My Wife Goes to a Women Only Party by GarySmith69

My wife did organise a “party” at the hotel. It was just for the husbands and boyfriends or the women who attended their party. Nothing happened except a group of men drinking and watching Football, Susan’s husband and myself were there. Yes we watched Football yes we all drank a few beers. The only woman there was my wife who kindly volunteered to drive Andrew and me home

My wife did hint at work that a few single women were there too and they may or may not have “entertained” us men.

Apparently the wives and girlfriends who have stayed in their relationships are doing everything they can to persuade the husbands and boyfriends not to use the passes.

The End.


(Writer’s note: I am sure many readers will complain about this story being in the m LW category, just because the “Wife” didn’t actually cheat. But I will maintain there is scope in LW stories for a couple to have sexy fun, for a wife to be described as a “Hot” looking wife. And in the LW category I think there is scope for a non cheating non cuckolding couple who can enjoy themselves without swapping or Sharing or having an open marriage. Sorry if this disappoints certain readers with certain kinks and fetishes.)

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