door of Abby’s room she suddenly turned and looked at me.

“Jake, you are my brother, and I love you more than anyone in the world, and you are going to be my first.” She said.

That was it, I was spinning, at that point I’m not sure who wanted who more. Still leading by the hand she pulled me into the bedroom. As we reached the foot of her bed she turned back around and in one motion locked her lips on mine. Both of our tongues instantly shot out to great each other’s as if shaking the hand of an old friend. My hands instinctively started roaming her bare naked body, her smooth silky skin felt almost hot to the touch, it was amazing.

Abby broke away briefly enough to pull my shirt up over my head and throw it across the room before I pulled her back in against me. Her amazing full tits mashed into the top of my stomach just below my chest. She must have been as excited with anticipation as I was, because as soon as our skin touched I could feel her nipples come to full hardness.

Without pulling away this time, I felt Abby’s body separate from mine, and then her hands on by belt frantically undoing it trying to free the constrains of my pants. She must have also been very nervous or at least very excited because her hands we shaking so much she was having trouble with the clasp. I reached down and gave some assistants and as soon as it was free I felt my belt come screaming out of every loop on my jeans like when you were in trouble as a kid and your dad was marching down the hall towards your room.


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